69.6  12.1    .6  Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad goRAW (18397)
 6.2   6.2   6.2  Data.List.Extra split (66520127)
 5.5   4.8    .1  Distribution.Fields.Parser mkLexState' (315516)
 4.2   4.1   4.1  Development.Shake.Internal.FilePattern match (14566365)
 4.5   3.2     -  Distribution.Compat.Exception catchIO (0)
 3.1   3.1   3.1  Data.Hashable.Class hashPtrWithSalt (149800)
 3.0   2.9    .4  Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Rules getUserRuleInternal (8089)
99.7   2.4     -  Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Run withInit (2)
 2.4   2.3    .7  Data.Hashable.Class liftHashWithSalt (546684)
 3.6   2.1     -  Development.Shake.Command commandExplicitIO (3016)
 2.1   2.1     -  Hadrian.Utilities unifyPath (0)
 1.8   1.8    .2  Data.ByteString.UTF8 fromString (119870)
 4.3   1.6    .2  Distribution.Parsec satisfy (0)
 8.9   1.4   1.4  Control.Concurrent.Extra withLock (211444)
 4.6   1.4     -  Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.File fileStoredValue (8566)
 4.4   1.3    .1  Data.HashMap.Base lookup (787964)
 1.3   1.3    .9  Distribution.Parsec.FieldLineStream uncons (3410406)
 1.3   1.1     -  Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Database getKeyValues (323)
 1.6   1.1   1.1  Distribution.SPDX.LicenseId get (0)
24.1   1.0     -  Distribution.Simple defaultMainWithHooksNoReadArgs (0)
 4.0   1.0    .1  Data.Hashable.Class hashWithSalt (319408)
 1.0   1.0    .4  Distribution.Simple.Utils rawSystemStdInOut (1477)
 2.6   1.0     -  Development.Shake.Internal.FileName fileNameFromString (0)
 2.4   1.0    .1  Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.File root (0)
 1.4    .9     -  General.Process withTimeout (2731)

69.6  12.1    .6  Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad goRAW (18397)
26.3   4.1    .4    Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad goRAW.flush (4548043)
24.4   3.4    .6      Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad goRAW.go (0)
22.2   2.8    .7        Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad goRAW.go.\ (1026871)
18.0   1.5    .2          Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad goRAW.sio (355781)
16.9    .8    .2            Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad goRAW.go.\.\ (1053026)
 6.9    .6     -              Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Types (239)
 6.9    .6     -                Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Types globalBuild (217)
 6.9    .6    .6                  Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Build applyKeyValue (217)
 5.2     -     -                    Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Database runLocked (95763)
  .5     -     -                    General.Wait runWait (0)
  .3     -     -                    Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Database mkId (151634)
  .2     -     -                    Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Build applyKeyValue.\ (96926)
  .1     -     -                      Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Database runLocked (6607)
   -     -     -                      General.Wait fromLater (10487)
   -     -     -                      Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Build applyKeyValue.\.\ (72)
   -     -     -                        General.Pool addPool (72)
  .2     -     -                    Development.Shake.Internal.Value rnf (154677)
   -     -     -                    Control.Monad.Extra whenJust (93582)
   -     -     -                    Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Database getKeyValueFromId (82607)
   -     -     -                    Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Types addDiscount (13755)
   -     -     -                    Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Build applyKeyValue.stack (6260)
   -     -     -                General.Extra unconcat (9395)
   -     -     -                  General.Extra unconcat.(...) (7895)
 4.8     -     -              Utilities buildWithResources (2436)
 2.4     -     -              Hadrian.Haskell.Cabal.Parse configurePackage (0)
 1.2     -     -              Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.File need (0)
  .3     -     -              Rules.Compile needDependencies (0)
  .3     -     -              Rules.Generate genPrimopCode (0)
  .2     -     -              Rules.Generate generatePackageCode.\ (0)
  .2     -     -                Utilities build (0)
  .1     -     -              Rules.Dependencies buildPackageDependencies (0)
  .1     -     -              Rules oracleRules (0)
  .1     -     -              Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Run withInit.\ (0)
  .1     -     -                Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Run open.\ (0)
  .1     -     -                  Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Rules runRules (0)
  .1     -     -              Hadrian.Utilities putProgressInfo (3262)
  .1     -     -                Hadrian.Utilities putBuild (3254)
  .1     -     -              Rules.Library libraryRules (0)
  .1     -     -              Development.Shake.Util parseMakefile (0)
   -     -     -              Rules.Libffi libffiRules (0)
   -     -     -              Data.HashMap.Strict fromList (58)
   -     -     -              Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Action producesCheck (0)
   -     -     -                Control.Monad.Extra notM (0)
   -     -     -                General.Extra doesFileExist_ (327)
   -     -     -              Packages programName (0)
   -     -     -              Settings.Builders.Common cIncludeArgs (0)
   -     -     -              Settings.Warnings defaultGhcWarningsArgs (0)
   -     -     -              Rules.Register registerPackageRules.\ (0)
   -     -     -                Rules.Register copyConf (0)
   -     -     -                  Utilities buildWithResources (0)
   -     -     -                Rules.Register buildConf (0)
   -     -     -                  Hadrian.Haskell.Cabal.Parse registerPackage (0)
   -     -     -                    Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Action traced (0)
   -     -     -                  Hadrian.Haskell.Cabal.Parse copyPackage (0)
   -     -     -                    Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Action traced (0)
   -     -     -              Settings flavour.tweak (12649)
   -     -     -                Settings flavour.(...) (0)
   -     -     -                  Settings applySettings (0)
   -     -     -              Rules.Register registerPackages (15)
   -     -     -                Context pkgRegisteredLibraryFile (147)
   -     -     -                  Context pkgFileName (155)
   -     -     -                  Hadrian.Utilities -/- (463)
   -     -     -              Settings flavour.(...) (12646)
   -     -     -                Settings applySettings (12632)
   -     -     -              Settings.Packages rtsPackageArgs (0)
   -     -     -              Rules.Generate generateRules (0)
   -     -     -              Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Action newCacheIO.\.\.\ (2258)
   -     -     -              Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.Default defaultRules (0)
   -     -     -              Builder runtimeDependencies (0)
   -     -     -              Rules.Library needLibrary (0)
   -     -     -              Settings.Builders.Common cWarnings (0)
   -     -     -              Settings.Builders.Hsc2Hs hsc2hsBuilderArgs (0)
  .9    .5    .5            Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad goRAW.go.\ (0)
  .4     -     -              Hadrian.Oracles.TextFile textFileOracle (0)
   -     -     -              Hadrian.Oracles.TextFile lookupValue (0)
   -     -     -              Hadrian.Oracles.Cabal readContextData (0)
   -     -     -              Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Types localVerbosity (19682)
   -     -     -              Settings.Builders.Common cIncludeArgs (0)
   -     -     -              Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad goRAW.go.\.\ (0)
   -     -     -              Hadrian.Oracles.Cabal readPackageData (0)
   -     -     -              Settings.Packages speedHack (0)
   -     -     -                Oracles.Setting anyTargetArch (0)
   -     -     -                  Oracles.Setting matchSetting (0)
 2.6    .3     -          Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad goRAW.go.\ (0)
 2.0    .2    .1            Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad goRAW.sio (0)
 1.9    .1    .1              Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad goRAW.go.\.\ (575826)
 1.0     -     -                Utilities buildWithResources (0)
  .2     -     -                Rules.Compile needDependencies (0)
  .2     -     -                Hadrian.Utilities buildRoot (0)
  .2     -     -                  Hadrian.Utilities userSetting (0)
  .1     -     -                Rules oracleRules (0)
  .1     -     -                Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Types (0)
  .1     -     -                  Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Types globalBuild (0)
  .1     -     -                    Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Build applyKeyValue (0)
  .1     -     -                      Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Database runLocked (0)
   -     -     -                CommandLine cmdLineArgs (0)
   -     -     -                  Hadrian.Utilities userSetting (0)
   -     -     -                Settings flavour (0)
   -     -     -                  Hadrian.Utilities userSetting (0)
   -     -     -                Rules.Generate generatePackageCode.\ (0)
   -     -     -                  Utilities build (0)
   -     -     -                Rules.Dependencies buildPackageDependencies (0)
   -     -     -                Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Run withInit.\ (0)
   -     -     -                  Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Run open.\ (0)
   -     -     -                    Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Rules runRules (0)
   -     -     -                Flavour name (108808)
   -     -     -                Hadrian.Utilities putBuild (0)
   -     -     -                Rules.Library libraryRules (0)
   -     -     -                Hadrian.Utilities putProgressInfo (0)
   -     -     -                  Hadrian.Utilities userSetting (0)
   -     -     -                  Hadrian.Utilities putBuild (0)
   -     -     -                Hadrian.Utilities -/- (8258)
   -     -     -                Builder runtimeDependencies (0)
   -     -     -                Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.Directory getDirectoryFilesIO (6)
   -     -     -                Hadrian.Utilities renderAction (0)
   -     -     -                Rules.Generate genPrimopCode (0)
   -     -     -                Hadrian.Haskell.Cabal.Parse configurePackage (0)
   -     -     -                Hadrian.Oracles.TextFile lookupDependencies (0)
  .6    .1    .1            Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad goRAW.go.\.\ (89)
  .4     -     -              Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad goRAW.go.\ (0)
  .4     -     -                Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad goRAW.sio (0)
  .4     -     -                  Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad goRAW.go.\.\ (8542)
  .2     -     -                    Rules.Generate genPrimopCode (0)
  .1     -     -                    Utilities buildWithResources (0)
   -     -     -                    Rules.Dependencies buildPackageDependencies (0)
   -     -     -                    Rules.Library libraryRules (0)
   -     -     -                    Rules.Compile needDependencies (0)
   -     -     -                    Rules.Register registerPackages (0)
   -     -     -                      Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.File need (0)
   -     -     -                    Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Run withInit.\ (0)
   -     -     -                      Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Run open.\ (0)
   -     -     -                        Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Rules runRules (0)
   -     -     -                    Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Types (0)
   -     -     -                      Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Types globalBuild (0)
   -     -     -                        Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Build applyKeyValue (0)
   -     -     -                          Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Database runLocked (0)
   -     -     -                    Rules oracleRules (0)
   -     -     -                    Rules.Generate generatePackageCode.\ (0)
   -     -     -                      Utilities build (0)
   -     -     -                    Hadrian.Haskell.Cabal.Parse configurePackage (0)
   -     -     -              Settings.Default defaultBuilderArgs (0)
   -     -     -              Settings.Builders.Ghc ghcBuilderArgs (0)
   -     -     -              Settings.Flavours.Quickest quickestArgs (0)
   -     -     -              Settings.Packages rtsWarnings (0)
   -     -     -              Settings.Warnings defaultGhcWarningsArgs (0)
  .6    .2    .1          Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad goRAW.go.\.\ (24052)
  .5    .1    .1            Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad goRAW.go.\ (0)
  .3    .1     -              Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad goRAW.go.\ (0)
  .3    .1     -                Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad goRAW.sio (0)
  .3    .1     -                  Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad goRAW.go.\.\ (110858)
  .1     -     -                    Rules oracleRules (0)
   -     -     -                    Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Types (0)
   -     -     -                      General.Extra unconcat (76500)
   -     -     -                        General.Extra unconcat.(...) (50194)
   -     -     -                        General.Extra unconcat.b1 (49976)
   -     -     -                      Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Types globalBuild (0)
   -     -     -                        Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Build applyKeyValue (0)
   -     -     -                          Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Database runLocked (0)
   -     -     -                    Rules.Generate generatePackageCode.\ (0)
   -     -     -                      Utilities build (0)
   -     -     -                    Utilities buildWithResources (0)
   -     -     -                Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad goRAW.go.\.\ (0)
   -     -     -                  Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad goRAW.go.\ (0)
   -     -     -                    Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad goRAW.sio (0)
   -     -     -                      Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad goRAW.go.\.\ (0)
   -     -     -                        Rules.Generate genPrimopCode (0)
  .1     -     -              Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad goRAW.sio (0)
  .1     -     -                Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad goRAW.go.\.\ (23389)
   -     -     -                  Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.Default defaultRules (0)
   -     -     -                  Rules.Library libraryRules (0)
   -     -     -                  Utilities buildWithResources (0)
   -     -     -                  Builder runtimeDependencies (0)
   -     -     -                  Hadrian.Haskell.Cabal.Parse parsePackageData.sorted (46)
   -     -     -                    Distribution.Types.PackageName unPackageName (252)
   -     -     -                  Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Run withInit.\ (0)
   -     -     -                    Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Run open.\ (0)
   -     -     -                      Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Rules runRules (0)
   -     -     -                  Hadrian.Haskell.Cabal.Parse parsePackageData.allDeps (46)
   -     -     -                  Hadrian.Haskell.Cabal.Parse parsePackageData.depPkgs (46)
   -     -     -                    Settings findPackageByName (250)
   -     -     -                      Settings findPackageByName.\ (3809)
   -     -     -                        Hadrian.Package pkgName (3809)
   -     -     -                  Hadrian.Haskell.Cabal.Parse parsePackageData.deps (46)
   -     -     -                    Data.List.Extra nubOrd (46)
  .1     -     -              Rules oracleRules (0)
   -     -     -              Hadrian.Oracles.TextFile lookupValue (0)
   -     -     -              Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad goRAW.go.\.\ (0)
   -     -     -                Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad goRAW.go.\ (0)
   -     -     -                  Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad goRAW.go.\ (0)
   -     -     -                    Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad goRAW.sio (0)
   -     -     -                      Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad goRAW.go.\.\ (0)
   -     -     -                        Utilities buildWithResources (0)
   -     -     -              Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.Directory doesDirectoryExist (0)
  .1     -     -          Settings.Flavours.Common naturalInBaseFixArgs (0)
   -     -     -          Hadrian.Package == (91645)
   -     -     -          Settings.Packages packageArgs (0)
   -     -     -          Utilities buildWithResources (0)
   -     -     -          Settings.Packages rtsPackageArgs (0)
   -     -     -          Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Types globalOptions (99352)
   -     -     -          Development.Shake.Internal.Options shakeExtra (89673)
   -     -     -          Hadrian.Utilities -/- (10690)
   -     -     -          Settings.Builders.Ghc packageGhcArgs (0)
   -     -     -          Settings.Builders.Ghc compileAndLinkHs (0)
   -     -     -          Context.Type stage (39023)
   -     -     -          Rules.Compile compilePackage (0)
   -     -     -          Builder == (50707)
   -     -     -          CommandLine flavour (12628)
   -     -     -          Hadrian.Package compare (37278)
   -     -     -          Hadrian.Oracles.TextFile lookupValues (0)
   -     -     -          Settings.Default defaultBuilderArgs (0)
   -     -     -          Context.Type package (106358)
   -     -     -          Context.Type way (6166)
   -     -     -          Builder runtimeDependencies (0)
   -     -     -          Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.Directory doesDirectoryExist (0)
   -     -     -          Hadrian.Oracles.TextFile lookupValue (0)
   -     -     -          Oracles.ModuleFiles findGenerator (0)
   -     -     -          Settings.Builders.Ghc commonGhcArgs (0)
   -     -     -          Settings.Builders.Ghc ghcBuilderArgs (0)
   -     -     -          Settings.Default stage1Packages (0)
   -     -     -          Stage == (13782)
 1.1     -     -        Rules.Compile compilePackage (0)
  .2     -     -        System.Time.Extra offsetTime (0)
  .1     -     -        Rules oracleRules (0)
  .1     -     -        Rules.Dependencies buildPackageDependencies (0)
   -     -     -        Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Run withInit.\ (0)
   -     -     -          Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Run open.\ (0)
   -     -     -            Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Rules runRules (0)
   -     -     -        Rules.Libffi libffiRules (0)
   -     -     -        Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Run run.\.\ (0)
   -     -     -          System.Time.Extra offsetTime (0)
   -     -     -        Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad addStep (91834)
   -     -     -        Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad assertOnce (9075)
   -     -     -        Rules.Rts rtsRules (0)
   -     -     -        System.IO.Extra newTempFile (0)
   -     -     -        Rules.Generate generateGhcAutoconfH (0)
   -     -     -        Rules.Generate generatePackageCode.\ (0)
   -     -     -          Hadrian.Utilities copyFile (0)
   -     -     -        Rules.Generate generatePackageCode.go (0)
   -     -     -          Rules.Generate generate (0)
  .7    .3     -      Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad goRAW.go.\ (9370)
  .7    .3     -        Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad goRAW.sio (9368)
  .7    .3     -          Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad goRAW.go.\.\ (9361)
  .7    .3    .1            Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Types (75819)
  .5    .1     -              Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Types globalBuild (75795)
  .5    .1    .1                Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Build applyKeyValue (75770)
  .2     -     -                  Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Database runLocked (3588)
  .2     -     -                  Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Build applyKeyValue.\ (6854)
  .1     -     -                    Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Build applyKeyValue.\.\ (6961)
  .1     -     -                      General.Pool addPool (6961)
   -     -     -                      Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad goRAW.\ (0)
   -     -     -                        Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad goRAW.go (0)
   -     -     -                          Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad goRAW.go.\ (6949)
   -     -     -                    General.Wait fromLater (0)
   -     -     -                    Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Database runLocked (0)
   -     -     -                  Development.Shake.Internal.Value rnf (20513)
   -     -     -                  Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Database getKeyValueFromId (10948)
   -     -     -                  Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Database mkId (20523)
   -     -     -                  Control.Monad.Extra whenJust (2549)
   -     -     -              Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Types (74821)
   -     -     -              General.Extra unconcat (12165)
   -     -     -                General.Extra unconcat.(...) (6788)
   -     -     -            Rules oracleRules (0)
   -     -     -            Utilities buildWithResources (0)
  .6     -     -      Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad goRAW.\ (0)
  .6     -     -        Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad goRAW.\.\ (0)
  .6     -     -          Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad goRAW.sio (2170)
  .5     -     -            Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad goRAW.go.\.\ (2170)
  .5     -     -              Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Types (0)
  .5     -     -                Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Types globalBuild (0)
  .5     -     -                  Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Build applyKeyValue (0)
  .5     -     -                    Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Database runLocked (6594)
   -     -     -                    Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Build applyKeyValue.\ (0)
   -     -     -                      Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Build applyKeyValue.\.\ (2144)
   -     -     -                        General.Pool addPool (2144)
   -     -     -                        Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad goRAW.go (0)
   -     -     -                          Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad goRAW.go.\ (2144)
   -     -     -                      Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Database runLocked (0)
   -     -     -                    General.Wait runWait (0)
   -     -     -            Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad runRAW.\ (9961)
   -     -     -              Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad goRAW.go.\.\ (0)
   -     -     -                Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Types (0)
   -     -     -                  Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Types globalBuild (0)
   -     -     -                    Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Build applyKeyValue (0)
   -     -     -                      Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Database runLocked (2297)
   -     -     -                      General.Wait runWait (0)
   -     -     -        Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad goRAW.go (0)
   -     -     -          Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad goRAW.go.\ (0)
   -     -     -            Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad goRAW.sio (0)
   -     -     -              Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad goRAW.go.\.\ (15027)
   -     -     -                Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Types (0)
   -     -     -                  Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Types globalBuild (0)
   -     -     -                    Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Build applyKeyValue (0)
   -     -     -                      Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Build applyKeyValue.\ (0)
   -     -     -                        Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Build applyKeyValue.\.\ (0)
   -     -     -                          Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad goRAW.go.\ (0)
   -     -     -                      Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Database runLocked (0)
   -     -     -            Oracles.ModuleFiles moduleFilesOracle (0)
  .2     -     -      Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad flushSteps (2573092)
21.7   3.3     -    Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad goRAW.\ (18389)
21.7   3.3    .5      Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad goRAW.go (85864)
12.1    .9    .1        Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad goRAW.flush (0)
11.4    .8     -          Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad goRAW.go.\ (0)
11.4    .8    .1            Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad goRAW.sio (0)
11.1    .5    .1              Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad goRAW.go.\.\ (281197)
 5.9     -     -                Hadrian.Haskell.Cabal.Parse configurePackage (0)
 4.0    .4     -                Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Types (15969)
 4.0    .4     -                  Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Types globalBuild (16010)
 4.0    .4    .4                    Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Build applyKeyValue (15997)
 1.8     -     -                      Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Database mkId (0)
 1.7     -     -                      Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Database runLocked (80540)
  .2     -     -                      Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Build applyKeyValue.\ (88250)
  .1     -     -                        Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Database runLocked (8012)
   -     -     -                        General.Wait fromLater (13685)
   -     -     -                        Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Build applyKeyValue.\.\ (142)
   -     -     -                          General.Pool addPool (142)
   -     -     -                      Control.Monad.Extra whenJust (77291)
   -     -     -                      Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Database getKeyValueFromId (0)
   -     -     -                      Development.Shake.Internal.Value rnf (2557)
   -     -     -                      Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Build applyKeyValue.stack (7556)
   -     -     -                      General.Wait runWait (8)
   -     -     -                  Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Types (13377)
  .9     -     -                Hadrian.Haskell.Cabal.Parse buildAutogenFiles (0)
  .9     -     -                  Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Action traced (63)
  .1     -     -                Rules oracleRules (0)
   -     -     -                Settings.Warnings defaultGhcWarningsArgs (0)
   -     -     -                Rules.Compile needDependencies (0)
   -     -     -                Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.Default defaultRules (0)
   -     -     -                Packages libffiLibraryName (0)
   -     -     -                Settings.Builders.Common cIncludeArgs (0)
   -     -     -                Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Run withInit.\ (0)
   -     -     -                  Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Run open.\ (0)
   -     -     -                    Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Rules runRules (0)
   -     -     -                Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.Oracle addOracleFlavor (0)
   -     -     -                Packages programName (0)
   -     -     -                Rules.Library libraryRules (0)
   -     -     -                Settings.Builders.Cabal cabalBuilderArgs (0)
   -     -     -                Settings.Builders.DeriveConstants deriveConstantsBuilderArgs (0)
   -     -     -                Settings.Default stage1Packages (0)
  .3    .2    .2              Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad goRAW.go.\ (0)
   -     -     -                Hadrian.Oracles.TextFile lookupValue (0)
   -     -     -                Hadrian.Oracles.Cabal readContextData (0)
   -     -     -                Hadrian.Oracles.Cabal readPackageData (0)
   -     -     -                Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Types localVerbosity (10085)
   -     -     -                Hadrian.Oracles.Path lookupInPath (0)
   -     -     -                Packages libffiLibraryName (0)
   -     -     -                Settings.Packages speedHack (0)
   -     -     -                  Oracles.Setting anyTargetArch (0)
   -     -     -                    Oracles.Setting matchSetting (0)
   -     -     -                Settings.Warnings defaultGhcWarningsArgs (0)
  .4     -     -          Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad goRAW.\.\ (0)
  .4     -     -            Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad goRAW.sio (0)
  .3     -     -              Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad goRAW.go.\.\ (0)
  .3     -     -                Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Types (0)
  .3     -     -                  Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Types globalBuild (0)
  .3     -     -                    Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Build applyKeyValue (0)
  .3     -     -                      Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Database runLocked (6783)
   -     -     -                      Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Build applyKeyValue.\ (0)
   -     -     -                        Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Build applyKeyValue.\.\ (708)
   -     -     -                          General.Pool addPool (590)
   -     -     -                          Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad goRAW.go.\ (708)
   -     -     -                        General.Wait fromLater (0)
   -     -     -                        Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Database runLocked (0)
   -     -     -                      General.Wait runWait (0)
   -     -     -                      Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Database getKeyValueFromId (0)
   -     -     -              Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad runRAW.\ (8027)
   -     -     -                Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad goRAW.go.\.\ (0)
   -     -     -                  Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Types (0)
   -     -     -                    Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Types globalBuild (0)
   -     -     -                      Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Build applyKeyValue (0)
   -     -     -                        Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Database runLocked (986)
   -     -     -                Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad flushSteps (0)
   -     -     -              Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad goRAW.go.\ (0)
   -     -     -                Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad goRAW.go.\.\ (0)
   -     -     -                  Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad goRAW.go.\ (0)
  .2     -     -          Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad flushSteps (828272)
 9.0   1.8    .6        Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad goRAW.go.\ (873695)
 4.3    .6    .1          Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad goRAW.sio (334713)
 4.1    .4    .1            Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad goRAW.go.\.\ (640455)
 1.6     -     -              Rules oracleRules (0)
 1.1    .3     -              Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Types (66879)
 1.1    .3     -                Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Types globalBuild (66995)
 1.0    .3    .2                  Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Build applyKeyValue (66935)
  .5     -     -                    Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Database runLocked (105)
  .2     -     -                    Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Build applyKeyValue.\ (1413)
  .1     -     -                      Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Build applyKeyValue.\.\ (4431)
  .1     -     -                        General.Pool addPool (4188)
   -     -     -                        Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad goRAW.go.\ (0)
   -     -     -                      Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Database runLocked (0)
   -     -     -                      General.Wait fromLater (0)
  .1     -     -                    Development.Shake.Internal.Value rnf (71580)
   -     -     -                    General.Wait runWait (69)
   -     -     -                    Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Database mkId (83363)
   -     -     -                    Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Database getKeyValueFromId (80237)
   -     -     -                Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Types (64981)
   -     -     -                General.Extra unconcat (613)
   -     -     -                  General.Extra unconcat.b1 (441)
 1.1     -     -              Distribution.Simple.GHC configure (63)
  .2     -     -              Rules.Library libraryRules (0)
   -     -     -              Rules.Compile needDependencies (2)
   -     -     -              Hadrian.Haskell.Cabal.Parse configurePackage (63)
   -     -     -              Settings flavour.tweak (14430)
   -     -     -                Settings flavour.(...) (0)
   -     -     -                  Settings applySettings (0)
   -     -     -              Rules.Register configurePackageRules.\.pkg (116)
   -     -     -                Settings unsafeFindPackageByPath (116)
   -     -     -              Settings flavour.(...) (13719)
   -     -     -                Settings applySettings (13718)
   -     -     -              Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Run withInit.\ (0)
   -     -     -                Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Run open.\ (0)
   -     -     -                  Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Rules runRules (0)
   -     -     -              Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.Oracle addOracleFlavor (0)
   -     -     -              Flavour integerLibrary (6211)
   -     -     -              Rules.Generate generateRules (0)
   -     -     -              Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.Default defaultRules (0)
   -     -     -              Rules.Generate genPrimopCode (0)
   -     -     -              Rules.Generate generatePackageCode.\ (0)
   -     -     -                Utilities build (0)
   -     -     -              Settings.Builders.Cabal cabalBuilderArgs (0)
  .1    .1    .1            Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad goRAW.flush (0)
   -     -     -              Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad flushSteps (620130)
   -     -     -              Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad goRAW.go.\.\ (10449)
 3.5    .4     -          Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad goRAW.go.\ (0)
 1.8    .1    .1            Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad goRAW.go.\.\ (125)
 1.6     -     -              Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad goRAW.go.\ (0)
 1.6     -     -                Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad goRAW.sio (0)
 1.6     -     -                  Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad goRAW.go.\.\ (7299)
 1.5     -     -                    Rules oracleRules (0)
  .1     -     -                    Rules.Library libraryRules (0)
   -     -     -                    Hadrian.Haskell.Cabal.Parse configurePackage (0)
   -     -     -                    Data.HashMap.Strict fromList (16)
   -     -     -                    Rules.Program buildProgramRules (0)
   -     -     -                  Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad goRAW.flush (0)
   -     -     -              Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad goRAW.flush (0)
   -     -     -                Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad goRAW.go.\ (0)
   -     -     -                  Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad goRAW.sio (0)
   -     -     -                    Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad goRAW.go.\.\ (0)
   -     -     -                      Rules oracleRules (0)
   -     -     -                      Rules.Compile needDependencies (0)
   -     -     -              Settings.Builders.Ghc ghcBuilderArgs (0)
   -     -     -              Settings.Default defaultBuilderArgs (0)
   -     -     -              Settings.Flavours.Quickest quickestArgs (0)
   -     -     -              Settings.Builders.Ghc compileAndLinkHs (0)
   -     -     -              Settings.Packages rtsWarnings (0)
   -     -     -              Settings.Warnings defaultGhcWarningsArgs (0)
   -     -     -              Settings.Builders.GhcPkg ghcPkgBuilderArgs (0)
   -     -     -              Settings.Packages packageArgs (0)
 1.7    .2    .1            Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad goRAW.sio (0)
 1.6    .1    .1              Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad goRAW.go.\.\ (580251)
 1.1     -     -                Rules oracleRules (0)
  .1     -     -                Hadrian.Utilities buildRoot (0)
  .1     -     -                  Hadrian.Utilities userSetting (0)
  .1     -     -                CommandLine cmdLineArgs (0)
  .1     -     -                  Hadrian.Utilities userSetting (0)
  .1     -     -                Rules.Compile needDependencies (290)
   -     -     -                Settings flavour (0)
   -     -     -                  Hadrian.Utilities userSetting (0)
   -     -     -                Rules.Library libraryRules (0)
   -     -     -                Flavour name (115434)
   -     -     -                Hadrian.Haskell.Cabal.Parse configurePackage (0)
   -     -     -                Utilities buildWithResources (290)
   -     -     -                Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Types (0)
   -     -     -                  Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Types globalBuild (0)
   -     -     -                    Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Build applyKeyValue (0)
   -     -     -                      Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Database runLocked (0)
   -     -     -                Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.File need (0)
   -     -     -                Hadrian.Oracles.TextFile lookupDependencies (2399)
   -     -     -                Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.Directory getDirectoryFilesIO (18)
   -     -     -                Rules.Compile obj2src (0)
   -     -     -                Hadrian.Utilities -/- (2470)
   -     -     -                Rules.Generate genPrimopCode (0)
   -     -     -                Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Run withInit.\ (0)
   -     -     -                  Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Run open.\ (0)
   -     -     -                    Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Rules runRules (0)
   -     -     -                Hadrian.Haskell.Cabal.Parse buildAutogenFiles (0)
   -     -     -                  Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.File need (0)
   -     -     -                  Distribution.Simple.Configure getPersistBuildConfig (0)
   -     -     -                Hadrian.Utilities putProgressInfo (0)
   -     -     -                  Hadrian.Utilities userSetting (0)
   -     -     -                Hadrian.Utilities putBuild (0)
  .1    .1    .1              Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad goRAW.flush (0)
   -     -     -                Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad flushSteps (548143)
   -     -     -              Rules oracleRules (0)
  .4    .2    .1          Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad goRAW.go.\.\ (17059)
  .3    .1     -            Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad goRAW.go.\ (0)
  .2    .1     -              Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad goRAW.go.\ (0)
  .2    .1     -                Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad goRAW.sio (0)
  .2    .1     -                  Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad goRAW.go.\.\ (77344)
  .1     -     -                    Rules oracleRules (0)
  .1    .1     -                    Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Types (0)
   -     -     -                      General.Extra unconcat (63057)
   -     -     -                        General.Extra unconcat.(...) (46347)
   -     -     -                        General.Extra unconcat.b1 (46159)
   -     -     -                    Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad goRAW.flush (0)
   -     -     -                  Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad goRAW.flush (0)
   -     -     -                    Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad flushSteps (73876)
   -     -     -              Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad goRAW.flush (0)
   -     -     -                Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad flushSteps (0)
   -     -     -                Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad goRAW.go.\ (0)
   -     -     -                  Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad goRAW.sio (0)
   -     -     -                    Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad goRAW.go.\.\ (0)
   -     -     -                      Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Types (0)
   -     -     -                        General.Extra unconcat (1526)
   -     -     -                          General.Extra unconcat.(...) (691)
   -     -     -              Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad goRAW.go.\.\ (0)
   -     -     -                Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad goRAW.go.\ (0)
   -     -     -                  Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad goRAW.go.\ (0)
   -     -     -                    Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad goRAW.sio (0)
   -     -     -                      Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad goRAW.go.\.\ (0)
   -     -     -                        Rules oracleRules (0)
   -     -     -                        Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Types (0)
   -     -     -                          Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Types globalBuild (0)
   -     -     -                            Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Build applyKeyValue (0)
   -     -     -                              Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Database runLocked (0)
   -     -     -              Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad goRAW.sio (0)
   -     -     -                Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad goRAW.go.\.\ (7659)
   -     -     -                  Rules oracleRules (0)
   -     -     -                Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad goRAW.flush (0)
   -     -     -              Hadrian.Oracles.TextFile lookupValue (0)
   -     -     -              Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad addStep (0)
   -     -     -              Rules oracleRules (0)
   -     -     -              Settings.Builders.Hsc2Hs hsc2hsBuilderArgs (0)
   -     -     -              Settings.Builders.Ghc compileAndLinkHs (0)
   -     -     -          Settings.Flavours.Common naturalInBaseFixArgs (0)
   -     -     -          Settings.Packages rtsPackageArgs (0)
   -     -     -          Hadrian.Package == (96362)
   -     -     -          Settings.Builders.Ghc packageGhcArgs (0)
   -     -     -          Builder == (54661)
   -     -     -          Settings.Packages packageArgs (0)
   -     -     -          Development.Shake.Internal.Options shakeExtra (63079)
   -     -     -          Settings.Builders.Ghc compileAndLinkHs (0)
   -     -     -          Settings.Builders.GenPrimopCode genPrimopCodeBuilderArgs (0)
   -     -     -          Context.Type stage (40631)
   -     -     -          Context.Type package (111333)
   -     -     -          Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Types globalOptions (61128)
   -     -     -          CommandLine flavour (13727)
   -     -     -          Settings.Builders.Ghc compileC (0)
   -     -     -          Context.Type way (6321)
   -     -     -          Hadrian.Utilities -/- (617)
   -     -     -          Settings.Default defaultBuilderArgs (0)
   -     -     -          Context.Path contextPath (0)
   -     -     -          Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad goRAW.flush (0)
   -     -     -            Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad goRAW.go.\ (0)
   -     -     -              Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad goRAW.sio (0)
   -     -     -                Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad goRAW.go.\.\ (0)
   -     -     -                  Rules oracleRules (0)
   -     -     -          Hadrian.Package isLibrary (8359)
   -     -     -          Settings.Builders.Ghc commonGhcArgs (0)
   -     -     -          Rules.Program buildProgramRules (0)
   -     -     -          Settings.Builders.Common cIncludeArgs (0)
   -     -     -          Settings.Default stage1Packages (0)
   -     -     -          Settings.Flavours.Quickest quickestArgs (0)
   -     -     -        Rules oracleRules (0)
   -     -     -        System.Time.Extra offsetTime (0)
   -     -     -        Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad addStep (80674)
   -     -     -        Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad assertOnce (9890)
   -     -     -        Rules.Generate generatePackageCode (0)
   -     -     -        Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Run withInit.\ (0)
   -     -     -          Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Run open.\ (0)
   -     -     -            Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Rules runRules (0)
   -     -     -      Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad goRAW.\.\ (17499)
   -     -     -        Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad goRAW.sio (17514)
   -     -     -          Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad goRAW.go.\.\ (0)
   -     -     -            Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Types (0)
   -     -     -              Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Types globalBuild (0)
   -     -     -                Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Build applyKeyValue (0)
   -     -     -                  Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Database runLocked (130)
   -     -     -                  General.Wait runWait (0)
   -     -     -          Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad runRAW.\ (92)
21.0   4.1   2.1    Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad goRAW.go (14270271)
18.8   2.0   1.3      Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad goRAW.go.\ (4437520)
15.4    .3    .1        Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad goRAW.go.\ (2124865)
10.3    .2    .2          Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad goRAW.go.\.\ (908914)
10.1     -     -            Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad goRAW.go.\ (15799)
10.1     -     -              Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad goRAW.sio (15432)
10.1     -     -                Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad goRAW.go.\.\ (592)
10.1     -     -                  Hadrian.Haskell.Cabal.Parse configurePackage (0)
   -     -     -                  Rules oracleRules (0)
   -     -     -                  Rules.Register registerPackageRules (0)
   -     -     -                  Rules.Library libraryRules (0)
   -     -     -                  Rules.Program buildProgramRules (0)
   -     -     -                  Flavour args (0)
   -     -     -            Settings.Default defaultBuilderArgs (0)
 5.0     -     -          Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad goRAW.sio (1179605)
 4.9     -     -            Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad goRAW.go.\.\ (29087)
 4.5     -     -              Rules.Register registerPackageRules.\ (0)
 4.5     -     -                Rules.Register buildConf (0)
 4.5     -     -                  Hadrian.Haskell.Cabal.Parse copyPackage (0)
 4.5     -     -                    Distribution.Simple defaultMainWithHooksNoReadArgs (0)
   -     -     -                    Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Action traced (0)
   -     -     -                Rules.Register copyConf (0)
   -     -     -                  Utilities buildWithResources (0)
  .4     -     -              Rules oracleRules (0)
   -     -     -              Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.Directory getDirectoryFilesIO (41)
   -     -     -              Flavour args (0)
   -     -     -              Hadrian.Utilities buildRoot (0)
   -     -     -                Hadrian.Utilities userSetting (0)
   -     -     -              Rules.Program buildProgramRules (0)
   -     -     -              CommandLine cmdLineArgs (0)
   -     -     -                Hadrian.Utilities userSetting (0)
   -     -     -              Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.File need (0)
   -     -     -              Settings flavour (0)
   -     -     -                Hadrian.Utilities userSetting (0)
   -     -     -              Flavour name (10670)
   -     -     -              Hadrian.Utilities putProgressInfo (0)
   -     -     -                Hadrian.Utilities userSetting (0)
   -     -     -              Utilities buildWithResources (0)
   -     -     -              Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Run withInit.\ (0)
   -     -     -                Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Run open.\ (0)
   -     -     -                  Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Rules runRules (0)
   -     -     -              Rules.Library libraryRules (0)
 1.8    .1     -        Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad goRAW.sio (1320519)
 1.8    .1     -          Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad goRAW.go.\.\ (35146)
 1.2     -     -            Rules.Register registerPackageRules.\ (0)
 1.2     -     -              Rules.Register buildConf (0)
 1.2     -     -                Hadrian.Haskell.Cabal.Parse registerPackage (0)
 1.2     -     -                  Distribution.Simple defaultMainWithHooksNoReadArgs (0)
   -     -     -                Rules.Register libraryTargets (0)
   -     -     -              Rules.Register copyConf (0)
   -     -     -                Utilities buildWithResources (0)
  .2     -     -            Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Types (4999)
  .2     -     -              Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Types globalBuild (5005)
  .2     -     -                Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Build applyKeyValue (5009)
  .1     -     -                  Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Database mkId (4090)
  .1     -     -                  General.Wait runWait (7435)
   -     -     -                  Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Database runLocked (714)
   -     -     -                  Development.Shake.Internal.Value rnf (3965)
   -     -     -                  Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Build applyKeyValue.\ (2954)
   -     -     -                    Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Build applyKeyValue.\.\ (144)
   -     -     -                      General.Pool addPool (144)
   -     -     -                      Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad goRAW.go.\ (0)
   -     -     -                    Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Database runLocked (136)
   -     -     -                    General.Wait fromLater (246)
   -     -     -                  General.Wait firstJustWaitUnordered (2030)
   -     -     -                  Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Build lookupOne (2591)
   -     -     -                  Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Database getKeyValueFromId (2114)
   -     -     -                  Data.List.Extra nubOrd (23)
   -     -     -              Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Types (2386)
   -     -     -              General.Extra unconcat (781)
  .1     -     -            Hadrian.Haskell.Cabal.Parse configurePackage (0)
   -     -     -            Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Run withInit.\ (0)
   -     -     -              Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Run open.\ (0)
   -     -     -                Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Rules runRules (0)
   -     -     -            Rules.Program buildProgramRules (0)
   -     -     -            Rules.Library libraryRules (0)
   -     -     -            Flavour args (0)
   -     -     -            Rules.Library needLibrary (9)
   -     -     -            Development.Shake.Command cmd (0)
   -     -     -            Utilities buildWithResources (0)
   -     -     -            Rules.Register registerPackageRules (0)
   -     -     -            Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad goRAW.go.\ (0)
   -     -     -              Flavour args (0)
   -     -     -            Settings.Builders.Cabal cabalBuilderArgs (0)
   -     -     -            Hadrian.Utilities putProgressInfo (32)
   -     -     -              Hadrian.Utilities putBuild (32)
   -     -     -            Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Action producesCheck (0)
   -     -     -              Control.Monad.Extra notM (0)
   -     -     -            Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.File need (0)
   -     -     -            Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.File produces (0)
   -     -     -              Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.File trackWrite (0)
   -     -     -                Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.File track (0)
   -     -     -                  Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.File track.ys (41)
   -     -     -                    Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.File track.ignore (0)
   -     -     -                      Development.Shake.Internal.FilePattern ?==* (0)
   -     -     -                        Development.Shake.Internal.FilePattern ?==*.vs (0)
   -     -     -                          Development.Shake.Internal.FilePattern ?== (0)
   -     -     -            Rules oracleRules (0)
   -     -     -            Settings flavour.tweak (1168)
   -     -     -              Settings flavour.(...) (0)
   -     -     -                Settings applySettings (0)
  .3    .3    .1        Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad goRAW.go.\.\ (781039)
  .2    .1    .1          Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad goRAW.go.\ (239767)
   -     -     -            Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad goRAW.sio (30058)
   -     -     -              Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad goRAW.go.\.\ (53)
   -     -     -                Rules.Library libraryRules (0)
   -     -     -            Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad goRAW.go.\ (182649)
   -     -     -              Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad goRAW.sio (182661)
   -     -     -                Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad goRAW.go.\.\ (5411)
   -     -     -                  Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Types (0)
   -     -     -                  Rules.Register registerPackageRules.\ (0)
   -     -     -                    Rules.Register copyConf (0)
   -     -     -                      Utilities buildWithResources (0)
   -     -     -        Flavour args (81)
   -     -     -        Hadrian.Package compare (37453)
   -     -     -        Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Types globalOptions (5895)
   -     -     -        Settings.Default defaultBuilderArgs (0)
   -     -     -        Context.Type stage (858)
   -     -     -        Rules.Program buildProgramRules (0)
   -     -     -        Settings.Builders.Common cIncludeArgs (0)
   -     -     -        Settings.Flavours.Common naturalInBaseFixArgs (0)
  .2     -     -      Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad goRAW.flush (0)
  .2     -     -        Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad goRAW.go.\ (0)
  .2     -     -          Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad goRAW.sio (0)
  .1     -     -            Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad goRAW.go.\.\ (4318)
  .1     -     -              Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Types (0)
  .1     -     -                Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Types globalBuild (0)
  .1     -     -                  Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Build applyKeyValue (0)
   -     -     -                    Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Database mkId (3163)
   -     -     -                    Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Database runLocked (0)
   -     -     -                    General.Wait runWait (8048)
   -     -     -                    Development.Shake.Internal.Value rnf (3109)
   -     -     -                    General.Wait fmap (3111)
   -     -     -                    Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Build applyKeyValue.\ (2562)
   -     -     -                      Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Build applyKeyValue.\.\ (0)
   -     -     -                        General.Pool addPool (0)
   -     -     -                    Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Build lookupOne (3111)
   -     -     -                    General.Wait firstJustWaitUnordered (2596)
   -     -     -                    Data.List.Extra nubOrd (2554)
   -     -     -                    Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Types addDiscount (43)
   -     -     -                General.Extra unconcat (2677)
   -     -     -                  General.Extra unconcat.b1 (1900)
   -     -     -                  General.Extra unconcat.(...) (2019)
   -     -     -              Hadrian.Haskell.Cabal.Parse configurePackage (0)
   -     -     -              Flavour args (0)
   -     -     -              Settings.Builders.Cabal cabalBuilderArgs (0)
   -     -     -              Packages programName (0)
   -     -     -              Rules.Library libraryRules (0)
   -     -     -              Settings.Default stage0Packages (0)
   -     -     -                Oracles.Flag flag (0)
   -     -     -              Utilities buildWithResources (0)
   -     -     -            Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad goRAW.go.\ (0)
   -     -     -              Hadrian.Oracles.Path lookupInPath (0)
   -     -     -              Hadrian.Oracles.TextFile lookupValue (0)
   -     -     -              Hadrian.Package pkgName (1629)
   -     -     -              Oracles.Setting ghcWithInterpreter (0)
   -     -     -                Oracles.Setting anyTargetOs (0)
   -     -     -                  Oracles.Setting matchSetting (0)
   -     -     -              Oracles.Setting topDirectory (0)
   -     -     -                Oracles.Setting setting (0)
   -     -     -        Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad flushSteps (0)
   -     -     -      Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.Directory getDirectoryFilesIO (0)
   -     -     -      Rules.Compile compilePackage (0)
   -     -     -      Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad addStep (4743)
   -     -     -      Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Run run.\.\ (0)
   -     -     -        System.Time.Extra offsetTime (0)
   -     -     -      System.IO.Extra newTempFile (0)
   -     -     -      System.Time.Extra offsetTime (0)

 6.2   6.2   6.2  Data.List.Extra split (66520127)

 5.5   4.8    .1  Distribution.Fields.Parser mkLexState' (315516)
 5.5   4.8   1.1    Distribution.Fields.Lexer lexToken (0)
 4.1   3.6     -      Distribution.Fields.Lexer alexScan (520087)
 4.1   3.6    .2        Distribution.Fields.Lexer alexScanUser (520047)
 2.7   2.7   1.5          Distribution.Fields.Lexer alex_scan_tkn (5268603)
  .6    .6    .5            Distribution.Fields.Lexer alex_scan_tkn.new_acc (5238265)
  .1    .1    .1              Distribution.Fields.Lexer alex_scan_tkn.check_accs (5223797)
  .5    .5    .5            Distribution.Fields.Lexer alexGetByte (0)
  .1    .1    .1            Distribution.Fields.Lexer alex_scan_tkn.base (4911016)
  .1    .1    .1            Distribution.Fields.Lexer alex_scan_tkn.new_s (5194934)
   -     -     -            Distribution.Fields.Lexer alex_scan_tkn.check (2702222)
   -     -     -            Distribution.Fields.Lexer alex_scan_tkn.offset (2702242)
  .6    .4     -          Distribution.Fields.Lexer alex_action_19 (0)
  .6    .4    .3            Distribution.Fields.Lexer alex_action_19.\ (81805)
  .1     -     -              Distribution.Fields.Lexer alex_action_16 (0)
   -     -     -              Distribution.Fields.Lexer alex_action_1 (0)
   -     -     -              Distribution.Fields.LexerMonad adjustPos (81344)
   -     -     -              Distribution.Fields.LexerMonad setStartCode (0)
   -     -     -              Distribution.Fields.LexerMonad getPos (0)
   -     -     -              Distribution.Fields.LexerMonad setInput (68834)
   -     -     -              Distribution.Fields.LexerMonad getInput (0)
   -     -     -              Distribution.Fields.Lexer checkPosition (63898)
   -     -     -              Distribution.Fields.LexerMonad getStartCode (0)
   -     -     -              Distribution.Fields.Lexer lexToken.len_bytes (49761)
  .4    .2     -          Distribution.Fields.Lexer alex_action_15 (0)
  .4    .2    .2            Distribution.Fields.Lexer alex_action_15.\ (46576)
  .1     -     -              Distribution.Fields.Lexer alex_action_3 (0)
   -     -     -              Distribution.Fields.Lexer alex_action_1 (0)
   -     -     -              Distribution.Fields.LexerMonad adjustPos (40557)
   -     -     -              Distribution.Fields.LexerMonad setStartCode (0)
   -     -     -              Distribution.Fields.Lexer checkPosition (40270)
   -     -     -              Distribution.Fields.LexerMonad getInput (0)
   -     -     -              Distribution.Fields.LexerMonad getStartCode (0)
   -     -     -              Distribution.Fields.Lexer lexToken.len_bytes (30065)
   -     -     -              Distribution.Fields.LexerMonad getPos (0)
   -     -     -              Distribution.Fields.LexerMonad setInput (5024)
  .1    .1     -          Distribution.Fields.Lexer alex_actions (0)
   -     -     -            Distribution.Fields.Lexer alex_action_0 (0)
   -     -     -              Distribution.Fields.Lexer alex_action_0.\ (1606)
   -     -     -                Distribution.Fields.Lexer alex_action_3 (0)
   -     -     -                Distribution.Fields.LexerMonad setStartCode (0)
   -     -     -                Distribution.Fields.LexerMonad adjustPos (886)
   -     -     -                Distribution.Fields.LexerMonad getInput (0)
   -     -     -            Distribution.Fields.Lexer alex_action_18 (0)
   -     -     -              Distribution.Fields.Lexer toki (68333)
   -     -     -            Distribution.Fields.Lexer alex_action_12 (0)
   -     -     -              Distribution.Fields.Lexer tok (31567)
   -     -     -            Distribution.Fields.Lexer alex_action_10 (0)
   -     -     -              Distribution.Fields.Lexer toki (3814)
   -     -     -          Distribution.Fields.Lexer alex_action_8 (0)
   -     -     -            Distribution.Fields.Lexer toki (52017)
   -     -     -          Distribution.Fields.Lexer alex_action_9 (0)
   -     -     -            Distribution.Fields.Lexer alex_action_9.\ (1039)
  .1     -     -      Distribution.Fields.Lexer checkPosition (355769)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Fields.LexerMonad getStartCode (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Fields.LexerMonad adjustPos (322622)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Fields.LexerMonad setInput (366066)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Fields.LexerMonad getInput (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Fields.LexerMonad getPos (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Fields.Lexer lexToken.len_bytes (289422)

 4.2   4.1   4.1  Development.Shake.Internal.FilePattern match (14566365)
  .2     -     -    Development.Shake.Internal.FilePattern matchStars (403899)

 4.5   3.2     -  Distribution.Compat.Exception catchIO (0)
 3.1   3.1    .1    Distribution.Compat.CopyFile copyFile.copy (0)
 3.1   3.1     -      Distribution.Compat.CopyFile copyFile.copy.\ (2477)
 2.9   2.9    .5        Distribution.Compat.CopyFile copyFile.copy.\.\ (2477)
 2.4   2.4   2.4          Distribution.Compat.CopyFile copyFile.copyContents (143657)
  .2    .2    .2        Distribution.Compat.CopyFile copyFile.openTmp (0)
  .8     -     -    Distribution.Simple.Program.Run getProgramInvocationOutput (0)
  .3     -     -    Distribution.Simple.Utils rawSystemStdout (0)
  .3     -     -      Distribution.Simple.Utils rawSystemStdInOut (813)
  .1     -     -    Distribution.Simple.Utils withTempFile (122)
  .1     -     -    Distribution.Simple.Utils annotateIO (126)
  .1     -     -      Distribution.Simple.Utils rewriteFileEx.mightNotExist (126)
  .1     -     -        Distribution.Utils.Generic writeFileAtomic (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Simple.Program getProgramOutput (57)

 3.1   3.1   3.1  Data.Hashable.Class hashPtrWithSalt (149800)

 3.0   2.9    .4  Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Rules getUserRuleInternal (8089)
 2.5   2.5   2.5    Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Rules getUserRuleInternal.f (13215219)
  .1     -     -    Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Rules getUserRuleInternal.items (10424)
  .1     -     -      Data.List.Extra groupSort (0)
   -     -     -    Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Rules getUserRuleInternal.(...) (10533)
   -     -     -      General.TypeMap lookup (10526)
   -     -     -        Data.HashMap.Base lookup (10418)
   -     -     -        General.TypeMap unF (10580)
   -     -     -    Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Rules getUserRuleInternal.rules (8052)

99.7   2.4     -  Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Run withInit (2)
99.7   2.4     -    General.Cleanup withCleanup (3)
92.4   2.4     -      Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Run withInit.\ (2)
89.0    .8     -        Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Run open.\ (1)
87.2     -     -          Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Rules runRules (1)
 1.8    .8     -          Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Run usingDatabase (1)
 1.2    .7     -            Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Storage usingStorage (1)
 1.1    .7     -              General.Chunks usingWriteChunks (1)
 1.0    .7    .5                General.Chunks usingWriteChunks.\ (0)
  .5    .2    .2                  General.Chunks writeChunkDirect (18427)
  .3     -     -                    General.Chunks (18455)
  .3     -     -                      General.Binary runBuilder (18476)
   -     -     -                      General.Binary putEx (0)
  .1     -     -                General.Thread allocateThread (1)
   -     -     -                Control.Monad.Extra whenJust (1)
  .1     -     -              Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Storage saveWitness (1)
   -     -     -              Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Storage usingStorage.\ (18510)
   -     -     -                Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Storage saveWitness (0)
   -     -     -              General.FileLock usingLockFile (1)
   -     -     -                General.Extra tryIO (0)
  .5     -     -            Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Run putDatabase (18512)
   -     -     -            Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Run usingDatabase.\ (18509)
   -     -     -              Development.Shake.Internal.Value typeKey (18510)
 3.4   1.6     -        Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Run usingShakeOptions (1)
 3.4   1.6     -          Development.Shake.Internal.Args shakeArgsOptionsWith.shakeOpts (0)
 3.1   1.6     -            Development.Shake.Internal.Progress progressSimple (0)
 3.1   1.6     -              Development.Shake.Internal.Progress progressDisplay (1)
 3.1   1.6     -                Development.Shake.Internal.Progress progressDisplay.loop (323)
 3.0   1.6     -                  Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Run run.\.\ (0)
 3.0   1.6     -                    Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Run usingProgress (0)
 3.0   1.6     -                      Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Run usingProgress.getProgress (0)
 3.0   1.6    .2                        Development.Shake.Internal.Progress progress (322)
 1.4   1.3   1.2                          Development.Shake.Internal.Progress progress.f (3215455)
  .1     -     -                            Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Types == (0)
   -     -     -                            Development.Shake.Internal.Progress progress.f.d (220513)
   -     -     -                            Development.Shake.Internal.Progress progress.f.c (220513)
   -     -     -                            Development.Shake.Internal.Progress progress.f.t (220513)
   -     -     -                            Development.Shake.Internal.Progress progress.f.(...) (220513)
 1.3     -     -                          Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Database getKeyValues (322)
  .1    .1     -                          Development.Shake.Internal.Progress progress.g (0)
  .1    .1    .1                            Numeric.Extra floatToDouble (0)
  .1     -     -                  System.Time.Extra sleep (0)
   -     -     -                  Development.Shake.Internal.Progress message (0)
   -     -     -                    Development.Shake.Internal.Progress <*> (10529)
   -     -     -                      Development.Shake.Internal.Progress <*>.\ (10562)
   -     -     -                        Development.Shake.Internal.Progress message.donePerSec (0)
   -     -     -                          Development.Shake.Internal.Progress message.donePerSec.perSecStable (0)
   -     -     -                            Development.Shake.Internal.Progress fmap (2548)
   -     -     -                            Development.Shake.Internal.Progress latch (0)
   -     -     -                              Development.Shake.Internal.Progress fmap (638)
   -     -     -                          Development.Shake.Internal.Progress iff (0)
   -     -     -                          Development.Shake.Internal.Progress message.donePerSec.perSecRaw (0)
   -     -     -                            Development.Shake.Internal.Progress decay (0)
   -     -     -                        Development.Shake.Internal.Progress message.ruleTime (0)
   -     -     -                          Development.Shake.Internal.Progress message.ruleTime.f (0)
   -     -     -                            Development.Shake.Internal.Progress decay (0)
   -     -     -                            Development.Shake.Internal.Progress fmap (11475)
   -     -     -                          Development.Shake.Internal.Progress fmap (957)
   -     -     -                        Development.Shake.Internal.Progress message.todo (0)
   -     -     -                          Development.Shake.Internal.Progress fmap (1276)
   -     -     -                        Development.Shake.Internal.Progress message.debug (0)
   -     -     -                          Development.Shake.Internal.Progress fmap (957)
   -     -     -                        Development.Shake.Internal.Progress fmap (319)
   -     -     -                        Development.Shake.Internal.Progress message.perc (0)
   -     -     -                          Development.Shake.Internal.Progress iff (0)
   -     -     -                  Development.Shake.Internal.Progress progressSimple.\ (322)
   -     -     -                    Development.Shake.Internal.Progress progressTitlebar (322)
   -     -     -                      Control.Monad.Extra unlessM (322)
   -     -     -                        Control.Monad.Extra ifM (322)
   -     -     -                  General.Extra showDurationSecs (0)
   -     -     -                    System.Time.Extra showDuration (322)
   -     -     -                      System.Time.Extra showDuration.f (311)
   -     -     -                        System.Time.Extra showDuration.f.(...) (311)
   -     -     -                    Data.List.Extra replace (2112)
   -     -     -                  System.Time.Extra offsetTime (0)
   -     -     -                  Development.Shake.Internal.Progress progressDisplay.loop.todo (322)
   -     -     -                  Development.Shake.Internal.Progress formatMessage (322)
   -     -     -                    Development.Shake.Internal.Progress showMinSec (322)
   -     -     -              Development.Shake.Internal.Progress progressProgram (0)
  .3     -     -            Development.Shake.Internal.Options shakeOutput (0)
  .3     -     -              Development.Shake.Internal.Options shakeOptions (0)
   -     -     -            Development.Shake.Internal.Args outputColor (4058)
   -     -     -              Development.Shake.Internal.Args escape (4058)
   -     -     -            Development.Shake.Internal.Options shakeOptions (0)
   -     -     -        Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Run run.\ (1)
   -     -     -          Control.Monad.Extra whenJustM (1)
 7.3     -     -      Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Run run.\.\ (1)
 7.2     -     -        General.Pool runPool (1)
 7.2     -     -          General.Pool addPool (1324)
   -     -     -        Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Run assertFinishedDatabase (1)
   -     -     -          Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Database getKeyValues (1)
   -     -     -          Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Run assertFinishedDatabase.bad (1)
   -     -     -        Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Run recordRoot (1)
   -     -     -          Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Run recordRoot.rootRes (1)
   -     -     -            Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Types nubDepends (0)

 2.4   2.3    .7  Data.Hashable.Class liftHashWithSalt (546684)
  .9    .9    .4    Data.Hashable.Class liftHashWithSalt.step (10243325)
  .5    .5    .1      Data.Hashable.Class hashWithSalt (0)
  .4    .4    .2        Data.Hashable.Class defaultHashWithSalt (3574620)
  .1    .1    .1          Data.Hashable.Class hash (0)
  .1    .1    .1          Data.Hashable.Class combine (3306261)
   -     -     -      Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.File hashWithSalt (0)
  .7    .7    .1    Data.Hashable.Class defaultLiftHashWithSalt (0)
  .6    .6    .1      Data.Hashable.Class liftHashWithSalt (107004)
  .4    .4    .1        Data.Hashable.Class liftHashWithSalt.step (2753297)
  .3    .3     -          Data.Hashable.Class hashWithSalt (0)
  .3    .3    .1            Data.Hashable.Class defaultHashWithSalt (2745147)
  .1    .1    .1              Data.Hashable.Class hash (0)
  .1    .1    .1              Data.Hashable.Class combine (2709647)
   -     -     -        Data.Hashable.Class liftHashWithSalt.finalise (99035)
   -     -     -          Data.Hashable.Class hashWithSalt (0)
   -     -     -            Data.Hashable.Class defaultHashWithSalt (90760)
   -     -     -              Data.Hashable.Class combine (88265)
   -     -     -      Data.Hashable.Class liftHashWithSalt2 (86495)
   -     -     -        Data.Hashable.Class hashWithSalt (136)
   -     -     -          Data.Hashable.Generic ghashWithSalt (212)
   -     -     -      Data.Hashable.Class hashWithSalt (246)
   -     -     -        Data.Hashable.Generic ghashWithSalt (240)
  .1    .1    .1    Data.Hashable.Class liftHashWithSalt.finalise (479115)
  .1    .1     -      Data.Hashable.Class hashWithSalt (0)
  .1    .1     -        Data.Hashable.Class defaultHashWithSalt (415202)
   -     -     -          Data.Hashable.Class combine (386604)

 3.6   2.1     -  Development.Shake.Command commandExplicitIO (3016)
 3.6   2.1     -    Development.Shake.Command removeOptionShell (3012)
 3.6   2.1     -      Development.Shake.Command commandExplicitIO.\ (3010)
 3.6   2.1     -        Development.Shake.Command removeOptionFSATrace (3009)
 3.6   2.1     -          Development.Shake.Command commandExplicitIO.\.\ (1)
 3.5   2.0     -            System.Time.Extra duration (3388)
 3.5   2.0     -              General.Process process (3389)
 3.4   2.0     -                General.Process withFiles (6781)
 3.4   2.0     -                  General.Extra withs (6777)
 3.4   2.0     -                    General.Process withFiles.\ (6777)
 3.4   2.0     -                      General.Process process.\ (3392)
 3.4   2.0     -                        General.Process process.\.\ (3390)
 3.4   2.0   1.9                          General.Process withCreateProcessCompat (3386)
 1.5    .1     -                            General.Process withCreateProcessCompat.\ (3384)
 1.5    .1     -                              General.Process process.\.\.\ (3384)
 1.5    .1     -                                General.Process withExceptions (3384)
 1.5    .1     -                                  General.Process withExceptions.\ (3384)
 1.4     -     -                                    General.Process withTimeout (0)
  .1    .1     -                                    Control.Concurrent.Extra signalBarrier (3154)
  .1    .1    .1                                      Control.Concurrent.Extra signalBarrier.\ (0)
   -     -     -                                    Control.Concurrent.Extra waitBarrier (3028)
   -     -     -                                      Control.Concurrent.Extra readVar (5462)
   -     -     -                                  Control.Concurrent.Extra newBarrier (0)
   -     -     -                                General.Process withTimeout (2731)
   -     -     -                          General.Process process.\.\.cp (3011)
   -     -     -                            General.Process cmdSpec (3010)
   -     -     -                General.Process optimiseBuffers (3014)
   -     -     -                  Data.List.Extra nubOrd (5443)
   -     -     -                General.Process process.outFiles (2726)
   -     -     -                  Data.List.Extra nubOrd (2717)
   -     -     -                General.Process process.inFiles (2725)
   -     -     -                  Data.List.Extra nubOrd (2723)
   -     -     -                General.Process process.\ (0)
   -     -     -                  General.Process process.\.\ (0)
   -     -     -                    General.Process process.\.\.\ (0)
   -     -     -                      General.Process process.\.\.\.\ (0)
   -     -     -                        General.Process process.\.\.\.\.isTied (0)
   -     -     -                          Data.List.Extra disjoint (0)
   -     -     -              System.Time.Extra offsetTime (0)
   -     -     -            Development.Shake.Command commandExplicitIO.\.\.\ (39)
   -     -     -              Development.Shake.Command commandExplicitIO.\.\.\ (0)
   -     -     -                Development.Shake.Command commandExplicitIO.\.\.buf (0)
   -     -     -            General.Process newBuffer (0)
   -     -     -            Development.Shake.Command resolveEnv (3063)
   -     -     -              Development.Shake.Command resolveEnv.addPath (53)
   -     -     -              Development.Shake.Command resolveEnv.unique (1)
   -     -     -                Data.List.Extra nubOrdOn (1)
   -     -     -                  Data.List.Extra nubOrdBy (1)
   -     -     -            Development.Shake.Command commandExplicitIO.\.\.optStdin (2714)
   -     -     -              Development.Shake.Command commandExplicitIO.\.\.optStdin.\ (2718)
   -     -     -            Development.Shake.Command commandExplicitIO.\.\.optCwd (2804)
   -     -     -            Development.Shake.Command commandExplicitIO.\.\.optTimeout (2731)
   -     -     -            Development.Shake.Command resolvePath (30)
   -     -     -              Development.Shake.Command findExecutableWith (1)
   -     -     -                Control.Monad.Extra firstJustM (6)
   -     -     -                  Development.Shake.Command findExecutableWith.\ (6)
   -     -     -                    Control.Monad.Extra ifM (6)
   -     -     -            Development.Shake.Command commandExplicitIO.\.\.(...) (2720)
   -     -     -              Data.Tuple.Extra both (2720)
   -     -     -            Development.Shake.Command commandExplicitIO.\.\.optAsync (28)
   -     -     -            Development.Shake.Command commandExplicitIO.\.\.optEchoStderr (2720)
   -     -     -            Development.Shake.Command commandExplicitIO.\.\.optEchoStdout (2727)
   -     -     -            Development.Shake.Command commandExplicitIO.\.\.optWithStderr (2718)
   -     -     -            Development.Shake.Command commandExplicitIO.\.\.optWithStdout (2721)
   -     -     -          Development.Shake.Command isFSATrace (2716)
   -     -     -      Development.Shake.Internal.CmdOption == (292)

 2.1   2.1     -  Hadrian.Utilities unifyPath (0)
 2.1   2.1     -    Development.Shake.FilePath normaliseEx (77372)
 1.9   1.9    .3      Development.Shake.FilePath normaliseEx.f (77231)
 1.1   1.1    .1        Development.Shake.FilePath normaliseEx.split (718715)
  .9    .9    .9          Development.Shake.FilePath normaliseEx.split.(...) (640663)
  .1    .1    .1          Development.Shake.FilePath normaliseEx.split.ys (671582)
   -     -     -          Development.Shake.FilePath normaliseEx.split.a (593369)
   -     -     -          Development.Shake.FilePath normaliseEx.split.b (593416)
  .4    .4    .3        Development.Shake.FilePath normaliseEx.deslash (75695)
  .1    .1    .1          Development.Shake.FilePath normaliseEx.deslash.pos (73639)
   -     -     -          Development.Shake.FilePath normaliseEx.deslash.pre (53845)
  .1    .1    .1        Development.Shake.FilePath normaliseEx.g (697416)
   -     -     -        Development.Shake.FilePath toNative (0)
  .1    .1    .1      Development.Shake.FilePath normaliseEx.sep (0)
   -     -     -    Development.Shake.FilePath toStandard (0)

 1.8   1.8    .2  Data.ByteString.UTF8 fromString (119870)
 1.6   1.6    .8    Codec.Binary.UTF8.String encode (0)
  .8    .8    .7      Codec.Binary.UTF8.String encodeChar (0)
  .1    .1    .1        Codec.Binary.UTF8.String encodeChar.go (5193062)

 4.3   1.6    .2  Distribution.Parsec satisfy (0)
 4.2   1.5   1.4    Distribution.Compat.CharParsing satisfy (0)
 1.1     -     -      Distribution.Parsec.FieldLineStream uncons (3022045)
  .8     -     -      Distribution.Parsec some (0)
  .5     -     -      Distribution.Parsec many (0)
  .1     -     -      Distribution.Parsec >>= (0)
  .1     -     -      Distribution.Parsec skipMany (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Parsec >>=.\.\ (29820)
   -     -     -      Distribution.ModuleName validModuleChar (675413)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Parsec  (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Types.UnitId parsec.\ (80881)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Parsec stringLiteral.stringChar (0)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Parsec fmap (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Parsec stringLiteral.lit (0)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Parsec many (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Types.InstalledPackageInfo.FieldGrammar parsec.uid_char (18910)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Parsec fmap (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Parsec stringLiteral.stringLetter.\ (168251)
   -     -     -      Distribution.SPDX.LicenseExpression idstring.\ (12607)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Utils.Generic isAsciiAlphaNum (12608)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Parsec parsecOptCommaList (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Parsec <* (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Parsec <*> (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Parsec checkNotDoubleDash (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Parsec liftParsec (0)

 8.9   1.4   1.4  Control.Concurrent.Extra withLock (211444)
 4.1     -     -    General.Wait runWait (625214)
 2.2     -     -    Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Database mkId (0)
  .7     -     -    General.Wait firstJustWaitUnordered (175238)
  .3     -     -    Data.List.Extra nubOrd (175100)
  .1     -     -    General.Wait >>= (168714)
   -     -     -    Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Database getKeyValueFromId (0)
   -     -     -    General.Wait quickly (168138)
   -     -     -    General.Wait fromLater (93)

 4.6   1.4     -  Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.File fileStoredValue (8566)
 4.4   1.1    .3    Development.Shake.Internal.FileInfo getFileHash (8453)
 3.9    .7     -      Development.Shake.Internal.FileInfo getFileHash.\ (8536)
 3.9    .7     -        Development.Shake.Internal.FileInfo getFileHash.\.\ (8598)
 3.9    .7    .7          Development.Shake.Internal.FileInfo getFileHash.go (66626)
 3.1     -     -            Data.Hashable.Class hashPtrWithSalt (57986)
  .1     -     -      Development.Shake.Internal.FileName fileNameToString (0)
  .3    .3     -    Development.Shake.Internal.FileInfo getFileInfo (8436)
  .3    .3    .1      Control.Exception.Extra handleBool (8412)
  .1    .1    .1        Development.Shake.Internal.FileInfo extractFileTime (8482)
   -     -     -        Development.Shake.Internal.FileInfo result (3549)
   -     -     -          Development.Shake.Internal.FileInfo fileInfo (7092)

 4.4   1.3    .1  Data.HashMap.Base lookup (787964)
 2.8     -     -    Data.HashMap.Base lookup.h0 (765859)
 2.8     -     -      Data.HashMap.Base hash (754774)
 1.4   1.1   1.0    Data.HashMap.Base lookup.go (2390324)
  .4    .1    .1      Development.Shake.Internal.Value == (249372)
  .2     -     -        Hadrian.Oracles.TextFile lookupValue (0)
  .1     -     -        Hadrian.Oracles.Cabal readContextData (0)
   -     -     -        Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.File need (0)
   -     -     -        Hadrian.Builder needBuilder (0)
   -     -     -        Hadrian.Oracles.Cabal readPackageData (0)
   -     -     -        Rules.Compile compilePackage (0)
   -     -     -        Rules.Compile needDependencies (0)
   -     -     -        Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.Directory getDirectoryFiles (0)
   -     -     -        Hadrian.Haskell.Cabal.Parse configurePackage (0)
   -     -     -        Rules.Dependencies buildPackageDependencies (0)
   -     -     -        Rules.Libffi needLibfffiArchive (0)
   -     -     -          Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.File need (0)
   -     -     -      Data.HashMap.Base sparseIndex (553947)
   -     -     -      General.Extra == (0)
   -     -     -      General.Intern == (0)

 1.3   1.3    .9  Distribution.Parsec.FieldLineStream uncons (3410406)
  .3    .3    .2    Distribution.Parsec.FieldLineStream unconsChar (2677355)
  .1    .1    .1      Distribution.Parsec.FieldLineStream uncons.\ (1962841)

 1.3   1.1     -  Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Database getKeyValues (323)
 1.3   1.1    .7    General.Ids elems (323)
  .6    .5     -      General.Ids toList (323)
  .6    .4     -        General.Ids toListUnsafe (323)
  .6    .4     -          General.Ids toListUnsafe.\ (323)
  .6    .4    .4            General.Ids toListUnsafe.index (3234612)
  .2     -     -              Control.Monad.Primitive primitive (3234289)
  .1    .1    .1        General.Ids toList.demand (3234289)

 1.6   1.1   1.1  Distribution.SPDX.LicenseId get (0)
  .4     -     -    Distribution.Simple.Program.Db get (0)
  .2     -     -    Distribution.ModuleName get (0)

24.1   1.0     -  Distribution.Simple defaultMainWithHooksNoReadArgs (0)
24.1   1.0     -    Distribution.Simple defaultMainHelper (0)
23.9   1.0     -      Distribution.Simple.Utils topHandler (0)
23.9   1.0     -        Distribution.Simple defaultMainHelper.commands (0)
18.3   1.0     -          Distribution.Simple.Command commandAddAction (0)
18.3   1.0     -            Distribution.Simple.Command fmap (0)
18.3   1.0     -              Distribution.Simple.Command commandAddAction.applyDefaultArgs (0)
18.3   1.0     -                Distribution.Simple defaultMainHelper.commands.\ (0)
18.3   1.0     -                  Distribution.Simple configureAction (63)
17.4   1.0     -                    Distribution.Simple.UserHooks confHook (63)
17.4   1.0     -                      Distribution.Simple.Configure configure (63)
14.4    .9     -                        Distribution.Simple.Configure getInstalledPackages (63)
14.4    .9     -                          Distribution.Simple.GHC getInstalledPackages (63)
14.3    .9     -                            Distribution.Simple.GHC getInstalledPackages' (63)
14.3    .9     -                              Distribution.Simple.Program.HcPkg dump (85)
13.5    .9     -                                Distribution.Simple.Program.HcPkg parsePackages (84)
12.6     -     -                                  Distribution.InstalledPackageInfo parseInstalledPackageInfo (1604)
 6.0     -     -                                    Distribution.Fields.Parser readFields (1603)
 6.0     -     -                                      Distribution.Fields.Parser readFields' (1604)
 5.9     -     -                                    Distribution.Fields.ParseResult runParseResult (1606)
  .7     -     -                                    Distribution.Utils.Generic toUTF8BS (0)
   -     -     -                                    Distribution.FieldGrammar partitionFields (0)
   -     -     -                                      Distribution.FieldGrammar partitionFields.f (36786)
  .8    .8    .8                                  Distribution.Simple.Program.HcPkg splitPkgs (0)
   -     -     -                                    Distribution.Simple.Program.HcPkg splitPkgs.splitWith (1481)
   -     -     -                                      Distribution.Simple.Program.HcPkg splitPkgs.splitWith.(...) (1477)
   -     -     -                                  Distribution.Simple.Program.HcPkg mungePackagePaths (1210)
   -     -     -                                    Distribution.Simple.Program.HcPkg mungePackagePaths.mungePaths (562)
   -     -     -                                      Distribution.Simple.Program.HcPkg mungePackagePaths.mungePath (2410)
   -     -     -                                        Distribution.Simple.Program.HcPkg mungePackagePaths.stripVarPrefix (2410)
   -     -     -                                    Distribution.Simple.Program.HcPkg mungePackagePaths.mungeUrls (378)
   -     -     -                                      Distribution.Simple.Program.HcPkg mungePackagePaths.mungeUrl (370)
   -     -     -                                        Distribution.Simple.Program.HcPkg mungePackagePaths.stripVarPrefix (370)
  .7     -     -                                Distribution.Compat.Exception catchIO (0)
   -     -     -                                Distribution.Simple.Program.HcPkg dumpInvocation (6)
   -     -     -                                  Distribution.Simple.Program.Run programInvocation (6)
   -     -     -                              Distribution.Simple.GHC hcPkgInfo (45)
   -     -     -                                Distribution.Simple.GHC hcPkgInfo.(...) (40)
   -     -     -                                  Distribution.Simple.Program.Db lookupProgram (40)
   -     -     -                                    Distribution.Simple.Program.Db configuredProgs (40)
  .1     -     -                            Distribution.Simple.GHC toPackageIndex (63)
  .1     -     -                              Distribution.Simple.GHC getLibDir' (63)
  .1     -     -                                Distribution.Simple.Program getProgramOutput (63)
   -     -     -                              Distribution.Simple.GHC toPackageIndex.indices (50)
   -     -     -                                Distribution.Simple.PackageIndex fromList (66)
   -     -     -                                Distribution.Simple.GHC.Internal substTopDir (1073)
   -     -     -                              Distribution.Simple.PackageIndex mconcat (4)
   -     -     -                                Distribution.Simple.PackageIndex mappend (0)
   -     -     -                                  Distribution.Simple.PackageIndex <> (0)
   -     -     -                                    Distribution.Simple.PackageIndex merge (2)
   -     -     -                                      Distribution.Simple.PackageIndex mkPackageIndex (2)
   -     -     -                            Distribution.Simple.GHC getInstalledPackages.hackRtsPackage (46)
   -     -     -                              Distribution.Simple.PackageIndex insert (46)
   -     -     -                            Distribution.Simple.GHC checkPackageDbEnvVar (6)
   -     -     -                              Distribution.Simple.GHC.Internal checkPackageDbEnvVar (6)
   -     -     -                                Distribution.Simple.GHC.Internal checkPackageDbEnvVar.lookupEnv (6)
   -     -     -                                  Distribution.Compat.Exception catchIO (0)
   -     -     -                          Distribution.Simple.Configure getInstalledPackages.packageDBExists (54)
 1.3     -     -                        Distribution.Simple.Program.Db configureAllKnownPrograms (63)
 1.3     -     -                          Distribution.Simple.Program.Db configurePrograms (63)
 1.3     -     -                            Distribution.Simple.Program.Db configureProgram (1512)
 1.1     -     -                        Distribution.Simple.Configure configCompilerEx (63)
  .3     -     -                        Distribution.Utils.LogProgress runLogProgress (62)
  .3     -     -                          Distribution.Backpack.Configure configureComponentLocalBuildInfos (0)
  .2    .1     -                        Distribution.Simple.Configure checkPackageProblems (63)
  .1    .1     -                          Distribution.PackageDescription.Check checkPackageFiles (63)
  .1    .1     -                            Distribution.PackageDescription.Check checkPackageFilesPreDistribution (0)
  .1    .1     -                              Distribution.PackageDescription.Check checkGlobFiles (55)
  .1    .1     -                                Distribution.PackageDescription.Check checkGlobFiles.\ (626)
  .1    .1     -                                  Distribution.Simple.Glob runDirFileGlob (626)
   -     -     -                                    Distribution.Simple.Glob runDirFileGlob.checkName (341)
   -     -     -                                      Distribution.Simple.Glob runDirFileGlob.checkName.(...) (341)
   -     -     -                                    Distribution.Simple.Glob runDirFileGlob.(...) (604)
   -     -     -                                      Distribution.Simple.Glob splitConstantPrefix (0)
   -     -     -                                  Distribution.Simple.Glob parseFileGlob (604)
   -     -     -                            Distribution.PackageDescription.Check checkPackageContent (63)
   -     -     -                              Distribution.PackageDescription.Check checkCabalFileBOM (51)
   -     -     -                                Distribution.PackageDescription.Check findPackageDesc (45)
   -     -     -                                Distribution.PackageDescription.Check getFileContents (46)
   -     -     -                                  Distribution.PackageDescription.Check checkPackageFiles.checkFilesIO (0)
   -     -     -                              Distribution.PackageDescription.Check checkCabalFileName (53)
   -     -     -                                Distribution.PackageDescription.Check findPackageDesc (53)
   -     -     -                              Distribution.PackageDescription.Check checkMissingVcsInfo (51)
   -     -     -                                Distribution.PackageDescription.Check doesDirectoryExist (9)
   -     -     -                              Distribution.PackageDescription.Check checkLocalPathsExist (45)
   -     -     -                                Distribution.PackageDescription.Check doesDirectoryExist (45)
   -     -     -                              Distribution.PackageDescription.Check checkSetupExists (7)
   -     -     -                                Distribution.PackageDescription.Check doesFileExist (14)
   -     -     -                              Distribution.PackageDescription.Check checkConfigureExists (40)
   -     -     -                                Distribution.PackageDescription.Check doesFileExist (7)
  .1     -     -                          Distribution.Simple.Configure checkPackageProblems.pureChecks (63)
  .1     -     -                            Distribution.PackageDescription.Check checkPackage (63)
  .1     -     -                              Distribution.PackageDescription.Check checkConfiguredPackage (63)
   -     -     -                                Distribution.PackageDescription.Check checkPaths (53)
   -     -     -                                  Distribution.Simple.Glob parseFileGlob (616)
   -     -     -                                  Distribution.PackageDescription.Check checkPaths.isOutsideTree (1144)
   -     -     -                                  Distribution.PackageDescription.Check checkPaths.absPaths (1)
   -     -     -                                  Distribution.PackageDescription.Check checkPaths.relPaths (40)
   -     -     -                                Distribution.PackageDescription.Check checkCabalVersion (62)
   -     -     -                                  Distribution.PackageDescription.Check checkCabalVersion.checkVersion (920)
   -     -     -                                    Distribution.Types.PackageDescription specVersion (0)
   -     -     -                                  Distribution.Types.PackageDescription specVersion (0)
   -     -     -                                  Distribution.PackageDescription.Check checkCabalVersion.buildInfoField (35)
   -     -     -                                    Distribution.Types.PackageDescription allBuildInfo (23)
   -     -     -                                  Distribution.PackageDescription.Check checkCabalVersion.depsUsingMajorBoundSyntax (35)
   -     -     -                                  Distribution.PackageDescription.Check checkCabalVersion.simpleSpecVersionRangeSyntax (5)
   -     -     -                                    Distribution.Types.VersionRange.Internal cataVersionRange (4)
   -     -     -                                  Distribution.Simple.BuildPaths autogenPathsModuleName (5)
   -     -     -                                Distribution.PackageDescription.Check checkSanity (46)
   -     -     -                                  Distribution.PackageDescription.Check checkLibrary (40)
   -     -     -                                    Distribution.PackageDescription.Check checkLibrary.moduleDuplicates (40)
   -     -     -                                      Distribution.PackageDescription.Check dups (40)
   -     -     -                                    Distribution.PackageDescription.Check checkLibrary.checkVersion (40)
   -     -     -                                      Distribution.Types.PackageDescription specVersion (0)
   -     -     -                                  Distribution.PackageDescription.Check checkBenchmark (5)
   -     -     -                                    Distribution.PackageDescription.Check checkBenchmark.moduleDuplicates (5)
   -     -     -                                      Distribution.PackageDescription.Check dups (5)
   -     -     -                                  Distribution.PackageDescription.Check checkTestSuite (29)
   -     -     -                                    Distribution.PackageDescription.Check checkTestSuite.moduleDuplicates (29)
   -     -     -                                      Distribution.PackageDescription.Check dups (29)
   -     -     -                                Distribution.PackageDescription.Check checkFields (56)
   -     -     -                                  Distribution.PackageDescription.Check checkFields.internalLibDeps (41)
   -     -     -                                    Distribution.Types.PackageDescription allBuildInfo (1)
   -     -     -                                  Distribution.PackageDescription.Check checkFields.testedWithImpossibleRanges (44)
   -     -     -                                    Distribution.Version isNoVersion (114)
   -     -     -                                      Distribution.Types.VersionInterval asVersionIntervals (0)
   -     -     -                                  Distribution.PackageDescription.Check check (52)
   -     -     -                                Distribution.PackageDescription.Check checkAllGhcOptions (40)
   -     -     -                                  Distribution.PackageDescription.Check checkGhcOptions (120)
   -     -     -                                    Distribution.PackageDescription.Check checkGhcOptions.non_test_and_benchmark_ghc_options (120)
   -     -     -                                    Distribution.PackageDescription.Check checkGhcOptions.test_and_benchmark_ghc_options (120)
   -     -     -                                Distribution.PackageDescription.Check checkCxxOptions (0)
   -     -     -                                  Distribution.PackageDescription.Check checkCLikeOptions (4)
   -     -     -                                    Distribution.PackageDescription.Check checkCLikeOptions.all_cLikeOptions (4)
   -     -     -                                      Distribution.Types.PackageDescription allBuildInfo (4)
   -     -     -                                Distribution.PackageDescription.Check checkLicense (6)
   -     -     -                                  Distribution.PackageDescription.Check checkOldLicense (5)
   -     -     -                              Distribution.PackageDescription.Check checkPackageVersions (56)
   -     -     -                                Distribution.PackageDescription.Check checkPackageVersions.finalised (41)
   -     -     -                                  Distribution.PackageDescription.Configuration finalizePD (41)
   -     -     -                                Distribution.PackageDescription.Check checkPackageVersions.boundedAbove (51)
   -     -     -                                  Distribution.Types.VersionInterval asVersionIntervals (0)
   -     -     -                                Distribution.PackageDescription.Check checkPackageVersions.baseDependency (4)
   -     -     -                                  Distribution.PackageDescription.Check checkPackageVersions.baseDependency.baseDeps (4)
   -     -     -                                    Distribution.Types.PackageDescription allBuildDepends (0)
   -     -     -                              Distribution.PackageDescription.Check checkUnicodeXFields (46)
   -     -     -                                Distribution.PackageDescription.Check checkUnicodeXFields.xfields (46)
   -     -     -                                  Distribution.Compat.DList runDList (46)
   -     -     -                              Distribution.PackageDescription.Check checkDevelopmentOnlyFlags (6)
   -     -     -                                Distribution.PackageDescription.Check checkDevelopmentOnlyFlagsBuildInfo (26)
   -     -     -                                  Distribution.PackageDescription.Check checkDevelopmentOnlyFlagsOptions (78)
   -     -     -                              Distribution.PackageDescription.Check checkFlagNames (40)
   -     -     -                                Distribution.PackageDescription.Check checkFlagNames.invalidFlagNames (40)
   -     -     -                              Distribution.PackageDescription.Check checkUnusedFlags (40)
   -     -     -                                Distribution.PackageDescription.Check checkUnusedFlags.used (40)
   -     -     -                                  Distribution.Compat.Lens toSetOf (240)
   -     -     -                                    Distribution.Types.CondTree traverseCondTreeV (156)
   -     -     -                        Distribution.Simple.Configure configureFinalizedPackage (57)
   -     -     -                          Distribution.PackageDescription.Configuration finalizePD (51)
   -     -     -                          Distribution.Simple.Configure configureFinalizedPackage.pkg_descr (56)
   -     -     -                            Distribution.Simple.Configure configureFinalizedPackage.addExtraIncludeLibDirs (56)
   -     -     -                              Distribution.Simple.Configure configureFinalizedPackage.addExtraIncludeLibDirs.modifyExecutable (10)
   -     -     -                                Distribution.Types.BuildInfo mappend (0)
   -     -     -                              Distribution.Simple.Configure configureFinalizedPackage.addExtraIncludeLibDirs.modifyLib (46)
   -     -     -                                Distribution.Types.BuildInfo mappend (0)
   -     -     -                              Distribution.Simple.Configure configureFinalizedPackage.addExtraIncludeLibDirs.modifyTestsuite (29)
   -     -     -                                Distribution.Types.BuildInfo mappend (0)
   -     -     -                        Distribution.Simple.Utils createDirectoryIfMissingVerbose (61)
   -     -     -                        Distribution.Simple.Configure configureDependencies (61)
   -     -     -                          Distribution.Simple.Configure configureDependencies.(...) (61)
   -     -     -                            Distribution.Simple.Configure configureDependencies.(...).status (330)
   -     -     -                              Distribution.Simple.Configure selectDependency (330)
   -     -     -                                Distribution.Simple.Configure selectDependency.do_external (294)
   -     -     -                                  Distribution.Backpack.PreExistingComponent ipiToPreExistingComponent (294)
   -     -     -                                    Distribution.Backpack.ModuleShape shapeInstalledPackage (294)
   -     -     -                                      Distribution.ModuleName >= (0)
   -     -     -                                      Distribution.Backpack.ModuleShape shapeInstalledPackage.provs (231)
   -     -     -                                        Distribution.Backpack.ModuleShape shapeInstalledPackage.shapeExposedModule (11458)
   -     -     -                                    Distribution.InstalledPackageInfo installedComponentId (534)
   -     -     -                                      Distribution.Types.ComponentId mkComponentId (0)
   -     -     -                                        Distribution.Utils.ShortText toShortText (0)
   -     -     -                                      Distribution.Types.ComponentId unComponentId (432)
   -     -     -                                      Distribution.Types.UnitId unUnitId (432)
   -     -     -                                Distribution.Simple.Configure selectDependency.do_external_external (36)
   -     -     -                                  Distribution.Simple.PackageIndex lookupDependency (36)
   -     -     -                                Distribution.Types.PackageName compare (0)
   -     -     -                        Distribution.Simple.Configure configure.exts (44)
   -     -     -                          Distribution.Simple.Compiler unsupportedExtensions (44)
   -     -     -                            Distribution.Simple.Compiler extensionToFlag' (382)
   -     -     -                        Distribution.Backpack.Configure configureComponentLocalBuildInfos (52)
   -     -     -                        Distribution.Simple.InstallDirs defaultInstallDirs' (47)
   -     -     -                          Distribution.Simple.InstallDirs fmap (47)
   -     -     -                        Distribution.Simple.Configure checkCompilerProblems (40)
   -     -     -                          Distribution.Simple.Compiler renamingPackageFlagsSupported (0)
   -     -     -                            Distribution.Simple.Compiler ghcSupported (40)
   -     -     -                        Distribution.Simple.Configure checkExactConfiguration (40)
   -     -     -                        Distribution.Simple.Configure configure.dirs (40)
   -     -     -                          Distribution.Simple.LocalBuildInfo absoluteInstallDirs (40)
   -     -     -                        Distribution.Simple.Configure configure.extlist (40)
   -     -     -                          Language.Haskell.Extension == (3060)
   -     -     -                        Distribution.Simple.Configure configure.internalPackageSet (40)
   -     -     -                          Distribution.Simple.Configure getInternalPackages (40)
   -     -     -                            Distribution.Simple.Configure getInternalPackages.f (40)
   -     -     -                              Distribution.Package packageName (40)
   -     -     -                        Distribution.Simple.Configure configure.lbi (40)
   -     -     -                          Distribution.Compat.Graph fromDistinctList (0)
   -     -     -                        Distribution.Simple.Configure configure.requiredBuildTools (6)
   -     -     -                          Distribution.Types.PackageDescription enabledBuildInfos (6)
   -     -     -                            Distribution.Types.PackageDescription enabledComponents (6)
   -     -     -                              Distribution.Types.PackageDescription pkgBuildableComponents (0)
   -     -     -                        Distribution.Simple.Configure configure.verbosity (40)
   -     -     -                          Distribution.Simple.Setup configVerbosity (40)
   -     -     -                        Distribution.Simple.Utils debug (6)
  .8     -     -                    Distribution.Simple.Configure writePersistBuildConfig (63)
  .1     -     -                    Distribution.Simple.UserHooks postConf (70)
  .1     -     -                      Distribution.Simple simpleUserHooks.finalChecks (62)
  .1     -     -                        Distribution.Simple.Configure checkForeignDeps (62)
  .1     -     -                          Distribution.Simple.Configure checkForeignDeps.ifBuildsWith (62)
  .1     -     -                            Distribution.Simple.Configure checkForeignDeps.builds (54)
  .1     -     -                              Distribution.Compat.Exception catchExit (0)
   -     -     -                            Distribution.Simple.Configure checkForeignDeps.checkDuplicateHeaders (0)
   -     -     -                              Distribution.Simple.Configure checkForeignDeps.checkDuplicateHeaders.\ (12)
   -     -     -                                Distribution.Compat.Exception catchIO (0)
   -     -     -                          Distribution.Simple.Configure checkForeignDeps.commonLdArgs (39)
   -     -     -                            Distribution.Utils.Generic ordNub (78)
   -     -     -                          Distribution.Simple.Configure checkForeignDeps.commonCppArgs (38)
   -     -     -                            Distribution.Utils.Generic ordNub (152)
   -     -     -                          Distribution.Simple.Configure checkForeignDeps.deps (4)
   -     -     -                            Distribution.Simple.PackageIndex topologicalOrder (4)
   -     -     -                      Distribution.Simple autoconfUserHooks.defaultPostConf (8)
   -     -     -                        Distribution.Simple runConfigureScript (8)
   -     -     -                          Distribution.Simple.Program.Run runProgramInvocation (7)
   -     -     -                          Distribution.Simple.Program.Db configureProgram (8)
   -     -     -                          Distribution.Simple runConfigureScript.args (1)
   -     -     -                            Distribution.Simple.Setup configureArgs (1)
   -     -     -                              Distribution.Simple.Setup configureArgs.hc_flag (1)
   -     -     -                                Distribution.Pretty prettyShow (1)
   -     -     -                        Distribution.Simple simpleUserHooks.finalChecks (0)
   -     -     -                          Distribution.Simple.Configure checkForeignDeps (0)
   -     -     -                            Distribution.Simple.Configure checkForeignDeps.ifBuildsWith (0)
   -     -     -                              Distribution.Simple.Configure checkForeignDeps.builds (7)
   -     -     -                                Distribution.Compat.Exception catchExit (0)
   -     -     -                        Distribution.Simple getHookedBuildInfo (7)
   -     -     -                    Distribution.Simple.Configure findDistPrefOrDefault (0)
   -     -     -            Distribution.Simple.Command commandParseArgs (0)
 4.5     -     -          Distribution.Simple copyAction (0)
 4.1     -     -            Distribution.Simple hookedAction (47)
  .4     -     -            Distribution.Simple getBuildConfig (47)
 1.2     -     -          Distribution.Simple registerAction (0)
  .8     -     -            Distribution.Simple hookedAction (47)
  .4     -     -            Distribution.Simple getBuildConfig (47)
   -     -     -            Distribution.Simple.Configure findDistPrefOrDefault (0)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Compat.ResponseFile expandResponse (6)
   -     -     -          Distribution.Compat.ResponseFile expandResponse.go (6)
   -     -     -            Distribution.Compat.ResponseFile expandResponse.expand (342)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Simple.Command commandsRun (47)
   -     -     -          Distribution.Simple.Command commandsRun.commands' (47)
  .1     -     -      Distribution.Simple defaultMainHelper.commands (0)
  .1     -     -        Distribution.Simple.Command commandAddAction (0)
  .1     -     -          Distribution.Simple.Command commandParseArgs (157)
   -     -     -          Distribution.Simple.Command fmap (47)
   -     -     -            Distribution.Simple.Command commandAddAction.applyDefaultArgs (47)
   -     -     -              Distribution.Simple.Command commandAddAction.applyDefaultArgs.flags (47)
   -     -     -                Distribution.Simple.Command commandParseArgs (0)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Simple.Setup configureCommand (0)

 4.0   1.0    .1  Data.Hashable.Class hashWithSalt (319408)
 2.8    .9    .2    Data.Hashable.Class hashWithSalt1 (6825)
 1.9     -     -      Data.Hashable.Class liftHashWithSalt (372222)
  .6    .6    .1      Data.Hashable.Class hashWithSalt (68)
  .6    .6    .2        Data.Hashable.Class defaultHashWithSalt (6344151)
  .2    .2    .2          Data.Hashable.Class hash (0)
  .1    .1    .1          Data.Hashable.Class combine (6272704)
   -     -     -        Data.Hashable.Generic ghashWithSalt (136)
 1.0     -     -    Data.Hashable.Generic ghashWithSalt (665282)
  .1    .1    .1    Data.Hashable.Class defaultHashWithSalt (278747)
   -     -     -      Data.Hashable.Class hash (260159)
   -     -     -        Data.Hashable.Class hashTypeRep (239303)
   -     -     -        Data.Hashable.Class hashThreadId (176)
   -     -     -      Data.Hashable.Class combine (234893)
   -     -     -    Data.Hashable.Class hashWithSalt.\ (88916)
   -     -     -      Data.Hashable.Class hashPtrWithSalt (78004)

 1.0   1.0    .4  Distribution.Simple.Utils rawSystemStdInOut (1477)
  .6    .6    .2    Distribution.Simple.Utils rawSystemStdInOut.\ (2074)
  .3    .3    .3      Distribution.Utils.IOData hGetContents (1340)
  .1    .1    .1      Distribution.Simple.Utils rawSystemStdInOut.\.force (1905)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Utils.IOData rnf (506)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Utils.IOData hPutContents (47)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Simple.Utils printRawCommandAndArgs (399)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Simple.Utils printRawCommandAndArgsAndEnv (399)

 2.6   1.0     -  Development.Shake.Internal.FileName fileNameFromString (0)
 1.6     -     -    Data.ByteString.UTF8 fromString (112444)
 1.0   1.0     -    Development.Shake.Internal.FileName fileNameFromByteString (0)
 1.0   1.0     -      Development.Shake.Internal.FileName filepathNormalise (112312)
  .4    .4    .3        Development.Shake.Internal.FileName filepathNormalise.f (110777)
  .1    .1    .1          Development.Shake.Internal.FileName filepathNormalise.g (666451)
  .1    .1     -          Development.Shake.Internal.FileName filepathNormalise.deslash (85694)
   -     -     -            Development.Shake.Internal.FileName filepathNormalise.deslash.pos (79323)
   -     -     -            Development.Shake.Internal.FileName filepathNormalise.deslash.pre (77125)
  .4    .4    .4        Development.Shake.Internal.FileName filepathNormalise.split (0)
  .1    .1    .1        Development.Shake.Internal.FileName filepathNormalise.sep (0)

 2.4   1.0    .1  Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.File root (0)
 2.3    .8    .2    Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.File root.\ (2999596)
 1.9    .6    .5      Rules.Dependencies buildPackageDependencies.\ (60)
  .7     -     -        Hadrian.Utilities unifyPath (0)
  .4     -     -        Development.Shake.Util parseMakefile (0)
  .1     -     -        Development.Shake.Internal.Derived readFile' (60)
  .1     -     -        Development.Shake.Internal.Derived writeFileChanged (0)
  .1    .1    .1        Rules.Dependencies buildPackageDependencies.\.\ (2460)
  .1     -     -      General.Extra createDirectoryRecursive (0)
   -     -     -      Rules.Generate generateRules.\ (0)
   -     -     -        Development.Shake.Internal.Derived withTempDir (0)
   -     -     -          Rules.Generate generateRules.\.\ (5)
   -     -     -            Utilities build (5)
   -     -     -      Rules.Generate generateRules.<~.\ (0)
   -     -     -        Rules.Generate generate (0)

 1.4    .9     -  General.Process withTimeout (2731)
 1.1    .7    .7    General.Process process.\.\.\.\ (6701)
  .4     -     -      General.Process forkWait (6507)
  .1     -     -      General.Process process.\.\.\.\.\ (6513)
  .1     -     -        General.Process forkWait (3238)
   -     -     -      Control.Monad.Extra whileM (787)
   -     -     -      General.Process process.\.\.\.\.isBinary (5462)
  .2    .2     -    General.Process stdIn (0)
  .2    .2     -      General.Process stdIn.\ (0)
  .2    .2    .2        General.Process stdIn.\.\ (33)
  .1     -     -    Control.Monad.Extra whenJust (9600)
   -     -     -    General.Process process.\.\.\.streams (2731)

 5.9    .9    .7  Hadrian.Expression <> (532342)
 2.7     -     -    Settings.Builders.Ghc commonGhcArgs (0)
  .6     -     -    Settings.Packages packageArgs (0)
  .4     -     -    Settings.Builders.Ghc ghcBuilderArgs (0)
  .2    .1    .1    Settings.Builders.Make makeBuilderArgs (0)
  .1     -     -      Hadrian.Expression ? (24600)
   -     -     -      Expression builder (24875)
   -     -     -      Hadrian.Expression mappend (0)
   -     -     -      Settings.Builders.Make makeBuilderArgs.\ (0)
  .2     -     -    Settings.Warnings ghcWarningsArgs (0)
  .1     -     -    Settings.Flavours.Quickest quickestArgs (0)
  .1     -     -    Settings.Default defaultPackageArgs (0)
  .1     -     -      Hadrian.Expression ? (8996)
   -     -     -      Expression builder (0)
   -     -     -      Hadrian.Expression mempty (0)
  .1     -     -    Settings.Default defaultBuilderArgs (0)
  .1     -     -    Settings.Builders.Cabal cabalBuilderArgs (0)
  .1     -     -    Settings.Builders.Hsc2Hs hsc2hsBuilderArgs (0)
  .1     -     -    Settings.Builders.Cc ccBuilderArgs (0)
  .1     -     -      Hadrian.Expression ? (7494)
   -     -     -      Expression builder (0)
   -     -     -      Context getStagedSettingList (498)
   -     -     -      Context getWay (0)
   -     -     -      Expression getContextData (0)
   -     -     -      Hadrian.Expression getOutput (0)
   -     -     -      Hadrian.Expression arg (0)
  .1     -     -    Settings.Builders.Configure configureBuilderArgs (0)
   -     -     -      Hadrian.Expression ? (12217)
   -     -     -      Expression builder (12704)
   -     -     -      Packages libffiBuildPath (6005)
   -     -     -        Context.Path buildPath (6020)
   -     -     -      Context getStage (0)
   -     -     -      Hadrian.Expression mappend (0)
  .1     -     -    Settings.Builders.GhcPkg ghcPkgBuilderArgs (0)
  .1     -     -    Settings.Warnings defaultGhcWarningsArgs (0)
   -     -     -    Settings.Builders.Ghc ghcLinkArgs (0)
   -     -     -      Expression builder (0)
   -     -     -      Hadrian.Expression ? (75)
   -     -     -    Settings.Builders.Ghc compileAndLinkHs (0)
   -     -     -    Settings.Builders.Alex alexBuilderArgs (0)
   -     -     -      Expression builder (0)
   -     -     -      Hadrian.Expression ? (0)
   -     -     -    Settings.Builders.Haddock haddockBuilderArgs (0)
   -     -     -      Hadrian.Expression ? (0)
   -     -     -      Expression builder (0)
   -     -     -    Settings.Builders.Ld ldBuilderArgs (0)
   -     -     -      Hadrian.Expression ? (0)
   -     -     -      Expression builder (0)
   -     -     -      Hadrian.Expression getOutput (0)
   -     -     -    Settings.Flavours.Common naturalInBaseFixArgs (0)
   -     -     -    Settings.Builders.GenPrimopCode genPrimopCodeBuilderArgs (0)
   -     -     -    Settings.Builders.HsCpp hsCppBuilderArgs (0)
   -     -     -      Hadrian.Expression ? (0)
   -     -     -      Expression builder (0)
   -     -     -    Settings.Builders.Xelatex xelatexBuilderArgs (0)
   -     -     -      Hadrian.Expression ? (0)
   -     -     -      Expression builder (0)
   -     -     -    Settings.Builders.Make validateBuilderArgs (0)
   -     -     -      Hadrian.Expression ? (0)
   -     -     -      Expression builder (0)
   -     -     -    Settings.Builders.Happy happyBuilderArgs (0)
   -     -     -      Hadrian.Expression ? (0)
   -     -     -      Expression builder (0)
   -     -     -    Settings.Builders.RunTest runTestBuilderArgs (0)
   -     -     -      Hadrian.Expression ? (0)
   -     -     -      Expression builder (0)
   -     -     -    Settings.Packages rtsPackageArgs (0)
   -     -     -    Settings.Builders.DeriveConstants deriveConstantsBuilderArgs (0)
   -     -     -    Hadrian.Expression getInputs (0)
   -     -     -    Settings.Packages rtsWarnings (0)
   -     -     -    Settings.Builders.Hsc2Hs getLFlags (0)
   -     -     -      Context getStagedSettingList (0)
   -     -     -      Expression getContextData (0)
   -     -     -    Settings.Builders.Cabal cppArgs (0)
   -     -     -      Hadrian.Utilities -/- (40)
   -     -     -    Settings.Builders.Cabal configureArgs (0)
   -     -     -    Settings.Builders.Common cWarnings (0)
   -     -     -    Settings.Builders.Hsc2Hs getCFlags (0)

  .8    .8    .8  Distribution.Utils.String encodeStringUtf8 (5668942)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Utils.String encodeStringUtf8.w8 (2446921)

 8.4    .7     -  Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.Default defaultRules (0)
 8.2    .7     -    Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.File defaultRuleFile (0)
 8.1    .7    .3      Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.File ruleRun (8174)
 3.6     -     -        Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.File ruleRun.rebuildWith (5321)
 3.6     -     -          Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.File storedValueError (0)
 3.6     -     -            Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.File fileStoredValue (3638)
   -     -     -          Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Action producesUnchecked (952)
   -     -     -          Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Build historySave (618)
 2.9     -     -        Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Rules getUserRuleInternal (8089)
 1.0    .4    .4        Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.File ruleRun.\ (5198084)
  .4     -     -          Main main.rules (0)
  .2     -     -            Rules.Documentation documentationRules (0)
  .1     -     -            Rules.Test testRules (0)
  .1     -     -              Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.File %> (0)
   -     -     -              Rules.Test testRules.\ (0)
   -     -     -                Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.File %> (0)
   -     -     -            Rules.SourceDist sourceDistRules (0)
   -     -     -            Rules.Nofib nofibRules (0)
   -     -     -              Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.File %> (0)
   -     -     -              Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.File ~> (0)
  .2     -     -          Rules.SimpleTargets simplePackageTargets (0)
  .1     -     -          Rules.Configure configureRules (0)
   -     -     -          Rules.SourceDist sourceDistRules (0)
   -     -     -          Rules.Documentation documentationRules (0)
   -     -     -          Rules.Selftest selftestRules (0)
   -     -     -            Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.File ~> (0)
  .2     -     -        Development.Shake.Internal.FileName fileNameToString (0)
  .1     -     -        Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.File ruleRun.rebuildWith.answer (8113)
  .1     -     -          Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.File ruleRun.retNew (8083)
   -     -     -            General.Binary runBuilder (8144)
   -     -     -            Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.File putEx (8015)
   -     -     -            Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.File ruleRun.fileR (8121)
   -     -     -        Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.File ruleRun.rebuild (8102)
   -     -     -          Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Action putWhen (0)
   -     -     -        Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.File ruleRun.r (8030)
   -     -     -      Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Rules addBuiltinRuleEx (0)
   -     -     -      Development.Shake.Internal.Options shakeRebuildApply (0)
  .3    .1     -    Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.Files defaultRuleFiles (0)
  .2     -     -      Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.Files ruleRun (2466)
  .1     -     -        Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.Files ruleRun.\ (39494)
  .1     -     -          Rules.Configure configureRules (0)
  .1     -     -        Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Rules getUserRuleInternal (0)
   -     -     -        Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.Files ruleRun.rebuild (2465)
   -     -     -          Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.Files ruleRun.rebuildWith (2433)
   -     -     -            General.Binary runBuilder (2440)
   -     -     -            Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.Files putEx (2438)
   -     -     -            Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Build historyLoad (0)
   -     -     -            Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Action producesUnchecked (0)
   -     -     -            Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Build historySave (2439)
   -     -     -          Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Action putWhen (0)
   -     -     -        Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.Files ruleRun.r (2465)
   -     -     -        Development.Shake.Internal.Options == (9869)
   -     -     -      Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Rules addBuiltinRuleEx (0)

  .7    .7     -  Data.ByteString.UTF8 toString (48345)
  .7    .7    .2    Data.ByteString.UTF8 foldr (1541123)
  .5    .5    .1      Data.ByteString.UTF8 uncons (1538390)
  .4    .4    .2        Data.ByteString.UTF8 decode (1538003)
  .2    .2     -          Codec.Binary.UTF8.Generic buncons (0)
  .2    .2    .2            Codec.Binary.UTF8.Generic unconsB (0)
  .1    .1    .1          Data.ByteString.UTF8 decode.choose (1518111)

11.3    .7    .1  Development.Shake.Internal.FilePattern ?== (32269)
10.8    .5    .5    Development.Shake.Internal.FilePattern ?==.f (32177)
 6.1     -     -      Data.List.Extra split (65612169)
 4.2     -     -      Development.Shake.Internal.FilePattern match (14484699)
  .3     -     -    Development.Shake.Internal.FilePattern parse (0)
   -     -     -    Development.Shake.Internal.FilePattern optimise (90775)
   -     -     -    Development.Shake.Internal.FilePattern ?==.rp (14966)
   -     -     -      Development.Shake.Internal.FilePattern isRelativePattern (12525)

 3.9    .7    .2  Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Build lookupOne (267129)
 3.2    .4    .1    Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Build lookupOne.\ (41930)
 3.1    .4    .1      Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Build buildOne (18487)
 2.6    .1     -        Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Build buildOne.\ (16916)
 2.4     -     -          General.Wait fromLater (18487)
  .1    .1     -          Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Build buildOne.\.\ (0)
  .1     -     -            Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Build runKey (0)
  .1     -     -              Data.HashMap.Base lookup (17168)
   -     -     -              Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Run run.\.\ (0)
   -     -     -                Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Run run.\.\.ruleFinished (0)
   -     -     -              Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Build (16472)
   -     -     -                Development.Shake.Internal.Value typeKey (16205)
   -     -     -              Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Run run.\.\.ruleFinished (0)
   -     -     -            Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Build buildOne.\.\.\ (0)
   -     -     -              Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Database getKeyValueFromId (8963)
  .1     -     -          Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Build setIdKeyStatus (16816)
   -     -     -          Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Build buildOne.\.go (16229)
   -     -     -            Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Build buildRunMode (16229)
  .2    .1    .1        Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Build buildOne.\.\.\ (18032)
  .1     -     -          Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Build setIdKeyStatus (17780)
   -     -     -          Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Build buildOne.\.\.\.val (16460)
   -     -     -            Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Types runValue (14227)
   -     -     -          Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Database journal (14111)
   -     -     -          Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Database runLocked (115)
  .1     -     -        Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Types rnf (18025)
  .1     -     -          Development.Shake.Internal.Value rnf (16529)
  .1     -     -        Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Types addStack (18098)
   -     -     -        Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Types runChanged (1572)
   -     -     -        Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Types == (13651)
   -     -     -      Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Database getKeyValueFromId (40789)
   -     -     -      Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Database setMem (24802)
   -     -     -      Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Build lookupOne.\.w2 (21844)
   -     -     -      General.Wait fromLater (1884)
  .2     -     -    Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Database getKeyValueFromId (258158)
  .1     -     -    General.Wait quickly (254336)
  .1     -     -    General.Wait >>= (252023)
   -     -     -    Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Types addStack (22052)

  .7    .7     -  General.Pool emptyS (0)
  .7    .7     -    System.Random randomIO (0)
  .6    .6     -      System.Random random (0)
  .6    .6     -        System.Random randomBounded (0)
  .6    .6     -          System.Random randomR (0)
  .6    .6     -            System.Random randomIvalIntegral (0)
  .6    .6    .1              System.Random randomIvalInteger (35539)
  .3    .3    .1                System.Random randomIvalInteger.f (141348)
  .1    .1     -                  System.Random randomIvalInteger.f.(...) (105189)
  .1    .1     -                    System.Random next (0)
  .1    .1    .1                      System.Random stdNext (105189)
   -     -     -                        System.Random stdNext.z (95421)
   -     -     -                        System.Random stdNext.s1'' (76776)
   -     -     -                        System.Random stdNext.s2'' (22314)
   -     -     -                        System.Random stdNext.z' (21882)
  .1    .1    .1                  System.Random randomIvalInteger.f.v' (102195)
  .1    .1    .1                System.Random randomIvalInteger.k (34104)
   -     -     -                System.Random randomIvalInteger.magtgt (34725)
  .1    .1    .1      System.Random getStdRandom (0)

 3.1    .6    .1  Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Build apply (77115)
 2.6    .2     -    Development.Shake.Internal.Value newKey (2686)
 2.2     -     -      Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.Oracle hashWithSalt (0)
  .2    .2     -      Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.Oracle == (0)
  .1    .1    .1        Hadrian.Oracles.TextFile == (0)
  .1     -     -        Hadrian.Oracles.Cabal.Type == (0)
   -     -     -          Context.Type == (36859)
   -     -     -            Hadrian.Package == (36859)
   -     -     -            Way.Type == (36859)
   -     -     -          Hadrian.Package == (6990)
  .1     -     -      Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.File hashWithSalt (0)
   -     -     -      Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.File == (0)
   -     -     -      Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.Directory hashWithSalt (0)
   -     -     -        Data.Hashable.Class hashWithSalt (0)
   -     -     -      Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.Files hashWithSalt (0)
   -     -     -        Data.Hashable.Class hashWithSalt (0)
   -     -     -      Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.Files == (0)
   -     -     -        Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.File == (0)
   -     -     -      Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.Directory == (0)
   -     -     -      Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.File show (47)
   -     -     -        Development.Shake.Internal.FileName fileNameToString (0)
  .2    .2    .2    Hadrian.Oracles.TextFile rnf (0)
  .1     -     -    Hadrian.Oracles.Cabal.Type rnf (0)
   -     -     -    Development.Shake.Internal.Value fromValue (115244)
   -     -     -      Development.Shake.Internal.Value fromValue.resType (51759)
   -     -     -    Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.Files rnf (0)
   -     -     -    Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.File rnf (0)
   -     -     -    Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.Directory rnf (0)
   -     -     -    Hadrian.Oracles.Path rnf (0)
   -     -     -    Oracles.ModuleFiles rnf (0)

  .9    .6     -  Distribution.Parsec some (0)
  .9    .6    .6    Distribution.Parsec some.\ (15847)
  .2     -     -      Distribution.Parsec fmap (0)
  .1     -     -      Distribution.Parsec >>= (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Parsec satisfy (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Parsec >>=.\.\ (4833)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Parsec checkNotDoubleDash (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.System classifyArch (37)
   -     -     -        Distribution.System classifyArch.archMap (20)
   -     -     -          Distribution.Pretty prettyShow (40)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Parsec many (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Types.VersionRange.Internal versionRangeParser (0)

 1.6    .6    .6  Hadrian.Expression ? (156892)
  .5     -     -    Hadrian.Expression toPredicate (38623)
  .2     -     -    Settings.Builders.Ghc commonGhcArgs (0)
  .1     -     -    Settings.Packages rtsPackageArgs (0)
  .1     -     -    Settings.Builders.Common cIncludeArgs (0)
   -     -     -    Settings.Warnings ghcWarningsArgs (0)
   -     -     -    Settings.Builders.Cabal withStaged (162)
   -     -     -    Hadrian.Expression mempty (0)
   -     -     -    Hadrian.Expression pure (0)
   -     -     -    Settings.Builders.Ghc compileC.ccArgs (539)
   -     -     -      Context getStagedSettingList (539)
   -     -     -      Expression getContextData (269)
   -     -     -      Way.Type wayUnit (270)
   -     -     -    Settings.Builders.Cabal configureArgs (0)
   -     -     -    Context getStage (0)
   -     -     -    Hadrian.Builder getBuilderPath (74)
   -     -     -    Hadrian.Expression arg (0)
   -     -     -    Settings.Builders.Cabal with (0)
   -     -     -    Context distDir (10)
   -     -     -      Oracles.Setting ghcVersionStage (10)
   -     -     -    Context getPackage (0)
   -     -     -    Context.Path buildPath (2)
   -     -     -    Hadrian.Utilities -/- (74)
   -     -     -    Settings.Builders.Cabal bootPackageConstraints (0)
   -     -     -    Settings.Builders.Cabal withBuilderArgs (40)
   -     -     -      Base packageDbPath (40)
   -     -     -    Settings.Builders.Common packageDatabaseArgs (0)

 4.0    .5    .2  General.Wait firstJustWaitUnordered (179864)
 3.2     -     -    Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Build lookupOne (261427)
  .4    .3    .2    General.Wait firstJustWaitUnordered.go (708861)
  .1    .1     -      General.Wait firstJustWaitUnordered.go.\ (2250)
   -     -     -        General.Wait firstJustWaitUnordered.go.\.\.\ (27081)
   -     -     -          Data.IORef.Extra writeIORef' (23595)
   -     -     -        Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Build lookupOne (0)
   -     -     -        General.Wait firstJustWaitUnordered.go.\.\ (29351)
   -     -     -          General.Wait firstJustWaitUnordered.go.\.\.\ (0)
   -     -     -            General.Wait >>=.\ (0)
   -     -     -      General.Wait fmap (2884)
  .2     -     -    General.Wait fmap (519227)

70.4    .5    .1  Control.Concurrent.Extra modifyVar (83799)
70.2    .4     -    General.Pool withPool.\ (74392)
70.2    .4     -      General.Pool step.\ (38663)
70.1    .3     -        General.Thread newThreadFinally (2945)
70.1    .3     -          General.Thread newThreadFinally.\ (2936)
70.1    .3     -            General.Pool worker (35713)
48.6     -     -              General.Pool withPool (69443)
21.4    .3    .1              General.Pool worker.\ (35718)
21.0     -     -                Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Run run.\.\.\ (0)
21.0     -     -                  Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Run run.\.\.\.\ (0)
21.0     -     -                    Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Types runAction (905)
21.0     -     -                      Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad runRAW (903)
21.0     -     -                        Control.Exception.Extra catch_ (0)
21.0     -     -                          Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad goRAW (0)
  .1     -     -                        Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad goRAW (905)
  .1     -     -                Data.Heap unionUniq (120675)
   -     -     -                  Data.Heap ins (56396)
   -     -     -                  Data.Heap link (31508)
  .1    .1    .1                Data.Heap getMin (79569)
   -     -     -                  Data.Heap compare (48266)
   -     -     -                  Data.Heap getMin.t' (47217)
   -     -     -                  Data.Heap getMin.(...) (47217)
   -     -     -                  Data.Heap root (96532)
  .1    .1    .1                Data.Heap splitForest (88853)
   -     -     -                  Data.Heap splitForest.r1 (58853)
   -     -     -                  Data.Heap splitForest.r2 (58853)
   -     -     -                Data.Heap uniqify (120812)
   -     -     -                  Data.Heap ins (71805)
   -     -     -                Data.Heap trees (38097)
   -     -     -                Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Run withInit.\ (0)
   -     -     -                  Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Run open.\ (0)
   -     -     -                    Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Rules runRules (0)
   -     -     -                Data.Heap skewLink (1593)
   -     -     -            Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Run run.\.\.\ (0)
   -     -     -              Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Run run.\.\.\.\ (1)
   -     -     -                Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Types runAction (7)
   -     -     -                  Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad runRAW (7)
   -     -     -                    Control.Exception.Extra catch_ (0)
   -     -     -                      Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad goRAW (0)
   -     -     -            General.Pool step.\.\ (176)
   -     -     -              General.Pool step.remThread (176)
   -     -     -                Data.HashSet delete (176)
   -     -     -                  Data.HashMap.Base delete (176)
   -     -     -                    Data.HashMap.Base delete.go (354)
   -     -     -          Control.Concurrent.Extra newBarrier (0)
   -     -     -        General.Pool step.addThread (2945)
   -     -     -          Data.HashSet insert (2945)
   -     -     -        General.Pool addPool.\ (1324)
   -     -     -          General.Pool rand (1324)
   -     -     -            General.Pool emptyS (0)
   -     -     -      Development.Shake.Internal.Resource newResourceIO.release.\ (0)
   -     -     -        Development.Shake.Internal.Resource newResourceIO.release.f (0)
   -     -     -          General.Fence signalFence (0)
   -     -     -    Development.Shake.Internal.Resource newResourceIO.release.\ (2859)
   -     -     -      Development.Shake.Internal.Resource newResourceIO.release.f (3130)
   -     -     -    Control.Concurrent.Extra signalBarrier.\ (6183)

 2.4    .5     -  Distribution.Simple.GHC configure (125)
 1.3    .1     -    Distribution.Simple.GHC.Internal getExtensions (125)
 1.0     -     -      Distribution.Simple.GHC.Internal getExtensions.extensions0 (126)
  .8     -     -        Distribution.Parsec simpleParsec (0)
  .1     -     -        Distribution.Pretty prettyShow (31242)
  .2     -     -      Distribution.Simple.Program getProgramOutput (125)
  .1    .1    .1      Distribution.Simple.GHC.Internal getExtensions.extStrs (125)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Simple.GHC.Internal getExtensions.extensions1 (20)
  .5    .4    .4    Distribution.Simple.GHC.Internal getGhcInfo (126)
  .1     -     -      Distribution.Simple.Program getProgramOutput (126)
  .3     -     -    Distribution.Simple.Program.Db requireProgramVersion (248)
  .3     -     -      Distribution.Simple.Program.Db lookupProgramVersion (249)
  .3     -     -        Distribution.Simple.Program.Db configureProgram (248)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Types.VersionRange withinRange (24)
  .1     -     -    Distribution.Simple.GHC configure.progdb4 (52)
  .1     -     -      Distribution.Simple.GHC.Internal configureToolchain (52)
  .1     -     -        Distribution.Simple.GHC.Internal configureToolchain.configureLd (63)
  .1     -     -          Distribution.Simple.GHC.Internal configureToolchain.configureLd' (63)
  .1     -     -            Distribution.Simple.Utils withTempFile (189)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Simple.GHC.Internal configureToolchain.findProg (73)
   -     -     -          Distribution.Simple.Program.Find findProgramOnSearchPath (73)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Simple.GHC.Internal configureToolchain.ccFlags (40)
   -     -     -          Distribution.Simple.GHC.Internal configureToolchain.getFlags (40)
   -     -     -            Distribution.Lex tokenizeQuotedWords (0)
   -     -     -              Distribution.Lex tokenizeQuotedWords.go (208)
   -     -     -                Distribution.Lex tokenizeQuotedWords.go.accum' (40)
   -     -     -                  Distribution.Compat.DList runDList (40)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Simple.GHC.Internal configureToolchain.getFlags (0)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Simple.GHC.Internal configureToolchain.ldLinkerFlags (6)
   -     -     -          Distribution.Simple.GHC.Internal configureToolchain.getFlags (12)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Simple.GHC.Internal configureToolchain.ldProgramName (8)
   -     -     -          Distribution.Simple.GHC.Internal configureToolchain.maybeName (8)
   -     -     -            Distribution.Simple.Utils dropExeExtension (8)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Simple.GHC configure.hpcProgram' (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Simple.GHC guessHpcFromGhcPath (62)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Simple.GHC guessToolFromGhcPath (62)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Simple.GHC configure.runghcProgram' (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Simple.GHC guessRunghcFromGhcPath (62)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Simple.GHC guessToolFromGhcPath (62)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Simple.GHC configure.haddockProgram' (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Simple.GHC guessHaddockFromGhcPath (61)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Simple.GHC guessToolFromGhcPath (61)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Simple.GHC configure.hsc2hsProgram' (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Simple.GHC guessHsc2hsFromGhcPath (61)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Simple.GHC guessToolFromGhcPath (61)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Simple.GHC configure.compPlatform (114)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Simple.GHC.Internal targetPlatform (114)
   -     -     -        Distribution.System platformFromTriple (114)
   -     -     -          Distribution.Parsec explicitEitherParsec (114)
   -     -     -          Distribution.System platformFromTriple.parseTriple (0)
   -     -     -            Distribution.Parsec char (0)
   -     -     -            Distribution.Parsec fmap (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Simple.GHC configure.extensions (114)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Simple.GHC configure.filterExt (114)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Simple.GHC configure.ghcInfoMap (83)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Simple.GHC configure.implInfo (20)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Simple.GHC configure.progdb3 (5)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Simple.Program.Db addKnownProgram (20)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Simple.Program.Db updateUnconfiguredProgs (20)

 1.4    .5     -  Distribution.Parsec many (0)
 1.4    .5    .5    Distribution.Parsec many.\ (137463)
  .5     -     -      Distribution.ModuleName parsec.component (0)
  .5     -     -        Distribution.Parsec satisfy (0)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Parsec >>= (0)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Parsec pure (0)
  .3     -     -      Distribution.Parsec >>= (0)
  .2     -     -      Distribution.Parsec *> (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Parsec <* (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Parsec fmap (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Parsec.Newtypes parseSep (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Parsec parsecOptCommaList (0)

  .5    .5    .2  Development.Shake.Util parseMakefile (0)
  .3    .3     -    General.Makefile parseMakefile (0)
  .2    .2     -      General.Makefile parseMakefile.f (38240)
  .2    .2    .2        General.Makefile wordsMakefile (0)
   -     -     -          General.Makefile wordsMakefile.f (216044)
   -     -     -            General.Makefile endsSlash (0)
   -     -     -        General.Makefile parseMakefile.f.(...) (37654)
   -     -     -      General.Makefile linesCR (352)
   -     -     -      General.Makefile parseMakefile.join (38590)
   -     -     -        General.Makefile endsSlash (0)

  .5    .5    .5  Development.Shake.Internal.Derived readFile' (137)
   -     -     -    Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.File need (60)

  .5    .5    .4  Distribution.Simple.Program.Db get (0)
  .1     -     -    Distribution.Utils.NubList get (307)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Utils.ShortText get (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Types.GenericPackageDescription get (0)

 4.5    .4    .1  Data.Hashable.Class hash (133818)
 2.7    .3    .3    Development.Shake.Internal.Value hashWithSalt (286337)
 1.0     -     -      Hadrian.Oracles.TextFile lookupValue (0)
  .7     -     -      Hadrian.Oracles.Cabal readContextData (0)
  .3     -     -      Utilities buildWithResources (0)
  .1     -     -      Hadrian.Oracles.TextFile lookupValues (0)
  .1     -     -      Hadrian.Oracles.Cabal readPackageData (0)
  .1     -     -      Data.Hashable.Class hashWithSalt (0)
   -     -     -      Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.File need (0)
   -     -     -      Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.Directory doesDirectoryExist (0)
   -     -     -      Rules.Compile compilePackage (0)
   -     -     -      Rules.Compile needDependencies (0)
   -     -     -      Hadrian.Builder needBuilder (0)
   -     -     -      Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.Directory getDirectoryFiles (0)
   -     -     -      Rules.Library libraryRules (0)
   -     -     -      Rules.Generate generatePackageCode.\ (0)
   -     -     -        Utilities build (0)
   -     -     -        Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.File need (0)
   -     -     -      Oracles.ModuleFiles findGenerator (0)
   -     -     -      Rules.Dependencies buildPackageDependencies (0)
   -     -     -      Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Run withInit.\ (0)
   -     -     -        Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Run open.\ (0)
   -     -     -          Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Rules runRules (0)
   -     -     -      Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.Directory doesFileExist (0)
   -     -     -      Hadrian.Haskell.Cabal.Parse resolveContextData (0)
   -     -     -      Hadrian.Oracles.Path lookupInPath (0)
   -     -     -      Oracles.ModuleFiles contextFiles (0)
   -     -     -        Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.Oracle askOracle (0)
   -     -     -      Rules.Generate genPrimopCode (0)
   -     -     -      Rules.Library libraryObjects (0)
   -     -     -      Rules.Generate generateRules (0)
   -     -     -      Rules.Libffi askLibffilDynLibs (0)
   -     -     -        Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.Oracle askOracle (0)
   -     -     -      Rules.Program buildProgramRules (0)
   -     -     -      Rules.Register registerPackageRules.\ (0)
   -     -     -        Rules.Register copyConf (0)
   -     -     -          Utilities askWithResources (0)
   -     -     -            Hadrian.Builder askWithResources (0)
   -     -     -              Hadrian.Builder askWith (0)
   -     -     -                Hadrian.Builder doWith (0)
 1.6     -     -    Data.Hashable.Class hashWithSalt (6517)
   -     -     -    Data.Hashable.Class hashTypeRep (78303)
   -     -     -    General.Thread hashWithSalt (3445)
   -     -     -      Data.Hashable.Class hashWithSalt (0)

 2.6    .4    .4  Distribution.Types.GenericPackageDescription get (0)
 1.1     -     -    Distribution.Compat.Graph get (220)
 1.0     -     -    Distribution.Utils.ShortText get (0)

  .9    .4     -  Data.HashMap.Base insert (215601)
  .5    .4    .3    Data.HashMap.Base insert.go (388204)
  .2    .1    .1      Data.HashMap.Base insert.go.ary' (136526)
  .1     -     -        Data.HashMap.Array copy (265247)
   -     -     -        Data.HashMap.Array new_ (129956)
   -     -     -      Data.HashMap.Base insert.go.i (212298)
   -     -     -        Data.HashMap.Base sparseIndex (160863)
   -     -     -      Data.HashMap.Base (71239)
   -     -     -      Data.HashMap.Base clone16 (70604)
   -     -     -      Data.HashMap.Base' (45038)
  .3     -     -    Data.HashMap.Base insert.h0 (206259)
  .3     -     -      Data.HashMap.Base hash (203832)

  .4    .4     -  System.Time.Extra offsetTime (0)
  .3    .3     -    System.Time.Extra offsetTime.time (0)
  .3    .3     -      System.Clock getTime (0)
  .3    .3    .1        System.Clock allocaAndPeek (0)
  .3    .3    .2          System.Clock allocaAndPeek.\ (81030)
   -     -     -            System.Clock peek (68338)
   -     -     -    System.Clock toNanoSecs (41229)
   -     -     -    System.Clock - (37966)
   -     -     -      System.Clock normalize (37973)
   -     -     -        System.Clock normalize.(...) (14820)

  .5    .4    .2  Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad flushSteps (4643513)
  .2    .2    .1    Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad flushSteps.\ (179777)
  .1     -     -      Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad goRAW.go.\ (0)
  .1     -     -        Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad goRAW.sio (0)
  .1     -     -          Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad goRAW.go.\.\ (0)
  .1     -     -            Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Types (10413)
   -     -     -              Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Types globalBuild (10390)
   -     -     -                Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Build applyKeyValue (10393)
   -     -     -                  Development.Shake.Internal.Value rnf (11313)
   -     -     -                  Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Database runLocked (0)
   -     -     -              General.Extra unconcat (10544)
   -     -     -                General.Extra unconcat.(...) (7550)
   -     -     -                General.Extra unconcat.b1 (4293)
   -     -     -              Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Types (9110)
   -     -     -      Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad goRAW.go (0)
   -     -     -        Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad goRAW.go.\ (0)
   -     -     -          Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad goRAW.sio (0)
   -     -     -            Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad goRAW.go.\.\ (0)
   -     -     -              Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Types (5145)
   -     -     -                Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Types globalBuild (5144)
   -     -     -                  Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Build applyKeyValue (5145)
   -     -     -      Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Types (10)
   -     -     -        Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Types globalBuild (10)
   -     -     -          Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Build applyKeyValue (10)
   -     -     -            Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Database runLocked (7)
   -     -     -            Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Build applyKeyValue.\ (0)
   -     -     -              Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Build applyKeyValue.\.\ (1)
   -     -     -                Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad goRAW.go.\ (1)
   -     -     -            Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Database mkId (4)
   -     -     -            General.Wait runWait (3)

  .4    .4    .4  Hadrian.Utilities -/- (249192)

  .5    .4    .4  General.Wait quickly (422474)
  .1     -     -    Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Database getKeyValueFromId (0)
   -     -     -    Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Build applyKeyValue.\ (107017)

 1.6    .4     -  Distribution.Simple.Program.Db configureProgram (1768)
  .6     -     -    Distribution.Simple.Program.Types programFindLocation (1468)
  .3     -     -      Distribution.Simple.Program.Types simpleProgram (0)
  .1     -     -      Distribution.Simple.Configure configCompilerEx (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Simple.Program.Builtin hscolourProgram.\ (61)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Simple.Program.Find findProgramOnSearchPath (61)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Simple.Program.Builtin greencardProgram (0)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Simple.Program.Types simpleProgram (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Simple.GHC guessGhcPkgFromGhcPath (63)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Simple.GHC guessToolFromGhcPath (63)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Simple.Program.Builtin doctestProgram.\ (63)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Simple.Program.Find findProgramOnSearchPath (63)
  .4     -     -    Distribution.Simple.Program.Types programFindVersion (1132)
  .4     -     -      Distribution.Simple.Utils findProgramVersion (752)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Simple.Program.Builtin stripProgram.\ (61)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Simple.Utils findProgramVersion (61)
  .3    .3     -    Distribution.Simple.Program.Find programSearchPathAsPATHVar (1136)
  .3    .3    .3      Distribution.Simple.Program.Find programSearchPathAsPATHVar.getEntries (1136)
  .3    .1     -    Distribution.Simple.Program.Types programPostConf (962)
  .2    .1     -      Distribution.Simple.Program.Builtin tarProgram.\ (62)
  .1     -     -        Distribution.Compat.Exception catchIO (0)
  .1    .1    .1        Distribution.Simple.Program.Builtin tarProgram.\.v (62)
  .1     -     -      Distribution.Simple.Configure configCompilerEx (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Simple.Program.Builtin ghcProgram.\ (40)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Simple.Program.Builtin ghcProgram.\.\ (39)
   -     -     -          Distribution.Types.VersionRange withinRange (40)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Simple.Utils doesExecutableExist (391)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Simple.Program.Db userSpecifiedPath (1165)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Simple.Program.Types programName (1022)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Simple runConfigureScript.shProg (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Simple.Program.Types simpleProgram (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Simple.Program.Db configureProgram.configuredProg (560)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Simple.Program.Db userSpecifiedArgs (560)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Simple.Program.Db (84)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Simple.Program.Types programName (84)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Simple.Program.Db progSearchPath (60)

  .9    .4     -  Hadrian.Oracles.TextFile textFileOracle (0)
  .5    .4    .4    Hadrian.Oracles.TextFile textFileOracle.\ (2441)
  .1     -     -      Data.HashMap.Base lookup (2481)
  .2     -     -    Development.Shake.Internal.Derived newCache (0)
  .2     -     -    Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.Oracle addOracleCache (0)

  .4    .4     -  Distribution.Utils.String decodeStringUtf8 (0)
  .4    .4    .4    Distribution.Utils.String decodeStringUtf8.go (4484899)

 4.4    .4    .4  General.Wait >>= (957975)
 3.3     -     -    General.Wait firstJustWaitUnordered (0)
  .6     -     -    Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Build lookupOne (0)
   -     -     -    General.Wait >>=.\ (6618)

 1.0    .4    .1  Data.Hashable.Generic ghashWithSalt (665870)
 1.0    .3    .1    Data.Hashable.Generic ghashWithSalt (631021)
  .7    .2    .1      Data.Hashable.Generic ghashWithSalt (0)
  .4     -     -        Data.Hashable.Class hashWithSalt (118479)
  .4     -     -          Data.Hashable.Class hashWithSalt1 (118479)
  .4     -     -            Data.Hashable.Class liftHashWithSalt (130951)
   -     -     -              Data.Hashable.Class liftHashWithSalt.step (1556)
  .1     -     -        Way.Type hashWithSalt (43677)
   -     -     -          Data.Hashable.Class hashWithSalt (43677)
   -     -     -            Data.Hashable.Class hashWithSalt1 (43677)
   -     -     -              Data.Hashable.Class liftHashWithSalt (43677)
   -     -     -          Way.Type show (39284)
   -     -     -        Data.Hashable.Generic ghashWithSalt (0)
   -     -     -          Data.Hashable.Generic hashSum (28210)
   -     -     -        Data.Hashable.Class liftHashWithSalt (186)
   -     -     -          Data.Hashable.Class liftHashWithSalt.step (2186)
  .2     -     -      Data.Hashable.Generic hashSum (160814)

  .9    .4     -  Distribution.Parsec fmap (9477)
  .9    .4    .3    Distribution.Parsec fmap.\ (117984)
  .1     -     -      Distribution.ModuleName fromComponents (23992)
  .1     -     -      Distribution.Parsec stringLiteral.stringLetter (0)
  .1     -     -        Distribution.Parsec satisfy (0)
  .1     -     -      Distribution.FieldGrammar.Parsec runFieldParser (0)
  .1    .1     -      Language.Haskell.Extension classifyExtension (31132)
  .1    .1    .1        Language.Haskell.Extension classifyKnownExtension (46360)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Parsec satisfy (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Parsec parsecLeadingOptCommaList.lp (0)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Parsec  (0)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Parsec <* (0)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Parsec skipMany (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Parsec stringLiteral.lit (0)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Parsec many (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Parsec string (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Parsec some (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Parsec <*> (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Parsec <* (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Types.UnitId mkUnitId (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.System platformFromTriple.parseWord (0)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Parsec satisfy (0)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Parsec some (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Parsec many (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Types.Dependency parsec (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Parsec.Newtypes parseSep (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Parsec *> (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Parsec.FieldLineStream uncons (3786)
   -     -     -      Distribution.System parsecIdent (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Types.MungedPackageName decodeCompatPackageName' (1023)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Types.PackageName mkPackageName (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Parsec parsecMaybeQuoted (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Parsec parsecOptCommaList.comma (0)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Parsec char (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.System classifyOS (7)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Types.AbiHash mkAbiHash (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Parsec parsecLeadingOptCommaList.comma (0)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Parsec  (0)

  .4    .4    .2  Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.Oracle put (6080)
  .1    .1    .1    Hadrian.Oracles.Cabal.Type put (0)
   -     -     -    Hadrian.Oracles.TextFile put (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Utils.ShortText put (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.ModuleName put (0)
   -     -     -    Oracles.ModuleFiles put (0)

  .4    .4    .4  Distribution.Simple.Utils doesExecutableExist (10396)

  .8    .4    .4  Distribution.Simple.Configure writePersistBuildConfig (63)
  .2     -     -    Distribution.Compat.Semigroup put (63)
  .1     -     -    Distribution.ModuleName put (0)
  .1     -     -    Distribution.Utils.Generic writeFileAtomic (62)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Simple.Program.Db put (62)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Compat.Graph put (50)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Utils.ShortText put (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Simple.Configure showHeader (40)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Pretty prettyShow (41)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Utils.Generic toUTF8LBS (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Simple.Configure writePersistBuildConfig.pkgId (40)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Types.LocalBuildInfo localPackage (40)

  .4    .4     -  Development.Shake.Internal.FilePattern parse (0)
  .3    .3    .1    Development.Shake.Internal.FilePattern lexer (239203)
  .2    .2    .2      Development.Shake.Internal.FilePattern lexer.(...) (130546)
   -     -     -      Development.Shake.Internal.FilePattern lexer.a (108668)
   -     -     -      Development.Shake.Internal.FilePattern lexer.b (70253)
  .2    .1     -    Development.Shake.Internal.FilePattern parse.f (0)
  .2    .1    .1      Development.Shake.Internal.FilePattern parse.f.\ (236831)
  .1     -     -        Development.Shake.Internal.FilePattern parseLit (101455)
  .1     -     -          Data.List.Extra split (663082)
   -     -     -          Data.List.Extra unsnoc (8909)

 2.2    .4    .4  Distribution.Utils.ShortText get (0)
 1.0     -     -    Distribution.ModuleName get (0)
  .8     -     -    Distribution.Compat.Graph get (95)
  .1     -     -    Distribution.SPDX.LicenseId get (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Types.GenericPackageDescription get (0)

 3.5    .4     -  Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.Files &%> (9)
 3.5    .4     -    Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.Files &%>.\ (39248)
 1.1     -     -      Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.Files getFileTimes (0)
 1.1     -     -        Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.File fileStoredValue (4928)
   -     -     -        Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.Files getFileTimes.opts2 (2459)
  .9    .3     -      Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.File fileForward (0)
  .9    .3     -        Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.Files &%>.\.\ (316016)
  .4    .2    .1          Development.Shake.Internal.FilePattern substitute (8672)
  .2     -     -            Development.Shake.Internal.FilePattern parse (0)
  .1    .1     -            Development.Shake.Internal.FilePattern substitute.split (0)
  .1    .1    .1              Data.List.Extra linesBy (54663)
   -     -     -                Data.List.Extra linesBy.cons (36771)
   -     -     -            Development.Shake.Internal.FilePattern substitute.f (44224)
   -     -     -              Development.Shake.Internal.FilePattern substitute.f.(...) (8837)
  .3     -     -          Development.Shake.Internal.FileName fileNameFromString (0)
  .1     -     -          Development.Shake.Internal.FilePattern extract (0)
  .1     -     -            Development.Shake.Internal.FilePattern extract.\ (4244)
   -     -     -              Development.Shake.Internal.FilePattern match (81666)
   -     -     -              Data.List.Extra split (244876)
  .1     -     -          Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Build apply1 (4244)
  .8     -     -      Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.Files &%>.\.op (0)
  .8     -     -        Development.Shake.Internal.FilePattern ?== (0)
  .4     -     -      Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.Files &%>.\.xs (39351)
  .3     -     -        Development.Shake.Internal.FileName fileNameToString (0)
  .3     -     -      General.Extra createDirectoryRecursive (2401)
   -     -     -      General.Extra zipWithExact (29717)
   -     -     -        General.Extra zipWithExact.g (2433)
   -     -     -          Development.Shake.Internal.FilePattern ?== (2439)
   -     -     -      Rules.Configure configureRules.\ (0)
   -     -     -        Utilities build (0)
   -     -     -      Data.List.Extra nubOrd (2399)
   -     -     -      Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.File trackAllow (2408)
   -     -     -    Development.Shake.Internal.FilePattern simple (0)

  .5    .4    .2  Expression builder (37579)
  .2    .1    .1    Expression builder (108809)
   -     -     -      Hadrian.Expression getBuilder (0)
   -     -     -        Hadrian.Target builder (26769)
   -     -     -      Expression builder (13925)
   -     -     -        Builder == (7862)
   -     -     -        Hadrian.Expression getBuilder (0)
   -     -     -          Hadrian.Target builder (2717)
   -     -     -      Builder == (37650)
   -     -     -      Context getStage (0)
  .1     -     -    Hadrian.Expression getBuilder (0)
   -     -     -      Hadrian.Target builder (61486)
  .1     -     -    Context getStage (0)
   -     -     -    Builder == (16547)

 1.8    .3    .3  Distribution.ModuleName get (0)
 1.4     -     -    Distribution.SPDX.LicenseId get (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Simple.Program.Db get (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.ModuleName stlFromList (85707)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Compat.Graph fromDistinctList (0)

  .4    .3    .2  Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Database getKeyValueFromId (483816)
  .2    .2    .2    General.Ids lookup (80449)
  .1     -     -      Control.Monad.Primitive primitive (562078)

  .5    .3    .3  Hadrian.Expression toPredicate (38623)
  .1     -     -    Hadrian.Expression pure (0)
   -     -     -    Hadrian.Expression toPredicate (0)
   -     -     -      Hadrian.Expression pure (0)
   -     -     -    Settings.Packages rtsPackageArgs (0)
   -     -     -    Expression builder (0)
   -     -     -    Expression libraryPackage (0)
   -     -     -      Context getPackage (0)
   -     -     -    Settings.Builders.Common cIncludeArgs (0)
   -     -     -    Expression notStage0 (0)
   -     -     -    Expression stage0 (0)
   -     -     -    Settings.Builders.Ghc commonGhcArgs (0)

  .4    .3     -  Data.List.Extra nubOrdBy (191968)
  .3    .3    .1    Data.List.Extra nubOrdBy.f (474012)
  .2    .1     -      Data.List.Extra insertRB (96088)
  .1    .1     -        Data.List.Extra insertRB.(...) (92838)
  .1    .1     -          Data.List.Extra insertRB.ins (435887)
   -     -     -            Data.List.Extra balance (225609)
   -     -     -            General.Intern compare (0)
   -     -     -        Data.List.Extra insertRB.b (82051)
   -     -     -        Data.List.Extra insertRB.z (89354)
   -     -     -        Data.List.Extra insertRB.a (76924)
  .1    .1    .1      Data.List.Extra memberRB (629006)
   -     -     -        General.Intern compare (0)
   -     -     -        Hadrian.Package compare (6100)
   -     -     -        Development.Shake.Internal.FilePattern compare (2691)
   -     -     -        General.Process compare (2716)

 6.3    .3     -  Distribution.Fields.Parser readFields' (1664)
 6.2    .3     -    Distribution.Fields.Parser cabalStyleFile (1656)
 6.1    .3     -      Distribution.Fields.Parser elements (302)
 6.1    .3     -        Distribution.Fields.Parser element (302)
 6.1    .3     -          Distribution.Fields.Parser indentOfAtLeast (39343)
 6.1    .3     -            Distribution.Fields.Parser tokIndent (0)
 6.1    .3     -              Distribution.Fields.Parser getToken (0)
 6.1    .3    .2                Distribution.Fields.Parser getTokenWithPos (0)
 5.8     -     -                  Distribution.Fields.Parser elementInLayoutContext (39357)
   -     -     -                  Distribution.Fields.Parser tokSym.\ (39212)
   -     -     -                    Distribution.Fields.Field mkName (38247)
   -     -     -                  Distribution.Fields.Parser fieldSecName (0)
   -     -     -                  Distribution.Fields.Parser getToken.\ (176722)
   -     -     -                    Distribution.Fields.Parser tokIndent.\ (67499)
   -     -     -                  Distribution.Fields.Parser incIndentLevel (27840)
   -     -     -                  Distribution.Fields.Parser tokFieldLine.\ (56103)
  .1     -     -    Distribution.Fields.Parser readFields'.lexSt (1655)
  .1     -     -      Distribution.Fields.Parser mkLexState' (6622)

 2.9    .3    .1  Settings.Builders.Ghc commonGhcArgs (0)
 2.1    .1    .1    Settings.Builders.Ghc includeGhcArgs (0)
 1.5     -     -      Settings.Builders.Common cIncludeArgs (0)
  .2     -     -      Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.File need (0)
  .1     -     -      Context.Path getBuildPath (0)
  .1     -     -      Hadrian.Utilities -/- (64258)
   -     -     -      Packages autogenPath (5264)
   -     -     -      Expression getContextData (5495)
   -     -     -      Settings.Builders.Ghc includeGhcArgs.cabalMacros (5528)
   -     -     -        Hadrian.Utilities -/- (5528)
   -     -     -      Context getPackage (0)
   -     -     -      Hadrian.Expression getContext (0)
   -     -     -      Hadrian.Expression arg (0)
   -     -     -      Hadrian.Expression mappend (0)
   -     -     -      Hadrian.Expression getBuildRoot (0)
   -     -     -      Hadrian.Expression pure (0)
  .4     -     -    Settings.Builders.Ghc packageGhcArgs (0)
  .1     -     -    Settings.Builders.Ghc wayGhcArgs (0)
   -     -     -      Hadrian.Expression ? (24671)
   -     -     -      Settings.Builders.Ghc wayGhcArgs.supportsEventlog (4886)
   -     -     -        Way.Type wayUnit (14729)
   -     -     -      Hadrian.Expression mappend (0)
   -     -     -      Way.Type == (9782)
   -     -     -      Way.Type wayUnit (19532)
   -     -     -      Context getWay (0)
  .1     -     -    Context getStagedSettingList (0)
   -     -     -    Context.Path getBuildPath (0)
   -     -     -    Expression getContextData (0)
   -     -     -    Hadrian.Expression arg (0)
   -     -     -    Way hisuf (0)
   -     -     -      Way wayPrefix (4882)
   -     -     -    Expression package (0)
   -     -     -    Hadrian.Expression ? (4976)
   -     -     -    Context getWay (0)
   -     -     -    Hadrian.Expression mappend (0)
   -     -     -    Way hcsuf (0)
   -     -     -      Way wayPrefix (2432)
   -     -     -    Way osuf (0)

99.9    .3    .3  MAIN MAIN (0)
99.7     -     -    Main main (0)
99.7     -     -      Development.Shake.Internal.Args shakeArgsWith (1)
99.7     -     -        Development.Shake.Internal.Args shakeArgsOptionsWith (1)
99.7     -     -          Development.Shake.Internal.Args shakeArgsOptionsWith.redir (1)
99.7     -     -            Control.Exception.Extra try_ (0)
99.7     -     -              Development.Shake.Internal.Args shake (0)
99.7     -     -                Development.Shake.Database shakeWithDatabase (1)
99.4     -     -                  Development.Shake.Internal.Args shake.\ (1)
99.4     -     -                    Development.Shake.Database shakeRunDatabase (1)
99.4     -     -                      Development.Shake.Database withOpen (1)
  .3     -     -                  Development.Shake.Database shakeOpenDatabase (1)
  .3     -     -                    Development.Shake.Database shakeOpenDatabase.alloc (1)
  .3     -     -                      Development.Shake.Database withOpen (1)
   -     -     -          Development.Shake.Internal.Args shakeArgsOptionsWith.baseOpts2 (1)
   -     -     -            General.GetOpt removeOverlap (1)
   -     -     -              General.GetOpt removeOverlap.f (53)
   -     -     -                General.GetOpt removeOverlap.f.b2 (53)
   -     -     -                  Data.HashSet member (58)
   -     -     -      Main main.rules (0)
   -     -     -        Rules.Documentation documentationRules (0)
   -     -     -      Main main.extra (1)
   -     -     -        Hadrian.Utilities insertExtra (3)
   -     -     -          Data.HashMap.Strict insert (3)
   -     -     -    GHC.Float CAF (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.PackageDescription.FieldGrammar CAF:buildInfoFieldGrammar_ds52 (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.PackageDescription.FieldGrammar buildInfoFieldGrammar (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.PackageDescription.Parsec CAF:lvl28_raMmv (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.PackageDescription.Parsec parseGenericPackageDescription (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Types.PackageId CAF:f_r7w9e (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Types.PackageId parsec (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.SPDX.LicenseId CAF:stringLookup_3_0 (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.SPDX.LicenseId stringLookup_3_0 (1)
   -     -     -    Distribution.SPDX.LicenseId CAF:stringLookup_3_5 (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.SPDX.LicenseId stringLookup_3_5 (1)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Simple.Utils CAF:findProgramVersion_f (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Simple.Setup CAF:lvl494_r7Tun (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Simple.Configure CAF:writePersistBuildConfig7 (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Simple.Configure writePersistBuildConfig (0)
   -     -     -    General.Extra CAF:getProcessorCount2 (0)
   -     -     -      General.Extra getProcessorCount (0)
   -     -     -        General.Extra getProcessorCount.act (0)
   -     -     -    Rules.Generate CAF:lvl436_r43Lt (0)
   -     -     -      Rules.Generate generateGhcPlatformH (0)
   -     -     -        Oracles.Setting getSetting (0)
   -     -     -    Rules.Generate CAF:lvl596_r43Ob (0)
   -     -     -      Rules.Generate generateGhcVersionH (0)
   -     -     -        Oracles.Setting getSetting (0)
   -     -     -    Rules.Rts CAF:lvl53_r3PzA (0)
   -     -     -      Rules.Rts rtsRules.\ (0)
   -     -     -        Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.Files &%> (0)
   -     -     -    Settings.Builders.GenPrimopCode CAF:genPrimopCodeBuilderArgs68 (0)
   -     -     -      Settings.Builders.GenPrimopCode genPrimopCodeBuilderArgs (0)
   -     -     -    Settings.Packages CAF:eta6_r3ema (0)
   -     -     -      Settings.Packages rtsPackageArgs (0)

 2.1    .3     -  Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.Oracle addOracleFlavor (0)
 1.9    .1     -    Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.Oracle addOracleFlavor.\ (6110)
 1.3     -     -      Hadrian.Oracles.Cabal.Rules cabalOracle.\ (109)
  .7     -     -        Hadrian.Haskell.Cabal.Parse resolveContextData (63)
  .6     -     -        Hadrian.Haskell.Cabal.Parse parsePackageData (34)
  .5     -     -          Distribution.PackageDescription.Parsec readGenericPackageDescription (0)
   -     -     -          Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Action traced (1)
   -     -     -          Hadrian.Package pkgCabalFile (33)
   -     -     -        Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.File need (0)
   -     -     -        Hadrian.Oracles.Cabal.Rules cabalOracle.\.file (12)
   -     -     -          Hadrian.Package pkgCabalFile (12)
  .4    .1     -      Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.Oracle addOracleFlavor.\.newEncode (6060)
  .4    .1    .1        Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.Oracle addOracleFlavor.encode' (6043)
  .4     -     -          Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.Oracle put (6080)
  .1     -     -      Oracles.ModuleFiles moduleFilesOracle.\ (55)
  .1     -     -        Control.Monad.Extra concatForM (0)
  .1     -     -          Oracles.ModuleFiles moduleFilesOracle.\.\.\ (415)
  .1     -     -            Oracles.ModuleFiles moduleFilesOracle.\.\.\.found (436)
  .1     -     -              Hadrian.Utilities intersectOrd (436)
   -     -     -            Oracles.ModuleFiles moduleFilesOracle.\.\.\.fullDir (415)
   -     -     -              Hadrian.Utilities unifyPath (0)
   -     -     -              Hadrian.Utilities -/- (415)
   -     -     -            Hadrian.Utilities -/- (2317)
   -     -     -            Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.Directory getDirectoryFiles (415)
   -     -     -          Oracles.ModuleFiles moduleFilesOracle.\.\ (140)
   -     -     -            Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.Directory doesDirectoryExist (0)
   -     -     -            Hadrian.Utilities -/- (1678)
   -     -     -        Oracles.ModuleFiles moduleFilesOracle.\.modDirFiles (46)
   -     -     -          Oracles.ModuleFiles decodeModule (2249)
   -     -     -            Oracles.ModuleFiles decodeModule.xs (2249)
   -     -     -              Hadrian.Utilities replaceEq (2249)
   -     -     -          Data.List.Extra groupSort (0)
   -     -     -        Oracles.ModuleFiles moduleFilesOracle.\.pairs (53)
   -     -     -          Oracles.ModuleFiles encodeModule (2317)
   -     -     -            Hadrian.Utilities replaceEq (1470)
   -     -     -        Hadrian.Utilities lookupAll (4655)
   -     -     -        Oracles.ModuleFiles moduleFilesOracle.\.multi (53)
   -     -     -        Hadrian.Expression interpretInContext (165)
   -     -     -        Packages autogenPath (55)
   -     -     -      Hadrian.Oracles.Path pathOracle.\ (0)
   -     -     -      Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Build historyLoad (0)
   -     -     -      Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Build historySave (0)
   -     -     -      Hadrian.Oracles.DirectoryContents directoryContentsOracle.\ (0)
   -     -     -        System.Directory.Extra listFilesInside (5)
   -     -     -          Control.Monad.Extra ifM (5)
  .2    .2     -    Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Rules addBuiltinRule (0)
  .1    .1    .1      Hadrian.Oracles.ArgsHash put (0)
   -     -     -        Way.Type put (0)
   -     -     -          Way.Type show (3388)
   -     -     -      Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.Oracle put (0)
   -     -     -      General.Binary putEx (5946)
   -     -     -      Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Rules addBuiltinRuleInternal (0)
   -     -     -      Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Types fmap (5702)
   -     -     -      Development.Shake.Internal.Value newValue (0)

  .3    .3    .3  Control.Monad.Primitive primitive (3860348)

  .8    .2     -  Distribution.FieldGrammar.Parsec runFieldParser' (29683)
  .8    .2    .2    Distribution.FieldGrammar.Parsec runFieldParser'.p' (29633)
  .3     -     -      Distribution.Parsec.Newtypes parsec (0)
  .1     -     -      Distribution.Parsec parsec (0)
  .1     -     -      Distribution.Types.InstalledPackageInfo.FieldGrammar parsec (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Parsec.FieldLineStream uncons (28345)

 4.8    .2     -  Distribution.Simple hookedAction (94)
 4.8    .2     -    Distribution.Simple hookedActionWithArgs (94)
 4.0    .2     -      Distribution.Simple hookedAction.\ (94)
 3.6    .2     -        Distribution.Simple.UserHooks copyHook (47)
 3.6    .2     -          Distribution.Simple simpleUserHooks.\ (47)
 3.6    .2     -            Distribution.Simple.Install install (47)
 3.6    .2     -              Distribution.Types.LocalBuildInfo withNeededTargetsInBuildOrder' (47)
 3.6    .2     -                Distribution.Simple.Install install.\ (47)
 3.6    .2     -                  Distribution.Simple.Install copyComponent (47)
 3.5    .2     -                    Distribution.Simple.GHC installLib (47)
 2.3     -     -                      Distribution.Simple.GHC installLib.whenHasCode (47)
 2.3     -     -                        Distribution.Simple.GHC installLib.whenVanilla (0)
 1.6     -     -                          Distribution.Simple.GHC installLib.installOrdinary (0)
 1.6     -     -                            Distribution.Simple.GHC installLib.install (94)
 1.6     -     -                              Distribution.Simple.Utils installOrdinaryFile (50)
   -     -     -                              Distribution.Simple.Program.Strip stripLib (46)
   -     -     -                                Distribution.Simple.Program.Strip runStrip (46)
   -     -     -                                  Distribution.Simple.Program runProgram (46)
   -     -     -                              Distribution.Simple.Utils createDirectoryIfMissingVerbose (50)
   -     -     -                              Distribution.Simple.GHC installLib.install.dst (50)
  .7     -     -                          Distribution.Simple.GHC installLib.whenGHCi (0)
  .7     -     -                            Distribution.Simple.GHC installLib.installOrdinary (0)
  .7     -     -                              Distribution.Simple.GHC installLib.install (0)
  .6     -     -                                Distribution.Simple.Utils installOrdinaryFile (44)
   -     -     -                                Distribution.Simple.Program.Strip stripLib (44)
   -     -     -                                  Distribution.Simple.Program.Strip runStrip (44)
   -     -     -                                    Distribution.Simple.Program runProgram (44)
   -     -     -                                Distribution.Simple.Utils createDirectoryIfMissingVerbose (44)
   -     -     -                          Distribution.Types.UnitId getHSLibraryName (47)
 1.2    .2     -                      Distribution.Simple.GHC installLib.whenVanilla (47)
 1.2    .2     -                        Distribution.Simple.GHC installLib.copyModuleFiles (0)
 1.1     -     -                          Distribution.Simple.Utils installOrdinaryFiles (47)
 1.1     -     -                            Distribution.Simple.Utils copyFilesWith (47)
 1.0     -     -                              Distribution.Simple.Utils installOrdinaryFile (2249)
  .1     -     -                              Distribution.Simple.Utils createDirectoryIfMissingVerbose (359)
   -     -     -                              Distribution.Simple.Utils copyFilesWith.src (2249)
   -     -     -                              Distribution.Simple.Utils copyFilesWith.dest (2249)
   -     -     -                              Distribution.Simple.Utils copyFilesWith.dirs (47)
  .2    .2     -                          Distribution.Simple.Utils findModuleFilesEx (47)
  .2    .2     -                            Distribution.Simple.Utils findModuleFileEx (2249)
  .1    .1     -                              Distribution.Simple.Utils findFileWithExtension' (2249)
  .1    .1     -                                Distribution.Simple.Utils findFirstFile (2249)
  .1    .1    .1                                  Distribution.Simple.Utils findFirstFile.findFirst (2249)
   -     -     -                              Distribution.ModuleName toFilePath (0)
   -     -     -                                Distribution.ModuleName components (2249)
   -     -     -                                  Distribution.ModuleName stlToStrings (0)
   -     -     -                      Distribution.Simple.GHC installLib.copyModuleFiles (47)
   -     -     -                        Distribution.Simple.LocalBuildInfo allLibModules (47)
   -     -     -                          Distribution.Utils.Generic ordNub (47)
   -     -     -                      Distribution.Simple.GHC installLib.builtDir (47)
   -     -     -                        Distribution.Simple.LocalBuildInfo componentBuildDir (47)
   -     -     -                    Distribution.Simple.Install installIncludeFiles (47)
   -     -     -                      Distribution.Simple.Utils installOrdinaryFile (88)
   -     -     -                      Distribution.Simple.Utils createDirectoryIfMissingVerbose (88)
   -     -     -                      Distribution.Simple.Install installIncludeFiles.findInc (280)
   -     -     -                    Distribution.Simple.Install copyComponent.(...) (47)
   -     -     -                      Distribution.Simple.LocalBuildInfo absoluteInstallCommandDirs (47)
   -     -     -                Distribution.Types.LocalBuildInfo neededTargetsInBuildOrder' (47)
  .1     -     -              Distribution.Simple.Install copyPackage (47)
   -     -     -                Distribution.Simple.Utils installOrdinaryFile (46)
   -     -     -                Distribution.Simple.Utils createDirectoryIfMissingVerbose (46)
   -     -     -                Distribution.Simple.Install copyPackage.(...) (46)
   -     -     -                  Distribution.Simple.LocalBuildInfo absoluteInstallCommandDirs (46)
   -     -     -                Distribution.Simple.BuildPaths haddockPref (47)
   -     -     -                  Distribution.Simple.BuildPaths haddockDirName (47)
   -     -     -                    Distribution.Pretty prettyShow (0)
  .3    .1     -        Distribution.Simple.UserHooks regHook (47)
  .3    .1     -          Distribution.Simple defaultRegHook (47)
  .3    .1     -            Distribution.Simple.Register register (47)
  .3    .1     -              Distribution.Simple.Register register.doRegister (47)
  .2     -     -                Distribution.Simple.Register registerAll (47)
  .2     -     -                  Distribution.Simple.Register registerAll.\ (47)
  .2     -     -                    Distribution.Simple.Register registerPackage (47)
  .2     -     -                      Distribution.Simple.GHC registerPackage (47)
  .2     -     -                        Distribution.Simple.Program.HcPkg register (47)
  .1     -     -                          Distribution.Simple.Program.HcPkg registerInvocation (47)
  .1     -     -                            Distribution.InstalledPackageInfo showInstalledPackageInfo (47)
  .1     -     -                              Distribution.InstalledPackageInfo showFullInstalledPackageInfo (0)
   -     -     -                                Distribution.Fields.Pretty showFields (0)
   -     -     -                                  Distribution.Fields.Pretty showFields' (0)
   -     -     -                                    Distribution.Fields.Pretty renderFields (47)
   -     -     -                                      Distribution.Fields.Pretty renderField (1086)
   -     -     -                                        Distribution.Fields.Pretty renderField.(...) (1086)
   -     -     -                                        Distribution.Fields.Pretty renderField.narrow (1086)
   -     -     -                                        Distribution.Fields.Pretty' (1086)
   -     -     -                                          Distribution.Utils.Generic fromUTF8BS (0)
   -     -     -                                Distribution.FieldGrammar.Pretty prettyFieldGrammar (0)
   -     -     -                                  Distribution.Types.InstalledPackageInfo.FieldGrammar ipiFieldGrammar (0)
  .1     -     -                          Distribution.Simple.Program.Run runProgramInvocation (47)
   -     -     -                    Distribution.Types.LocalBuildInfo compiler (47)
  .1     -     -                Distribution.Utils.MapAccum mapAccumM (47)
   -     -     -                Distribution.Simple.Register register.doRegister.componentsToRegister (47)
   -     -     -                  Distribution.Types.LocalBuildInfo neededTargetsInBuildOrder' (47)
  .8     -     -      Distribution.Simple getBuildConfig (94)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Simple.UserHooks preReg (47)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Simple autoconfUserHooks.readHook (47)
   -     -     -          Distribution.Simple getHookedBuildInfo (47)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Simple.UserHooks preCopy (47)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Simple autoconfUserHooks.readHookWithArgs (47)
   -     -     -          Distribution.Simple getHookedBuildInfo (47)
   -     -     -          Distribution.Simple.Configure findDistPrefOrDefault (0)

  .2    .2    .2  General.Wait fmap (525222)

 5.8    .2     -  Distribution.Fields.Parser openBrace (0)
 5.7    .2    .2    Distribution.Fields.Parser fieldLayoutOrBraces.fieldLayout (0)
 5.5     -     -      Distribution.Fields.Parser inLexerMode (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Fields.Parser fieldContent (0)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Fields.Parser inLexerMode (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Fields.Parser fieldSecName (0)

  .2    .2    .2  Distribution.Simple.Program.Run getEffectiveEnvironment (803)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Simple.Program.Run getEffectiveEnvironment.apply (54)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Simple.Program.Run getEffectiveEnvironment.update (49)

 1.1    .2     -  Distribution.Parsec char (0)
 1.1    .2    .2    Distribution.Compat.CharParsing char (0)
  .5     -     -      Distribution.Parsec many (0)
  .1     -     -      Distribution.Parsec.FieldLineStream uncons (293357)
  .1     -     -      Distribution.Parsec  (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Parsec <*> (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Parsec >>= (175)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Parsec.Newtypes parseSep (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Types.VersionRange.Internal versionRangeParser.factor (0)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Parsec <|> (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Parsec *> (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Parsec fmap (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Parsec stringLiteral.stringChar (0)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Parsec fmap (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Parsec parsec (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Parsec stringLiteral.stringLetter (0)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Parsec satisfy (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Types.PackageId parsec.component (0)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Parsec satisfy (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Parsec liftParsec (0)

  .2    .2    .2  General.Extra tryIO (0)

  .5    .2     -  General.Process forkWait (9745)
  .5    .2    .2    General.Process forkWait.\ (9745)
  .2     -     -      Control.Monad.Extra whileM (0)

  .3    .2    .2  Control.Monad.Extra whileM (19441)
  .1     -     -    Control.Monad.Extra notM (4086)

 1.4    .2     -  Distribution.Simple.Program.Run getProgramInvocationOutput (480)
 1.4    .2     -    Distribution.Simple.Program.Run getProgramInvocationOutputAndErrors (627)
  .6    .2     -      Distribution.Simple.Program.Run getProgramInvocationOutputAndErrors.decode (84)
  .4     -     -        Distribution.Utils.Generic fromUTF8LBS (0)
  .2    .2    .2        Distribution.Utils.Generic normaliseLineEndings (3975882)
  .6     -     -      Distribution.Simple.Utils rawSystemStdInOut (617)
  .2     -     -      Distribution.Simple.Program.Run getEffectiveEnvironment (597)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Simple.Program.Run getProgramInvocationOutputAndErrors.input (4)

 3.1    .2    .2  Data.HashMap.Base hash (961631)
 2.9     -     -    Data.Hashable.Class hash (108863)
   -     -     -    General.Intern hash (0)
   -     -     -      Data.Hashable.Class hash (0)
   -     -     -    General.Extra hash (0)
   -     -     -      Data.Hashable.Class hash (18510)

  .2    .2    .2  Development.Shake.Internal.Derived writeFileChanged (35)
   -     -     -    General.Extra createDirectoryRecursive (56)

  .2    .2     -  Data.Hashable.Generic hashSum (189024)
  .1    .1     -    Data.Hashable.Generic hashSum (111285)
  .1    .1     -      Data.Hashable.Generic ghashWithSalt (105304)
  .1    .1     -        Data.Hashable.Class hashWithSalt (0)
  .1    .1     -          Data.Hashable.Class defaultHashWithSalt (103757)
   -     -     -            Data.Hashable.Class combine (87337)
   -     -     -            Data.Hashable.Class hash (0)
   -     -     -      Data.Hashable.Class hashWithSalt (0)
   -     -     -        Data.Hashable.Class defaultHashWithSalt (88448)
   -     -     -          Data.Hashable.Class combine (74912)
   -     -     -    Data.Hashable.Generic hashSum.sizeL (46617)

 2.4    .2     -  General.Wait fromLater (44882)
 2.3    .2     -    Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Build buildOne.\.\ (18487)
 1.9    .2    .1      Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Build runKey (18337)
  .8     -     -        Main main.rules (0)
  .8     -     -          Rules oracleRules (0)
  .7    .1    .1        Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Build runKey.\ (17468)
  .6     -     -          Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Types nubDepends (0)
   -     -     -          Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Build runKey.\.cr (14428)
   -     -     -          Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Build runKey.\.(...) (7521)
   -     -     -          Numeric.Extra doubleToFloat (0)
  .2     -     -        Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.Directory defaultRuleDirectory (0)
  .2     -     -        System.Time.Extra offsetTime (0)
   -     -     -        Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Build runKey.s (8272)
  .4     -     -      General.Pool addPool (17714)
  .1     -     -    Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Database runLocked (0)
   -     -     -    General.Wait runWait (94)

  .8    .2    .2  Distribution.Utils.Generic toUTF8BS (0)
  .6     -     -    Distribution.Utils.String encodeStringUtf8 (4519883)

 4.8    .2    .2  General.Wait runWait (640871)
 4.2     -     -    General.Wait >>= (537238)
  .3     -     -    General.Wait quickly (0)

 1.9    .2     -  Distribution.Parsec >>= (119000)
 1.9    .2    .2    Distribution.Parsec >>=.\ (293377)
  .8     -     -      Distribution.Parsec.Newtypes parsec (0)
  .8     -     -        Distribution.Parsec parsecToken (0)
  .7     -     -          Distribution.Parsec satisfy (0)
  .1     -     -          Distribution.Parsec checkNotDoubleDash (0)
   -     -     -          Distribution.Parsec some (0)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Parsec fmap (0)
  .4     -     -      Distribution.Parsec >>=.\.\ (283224)
  .2     -     -      Distribution.Parsec parsecLeadingOptCommaList.lp (0)
  .1     -     -        Distribution.Parsec <* (0)
  .1     -     -        Distribution.Parsec skipMany (0)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Parsec satisfy (0)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Parsec  (0)
  .1     -     -      Distribution.Parsec satisfy (0)
  .1     -     -      Distribution.Parsec string (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Parsec fmap (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Parsec some (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Types.ExposedModule parsec (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Types.Version versionDigitParser (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Parsec <|> (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Parsec <* (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Verbosity parsecVerbosity (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.FieldGrammar.Parsec runFieldParser (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Parsec  (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Parsec parsecOptCommaList (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.SPDX.LicenseExpression parsec.exception (0)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Parsec *> (0)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Parsec <|> (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Types.VersionRange.Internal versionRangeParser.term (0)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Parsec string (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Parsec <*> (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Parsec many (0)

 4.3    .2    .1  Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Database mkId (262777)
 3.7     -     -    General.Intern lookup (269190)
 3.6     -     -      Data.HashMap.Base lookup (269190)
  .5     -     -    General.Intern add (18478)
  .5     -     -      Data.HashMap.Strict insert (18478)
   -     -     -    General.Ids insert (15923)
   -     -     -    Data.IORef.Extra writeIORef' (8629)

  .2    .2    .1  Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.File addPhony (0)
  .1    .1    .1    Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.File ~>.\ (1738878)
   -     -     -    Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.File phony.\ (15913)

  .2    .2    .1  Distribution.Pretty prettyShow (36767)
  .1    .1     -    Language.Haskell.Extension pretty (31242)
   -     -     -      Language.Haskell.Extension showsPrec (27608)
   -     -     -    Distribution.ModuleName pretty (4714)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Types.PackageId pretty (471)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Types.Version pretty (255)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Types.PackageName pretty (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Types.Version pretty (1067)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Types.MungedPackageId pretty (251)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Types.Version pretty (251)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Types.MungedPackageName pretty (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.System pretty (108)
   -     -     -      Distribution.System showsPrec (74)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Utils.Generic lowercase (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Types.UnitId pretty (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Types.UnitId unUnitId (90)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Types.PackageName pretty (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Compiler pretty (34)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Types.Version pretty (34)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Types.ComponentId pretty (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Types.MungedPackageName pretty (0)

  .4    .2    .2  General.Extra createDirectoryRecursive (2493)
  .2     -     -    General.Extra tryIO (0)

 1.6    .2    .2  Settings.Builders.Common cIncludeArgs (0)
 1.2     -     -    Hadrian.Utilities unifyPath (0)
  .1     -     -    Expression getContextData (10986)
  .1     -     -    Context.Path getBuildPath (0)
   -     -     -    Hadrian.Utilities -/- (31535)
   -     -     -    Control.Monad.Extra ||^ (0)
   -     -     -    Hadrian.Expression ? (4935)
   -     -     -    Oracles.Flag flag (0)
   -     -     -    Oracles.Setting getSetting (0)
   -     -     -    Context getPackage (0)
   -     -     -    Hadrian.Expression arg (0)
   -     -     -    Hadrian.Expression getBuildRoot (0)
   -     -     -    Expression package (0)
   -     -     -    Hadrian.Expression mappend (0)
   -     -     -    Hadrian.Expression pure (0)
   -     -     -    Hadrian.Package pkgPath (0)

  .2    .2    .1  Distribution.ModuleName put (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Utils.ShortText put (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.ModuleName stlToList (197319)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Simple.Program.Db put (0)

  .2    .2    .1  Development.Shake.Internal.FilePattern matchStars (407818)
  .1    .1    .1    Data.List.Extra stripSuffix (98476)
   -     -     -    Development.Shake.Internal.FilePattern matchStars.stripInfixes (17942)

  .2    .2    .2  Hadrian.Expression pure (0)

 4.3    .2    .1  Hadrian.Builder doWith (3351)
 2.9     -     -    Hadrian.Expression interpret (6395)
  .6     -     -    Hadrian.Builder needBuilder (2925)
  .5     -     -    Hadrian.Oracles.ArgsHash trackArgsHash (3281)
  .4     -     -      Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.Oracle askOracle (3062)
  .2     -     -      Hadrian.Oracles.ArgsHash trackArgsHash.hashedInputs (3160)
  .1     -     -        Data.Hashable.Class hash (3117)
   -     -     -        Hadrian.Target inputs (2347)
   -     -     -      Hadrian.Oracles.ArgsHash trackArgsHash.hashedTarget (2361)
   -     -     -      Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.Oracle hashWithSalt (2460)
  .1     -     -    Builder runBuilderWith (3)
   -     -     -    Hadrian.Builder doWith.quietlyUnlessVerbose (3022)
   -     -     -      Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Action quietly (0)
   -     -     -        Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Action withVerbosity (0)
   -     -     -          Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Action actionBracket (2939)
   -     -     -    Hadrian.Target builder (5499)
   -     -     -    Hadrian.Oracles.ArgsHash hashWithSalt (2460)
   -     -     -    Way.Type rnf (2399)

 1.7    .2     -  Distribution.Parsec <|> (994)
 1.7    .1    .1    Distribution.Parsec <|>.\ (117721)
  .6     -     -      Distribution.ModuleName parsec (0)
  .4     -     -      Distribution.Parsec stringLiteral (0)
  .3     -     -      Distribution.Parsec parsecHaskellString (0)
  .3     -     -        Distribution.Parsec stringLiteral (0)
  .1     -     -      Distribution.Parsec >>= (0)
  .1     -     -      Distribution.SPDX.LicenseExpression parsec.simple (0)
  .1     -     -        Distribution.SPDX.LicenseExpression parsec (0)
   -     -     -          Distribution.SPDX.LicenseExpression idstring (0)
   -     -     -            Distribution.Parsec satisfy (0)
   -     -     -            Distribution.Parsec some (0)
   -     -     -          Distribution.SPDX.LicenseExpression parsec.simple (0)
   -     -     -            Distribution.SPDX.LicenseId mkLicenseId (1219)
   -     -     -            Distribution.Parsec >>= (198)
   -     -     -            Distribution.Parsec char (0)
   -     -     -            Distribution.Parsec pure (0)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Parsec >>= (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Parsec fmap (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Types.MungedPackageName parsec (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Types.VersionRange.Internal versionRangeParser.prim (0)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Parsec satisfy (0)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Parsec >>= (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Types.Version parsec (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Parsec pure (0)
   -     -     -      Language.Haskell.Extension parsec (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Parsec parsecQuoted (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Parsec string (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Types.VersionRange.Internal versionRangeParser.verLoop (0)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Parsec *> (0)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Types.VersionRange.Internal versionRangeParser.verLoop' (0)
   -     -     -          Distribution.Types.VersionRange.Internal versionRangeParser.verLoop'.digit (0)
   -     -     -            Distribution.Parsec >>= (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Types.VersionRange.Internal versionRangeParser.verLoop' (0)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Types.VersionRange.Internal versionRangeParser.verLoop'.digit (0)
   -     -     -          Distribution.Parsec >>= (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Parsec *> (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Parsec.Newtypes parsec (0)
   -     -     -        Distribution.ModuleName parsec (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Types.VersionRange.Internal versionRangeParser.verLoop'.wild (0)

  .5    .2     -  Distribution.Parsec  (0)
  .5    .1    .1    Distribution.Parsec .\ (150107)
  .2     -     -      Distribution.Parsec skipMany (0)
  .1     -     -      Distribution.Parsec satisfy (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Parsec.Newtypes parsec (0)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Parsec parsecToken (0)
   -     -     -          Distribution.Parsec satisfy (0)
   -     -     -          Distribution.Parsec >>= (0)
   -     -     -          Distribution.Parsec <|> (0)
   -     -     -          Distribution.Parsec checkNotDoubleDash (0)
   -     -     -          Distribution.Parsec some (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Parsec <*> (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Parsec parsecOptCommaList.comma (0)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Parsec char (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Parsec some (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Parsec <* (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Parsec <|> (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Parsec parsecOptCommaList (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Types.Version versionDigitParser (0)

  .2    .2     -  Distribution.Simple.Utils createDirectoryIfMissingVerbose (837)
  .1    .1     -    Distribution.Simple.Utils createDirectoryIfMissingVerbose.createDirs (872)
  .1    .1     -      Distribution.Simple.Utils createDirectoryIfMissingVerbose.createDir (906)
  .1    .1     -        Distribution.Compat.Exception tryIO (0)
  .1    .1    .1          Distribution.Simple.Utils createDirectoryVerbose (0)
   -     -     -            Distribution.Compat.CopyFile setDirOrdinary (0)
   -     -     -              Distribution.Compat.CopyFile setFileExecutable (410)
   -     -     -                Distribution.Compat.CopyFile setFileMode (410)
   -     -     -            Distribution.Simple.Utils info (434)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Compat.Exception catchIO (0)
  .1    .1    .1    Distribution.Simple.Utils createDirectoryIfMissingVerbose.parents (0)

 9.0    .2    .1  Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Database runLocked (212377)
 8.8     -     -    Control.Concurrent.Extra withLock (211444)
   -     -     -    Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Database lock (182895)

 1.0    .1     -  Distribution.Parsec *> (325)
 1.0    .1    .1    Distribution.Parsec *>.\ (108549)
  .4     -     -      Distribution.ModuleName parsec.component (0)
  .3     -     -        Distribution.Parsec satisfy (0)
  .1     -     -        Distribution.Parsec >>= (0)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Parsec many (0)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Parsec pure (0)
  .2     -     -      Distribution.Parsec  (0)
  .1     -     -      Distribution.Parsec <* (0)
  .1     -     -      Distribution.Parsec satisfy (0)
  .1     -     -      Distribution.Types.Version versionDigitParser (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Types.PackageId parsec.component (0)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Parsec satisfy (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Parsec char (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.SPDX.LicenseExpression parsec.spaces1 (0)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Parsec satisfy (0)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Parsec  (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Parsec parsecOptCommaList (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Parsec liftParsec (228)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Parsec parsecUnqualComponentName.component (0)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Parsec >>= (0)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Parsec satisfy (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Parsec pure (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Parsec.Newtypes parsec (0)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Parsec parsecToken (0)
   -     -     -          Distribution.Parsec some (0)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Parsec.Newtypes parsecTestedWith (0)
   -     -     -          Distribution.Types.VersionRange.Internal parsec (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Parsec parsecLeadingOptCommaList.comma (0)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Parsec char (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Types.VersionRange.Internal versionRangeParser.term (0)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Parsec <|> (0)

  .6    .1    .1  Settings.Packages packageArgs (0)
  .3     -     -    Hadrian.Expression ? (56072)
  .1     -     -    Expression package (0)
   -     -     -    Hadrian.Expression inputs (0)
   -     -     -    Expression builder (0)
   -     -     -    Context.Path getBuildPath (0)
   -     -     -    Hadrian.Expression mappend (0)
   -     -     -    Settings getRtsWays (0)
   -     -     -    Hadrian.Expression input (0)
   -     -     -    Settings getIntegerPackage (0)
   -     -     -    Context.Path buildPath (6063)
   -     -     -    Context getStage (0)
   -     -     -    Hadrian.Expression arg (0)

 3.8    .1     -  Development.Shake.Command cmdArguments (9987)
 3.7    .1    .1    Development.Shake.Command cmdArguments (3320)
 3.7    .1     -      Development.Shake.Command commandExplicitAction (3320)
 3.7     -     -        Development.Shake.Command commandExplicitAction.tracker (3395)
 3.7     -     -          Development.Shake.Command commandExplicitAction.\ (3391)
 3.6     -     -            Development.Shake.Command commandExplicitAction.tracer (3390)
 3.6     -     -              Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Action traced (3384)
   -     -     -            Development.Shake.Command commandExplicitAction.verboser (3050)
   -     -     -              Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Action putLoud (0)
   -     -     -                Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Action putWhen (2752)
   -     -     -            Development.Shake.Command commandExplicitIO (3016)
   -     -     -          Development.Shake.Internal.CmdOption == (321)
   -     -     -        Development.Shake.Command commandExplicitAction.tracer (0)
   -     -     -          Development.Shake.Command commandExplicitAction.tracer.msg (3126)
   -     -     -            Development.Shake.Command defaultTraced (3128)
   -     -     -        Development.Shake.Command commandExplicitAction.skipper (0)
   -     -     -    Development.Shake.Command toCmdArgument (0)

  .5    .1     -  Distribution.Simple.Program.Find findProgramOnSearchPath (1012)
  .5    .1     -    Distribution.Simple.Program.Find findProgramOnSearchPath.tryPathElems (1656)
  .5    .1     -      Distribution.Simple.Program.Find findProgramOnSearchPath.tryPathElem (1029)
  .3     -     -        Distribution.Simple.Program.Find findProgramOnSearchPath.findFirstExe (0)
  .3     -     -          Distribution.Simple.Program.Find findProgramOnSearchPath.findFirstExe.go (9641)
  .3     -     -            Distribution.Simple.Utils doesExecutableExist (10005)
  .1    .1    .1        Distribution.Simple.Program.Find getSystemSearchPath (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Simple.Utils debug (828)

  .5    .1    .1  Distribution.Parsec >>=.\.\ (330167)
  .3     -     -    Distribution.Parsec *> (0)
  .1     -     -    Distribution.Parsec pure (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Types.VersionRange.Internal versionRangeParser.expr (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Parsec satisfy (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Parsec string (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Parsec liftParsec (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Types.VersionRange.Internal versionRangeParser.prim (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Types.VersionRange.Internal earlierVersion (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Parsec parsecLeadingOptCommaList.sepEndBy1Start (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Types.VersionRange.Internal versionRangeParser.term (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Parsec string (0)

  .2    .1     -  Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Types putEx (0)
  .1     -     -    Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Types putEx (111478)
  .1     -     -      General.Binary putExStorableList (107814)
   -     -     -      General.Binary putEx (3672)
  .1    .1    .1    General.Binary putExList (36879)
   -     -     -      General.Binary putExList.\ (144450)
   -     -     -        General.Binary putExList.\.go (129857)
   -     -     -    General.Binary putEx (0)

  .1    .1    .1  Distribution.Parsec liftParsec (30757)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Types.VersionRange.Internal versionRangeParser.verLoop (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Types.VersionRange.Internal versionRangeParser.tags (0)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Parsec pure (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Parsec explicitEitherParsec (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Parsec fmap (0)

  .4    .1    .1  Hadrian.Utilities lookupExtra (159239)
  .4    .1    .1    Hadrian.Utilities lookupExtra.maybeValue (158972)
  .3     -     -      Data.HashMap.Base lookup (158807)
   -     -     -    UserSettings verboseCommand (0)
   -     -     -      Development.Shake.Internal.Options >= (2733)
   -     -     -      Hadrian.Expression return (0)

  .6    .1     -  Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Types nubDepends (0)
  .6    .1     -    Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Types nubDepends.fMany (202403)
  .6    .1     -      Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Types nubDepends.fMany.(...) (184177)
  .6    .1    .1        Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Types nubDepends.fOne (457386)
  .3     -     -          Data.HashSet insert (186350)
  .1     -     -          Data.HashSet member (270442)

  .1    .1    .1  Hadrian.Expression getContext (0)
   -     -     -    Hadrian.Target context (192593)

  .1    .1    .1  Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Types == (13651)

  .3    .1     -  General.Binary <> (0)
  .3    .1    .1    General.Binary <>.\ (147803)
  .1     -     -      General.Binary putExN (0)
  .1     -     -        General.Binary putExN.\ (55156)
  .1     -     -          Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Run putDatabase (0)
   -     -     -          Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Rules runRules (0)
   -     -     -      Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.File putEx (0)
   -     -     -        General.Binary putExStorable (0)
   -     -     -      General.Binary putExStorable (0)
   -     -     -      Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Run putDatabase (0)
   -     -     -      Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.Files putEx (0)
   -     -     -        Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.File putEx (0)
   -     -     -      General.Binary putEx (0)
   -     -     -      Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Storage saveWitness (0)

  .1    .1     -  Distribution.Utils.Generic writeFileAtomic (62)
  .1    .1    .1    Distribution.Utils.Generic writeFileAtomic.\ (188)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Utils.Generic writeFileAtomic.(...) (4)

  .2    .1     -  Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.Directory getDirectoryFilesIO (418)
  .1    .1    .1    Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.Directory getDirectoryFilesIO.f (1302)
   -     -     -      Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.Directory getDirectoryContentsIO (349)
   -     -     -      Development.Shake.Internal.FilePattern walk (0)
   -     -     -    Development.Shake.Internal.FilePattern walk (413)

  .5    .1     -  Distribution.Parsec <* (0)
  .5    .1    .1    Distribution.Parsec <*.\ (47359)
  .1     -     -      Distribution.Parsec fmap (0)
  .1     -     -      Distribution.Parsec parsec (0)
  .1     -     -      Distribution.Parsec parsecOptCommaList (0)
  .1     -     -      Distribution.Parsec.Newtypes parsec (0)
  .1     -     -        Distribution.Parsec parsecToken (0)
  .1     -     -          Distribution.Parsec <|> (0)
   -     -     -          Distribution.Parsec satisfy (0)
   -     -     -          Distribution.Parsec >>= (0)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Parsec fmap (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Parsec  (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Parsec many (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Parsec parsecLeadingOptCommaList.lp (0)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Parsec satisfy (0)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Parsec skipMany (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Parsec >>=.\.\ (12290)
   -     -     -      Distribution.System platformFromTriple.parseTriple (0)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Parsec fmap (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Types.ExposedModule parsec (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Types.Version parsec.tags (0)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Parsec *> (0)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Parsec many (0)

 8.0    .1     -  General.Pool addPool (35537)
 7.3    .1     -    General.Pool step (3879)
 7.3     -     -      General.Pool withPool_ (32645)
 7.2     -     -        General.Pool withPool (2825)
   -     -     -      General.Pool step.\.\ (2272)
   -     -     -        General.Pool step.remThread (2277)
   -     -     -          Data.HashSet delete (2258)
   -     -     -            Data.HashMap.Base delete (2258)
   -     -     -              Data.HashMap.Base delete.go (4648)
   -     -     -                Data.HashMap.Base delete.go.bIndexed (1169)
   -     -     -                  Data.HashMap.Array copy (2208)
   -     -     -                  Data.HashMap.Array new_ (65)
   -     -     -                Data.HashMap.Base (540)
   -     -     -                General.Thread == (561)
   -     -     -                Data.HashMap.Base delete.go.i (322)
   -     -     -              Data.HashMap.Base delete.h0 (1069)
   -     -     -                Data.HashMap.Base hash (501)
  .7     -     -    General.Pool addPool.\ (34215)
  .6     -     -      General.Pool rand (34215)
  .6     -     -        Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Run run.\.\ (0)
  .6     -     -          General.Pool runPool (0)
  .6     -     -            General.Pool emptyS (0)
   -     -     -      Data.Heap compare (29883)
   -     -     -      Data.Heap skewLink (5492)

 6.9    .1     -  Rules.Generate generatePackageCode (0)
 4.3    .1    .1    Rules.Generate generatePackageCode.generated (1730599)
 4.2     -     -      Development.Shake.Internal.FilePattern ?== (212)
 1.6     -     -    Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.File %> (0)
  .8     -     -    Rules.Generate generatePackageCode.<~ (16)
  .8     -     -      Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.File %> (16)
   -     -     -      Rules.Generate generatePackageCode.<~.\ (0)
   -     -     -        Hadrian.Utilities copyFile (0)
  .2     -     -    Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.File ?> (0)
  .2     -     -      Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.File root (0)
   -     -     -    Hadrian.Utilities buildRootRules (0)
   -     -     -    Development.Shake.Internal.FilePattern  (44)

  .4    .1     -  Distribution.Utils.MapAccum mapAccumM (159)
  .4    .1     -    Distribution.Utils.MapAccum <*> (159)
  .4    .1     -      Distribution.Utils.MapAccum <*>.\ (159)
  .4    .1     -        Distribution.Utils.MapAccum fmap (47)
  .4    .1     -          Distribution.Utils.MapAccum fmap.\ (159)
  .4    .1     -            Distribution.Utils.MapAccum mapAccumM.\ (47)
  .4    .1     -              Distribution.Utils.MapAccum mapAccumM.\.\ (159)
  .2    .1     -                Distribution.Backpack.LinkedComponent toLinkedComponents.go (62)
  .2    .1     -                  Distribution.Backpack.LinkedComponent toLinkedComponent (62)
  .2    .1     -                    Distribution.Backpack.UnifyM runUnifyM (62)
  .2    .1     -                      Distribution.Backpack.UnifyM >>= (100396)
  .2    .1    .1                        Distribution.Backpack.UnifyM >>=.\ (106754)
  .1     -     -                          Distribution.Backpack.UnifyM convertInclude.prov_scope (330)
   -     -     -                            Distribution.ModuleName compare (0)
   -     -     -                            Distribution.Backpack.ModSubst modSubst (330)
   -     -     -                            Distribution.Backpack.UnifyM fmap (0)
  .1     -     -                          Distribution.Backpack.UnifyM convertModuleScopeU (62)
   -     -     -                            Distribution.Backpack.UnifyM <*> (39864)
   -     -     -                            Distribution.Backpack.ModuleScope traverse (18878)
   -     -     -                            Distribution.Backpack.UnifyM convertModuleProvidesU (0)
   -     -     -                          Distribution.Backpack.UnifyM <*> (34782)
   -     -     -                          Distribution.Backpack.ModuleScope traverse (16312)
   -     -     -                          Distribution.Backpack.UnifyM liftST (20483)
   -     -     -                          Distribution.Backpack.UnifyM convertUnitIdU' (16984)
   -     -     -                            Distribution.Backpack.UnifyM liftST (16984)
   -     -     -                          Distribution.Backpack.MixLink mixLink (56)
   -     -     -                            Distribution.Backpack.MixLink mixLink.provs (50)
   -     -     -                              Distribution.ModuleName compare (0)
   -     -     -                          Distribution.Backpack.UnifyM convertUnitId' (0)
   -     -     -                          Distribution.Backpack.UnifyM convertModuleProvides (0)
   -     -     -                          Distribution.Backpack.UnifyM fmap (20420)
   -     -     -                          Distribution.Backpack.UnifyM lookupMooEnv (2408)
   -     -     -                          Distribution.Backpack.UnifyM readUnifRef (0)
   -     -     -                            Distribution.Backpack.UnifyM liftST (72)
   -     -     -                    Distribution.Backpack.LinkedComponent toLinkedComponent.pre_shape (40)
   -     -     -                      Distribution.Backpack.PreModuleShape mixLinkPreModuleShape (40)
   -     -     -                        Distribution.Backpack.PreModuleShape mixLinkPreModuleShape.reqs (40)
  .1     -     -                Distribution.Simple.Register register.doRegister.\ (47)
  .1     -     -                  Distribution.Simple.Register generateOne (47)
  .1     -     -                    Distribution.Simple.Register generateRegistrationInfo (47)
  .1     -     -                      Distribution.Simple.Register abiHash (47)
  .1     -     -                        Distribution.Simple.GHC libAbiHash (47)
  .1     -     -                          Distribution.Simple.Program.Run getProgramInvocationOutput (47)
   -     -     -                          Distribution.Simple.GHC libAbiHash.vanillaArgs0 (47)
   -     -     -                            Distribution.Simple.GHC componentGhcOptions (47)
   -     -     -                              Distribution.Simple.GHC.Internal componentGhcOptions (47)
   -     -     -                                Language.Haskell.Extension compare (31102)
   -     -     -                                Distribution.Simple.BuildPaths autogenComponentModulesDir (141)
   -     -     -                              Distribution.Simple.GHC componentGhcOptions.implInfo (47)
   -     -     -                                Distribution.Simple.GHC.ImplInfo getImplInfo (47)
   -     -     -                                  Distribution.Simple.Compiler compilerVersion (0)
   -     -     -                            Distribution.Utils.NubList toNubListR (47)
   -     -     -                              Distribution.Utils.Generic ordNubRight.go (2078)
   -     -     -                                Distribution.ModuleName compare (0)
   -     -     -                            Distribution.Simple.Program.GHC mappend (0)
   -     -     -                              Distribution.Simple.Program.GHC <> (0)
   -     -     -                                Distribution.Compat.Semigroup gmappend (47)
   -     -     -                                  Distribution.Compat.Semigroup gmappend' (2650)
   -     -     -                          Distribution.Simple.Program.GHC ghcInvocation (47)
   -     -     -                            Distribution.Simple.Program.GHC renderGhcOptions (47)
   -     -     -                              Distribution.Pretty prettyShow (2125)
   -     -     -                              Distribution.Simple.Compiler parmakeSupported (0)
   -     -     -                                Distribution.Simple.Compiler ghcSupported (47)
   -     -     -                              Distribution.Simple.Program.GHC renderGhcOptions.flags (517)
   -     -     -                            Distribution.Simple.Program.Run programInvocation (47)
   -     -     -                          Distribution.Simple.GHC libAbiHash.libBi (47)
   -     -     -                        Distribution.Types.AbiHash mkAbiHash (0)
   -     -     -                      Distribution.Simple.Register absoluteInstalledPackageInfo (47)
   -     -     -                        Distribution.Simple.Register generalInstalledPackageInfo (47)
   -     -     -                          Distribution.Types.UnitId getHSLibraryName (47)
   -     -     -                          Distribution.License licenseToSPDX (42)
   -     -     -                          Distribution.Simple.InstallDirs libdir (46)
   -     -     -                          Distribution.Simple.Register generalInstalledPackageInfo.(...) (47)
   -     -     -                          Distribution.Types.BuildInfo extraFrameworkDirs (47)
   -     -     -                        Distribution.Simple.Register absoluteInstalledPackageInfo.installDirs (47)
   -     -     -                          Distribution.Simple.LocalBuildInfo absoluteComponentInstallDirs (47)
   -     -     -                    Distribution.Simple.Compiler absolutePackageDBPaths (0)
   -     -     -                      Distribution.Simple.Compiler absolutePackageDBPath (61)
   -     -     -                Distribution.Backpack.ConfiguredComponent toConfiguredComponents.go (50)
   -     -     -                  Distribution.Backpack.ConfiguredComponent toConfiguredComponent' (50)
   -     -     -                    Distribution.Backpack.ConfiguredComponent toConfiguredComponent'.this_cid (46)
   -     -     -                      Distribution.Backpack.Id computeComponentId (46)
   -     -     -                        Distribution.Backpack.Id computeComponentId.actual_base (46)
   -     -     -                          Distribution.Backpack.Id computeComponentId.explicit_base (46)
   -     -     -                            Distribution.Backpack.Id computeComponentId.explicit_base.env (40)
   -     -     -                              Distribution.Simple.InstallDirs packageTemplateEnv (40)
   -     -     -                            Distribution.Simple.InstallDirs fromPathTemplate (6)

  .3    .1    .1  Hadrian.BuildPath parseBuildPath (92)
  .1     -     -    Rules.Compile parseObject (0)
  .1     -     -      Rules.Compile parseHsObject (0)
  .1     -     -        Rules.Compile parseBasename (0)
   -     -     -      Rules.Compile parseNonHsObject (0)
   -     -     -        Rules.Compile parseSourceLang (0)
   -     -     -        Hadrian.BuildPath parseWayPrefix (0)
   -     -     -    Hadrian.BuildPath parseStage (0)

  .1    .1     -  Data.HashMap.Array copy (270511)
  .1    .1    .1    Data.HashMap.Array copy.\ (267322)

12.8    .1    .1  Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Action traced (3509)
 8.2     -     -    Distribution.Simple defaultMainWithHooksNoReadArgs (0)
 3.6     -     -    Development.Shake.Command commandExplicitIO (0)
  .6     -     -    Distribution.Simple.Configure getPersistBuildConfig (63)
  .3     -     -    Distribution.Simple.Build initialBuildSteps (63)
  .3     -     -      Distribution.Simple.LocalBuildInfo withAllComponentsInBuildOrder (63)
  .3     -     -        Distribution.Types.LocalBuildInfo withAllTargetsInBuildOrder' (63)
  .3     -     -          Distribution.Simple.LocalBuildInfo withAllComponentsInBuildOrder.\ (63)
  .3     -     -            Distribution.Simple.Build initialBuildSteps.\ (63)
  .3     -     -              Distribution.Simple.Build componentInitialBuildSteps (63)
  .3     -     -                Distribution.Simple.Build writeAutogenFiles (63)
  .1     -     -                  Distribution.Simple.Utils rewriteFileEx (126)
  .1     -     -                    Distribution.Simple.Utils rewriteFileEx.newContent' (126)
  .1     -     -                      Distribution.Utils.Generic toUTF8LBS (0)
  .1     -     -                    Distribution.Compat.Exception catchIO (0)
  .1     -     -                  Distribution.Simple.Build.Macros generateCabalMacrosHeader (63)
  .1     -     -                    Distribution.Simple.Build.Macros generateToolVersionMacros (63)
   -     -     -                      Distribution.Simple.Build.Macros generateMacros (693)
   -     -     -                      Distribution.Simple.Build.Macros generateToolVersionMacros.progid (693)
   -     -     -                        Distribution.Pretty prettyShow (693)
   -     -     -                      Distribution.Simple.Build.Macros line (187)
   -     -     -                    Distribution.Simple.Build.Macros generatePackageVersionMacros (63)
   -     -     -                      Distribution.Simple.Build.Macros generateMacros (397)
   -     -     -                      Distribution.Pretty prettyShow (397)
   -     -     -                      Distribution.Simple.Build.Macros generatePackageVersionMacros.pkgname (216)
   -     -     -                        Distribution.Simple.Build.Macros fixchar (1533)
   -     -     -                    Distribution.Simple.Build.Macros generateComponentIdMacro (51)
   -     -     -                      Distribution.Pretty prettyShow (17)
   -     -     -                      Distribution.Simple.Build.Macros ifndefDefineStr (60)
   -     -     -                    Distribution.Simple.Build.Macros generateCurrentPackageVersion (34)
   -     -     -                      Distribution.Simple.Build.Macros ifndefDefineStr (34)
   -     -     -                  Distribution.Simple.Build.PathsModule generatePathsModule (63)
   -     -     -                    Distribution.Simple.Build.PathsModule generatePathsModule.(...) (63)
   -     -     -                      Distribution.Simple.LocalBuildInfo absoluteInstallCommandDirs (63)
   -     -     -                    Distribution.Simple.Build.PathsModule generatePathsModule.body (46)
   -     -     -                      Distribution.Simple.Build.PathsModule generatePathsModule.mkGetEnvOr (204)
   -     -     -                    Distribution.Simple.Build.PathsModule generatePathsModule.header (63)
   -     -     -                      Distribution.Pretty prettyShow (12)
   -     -     -                    Distribution.Simple.Build.PathsModule generatePathsModule.paths_modulename (34)
   -     -     -                      Distribution.Simple.BuildPaths autogenPathsModuleName (34)
   -     -     -                    Distribution.Simple.Build.PathsModule generatePathsModule.pragmas (51)
   -     -     -                  Distribution.Simple.Utils createDirectoryIfMissingVerbose (126)
   -     -     -                  Distribution.Simple.Build writeAutogenFiles.pathsModulePath (51)
   -     -     -                    Distribution.Simple.BuildPaths autogenComponentModulesDir (51)
   -     -     -                    Distribution.Simple.BuildPaths autogenPathsModuleName (51)
   -     -     -                  Distribution.Simple.Build writeAutogenFiles.pathsModuleDir (17)
   -     -     -                  Distribution.Simple.BuildPaths autogenComponentModulesDir (34)
   -     -     -                Distribution.Simple.Utils createDirectoryIfMissingVerbose (63)
   -     -     -                Distribution.Simple.LocalBuildInfo componentBuildDir (34)
   -     -     -    Distribution.PackageDescription.Parsec readGenericPackageDescription (0)
   -     -     -    Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Action traced.trace (3126)
   -     -     -      Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Types newTrace (3078)
   -     -     -        Numeric.Extra doubleToFloat (0)
   -     -     -    Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Action putNormal (0)
   -     -     -    Development.Shake.Internal.Options shakeTrace (6089)
   -     -     -    Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Action traced.key (86)
   -     -     -      Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Types showTopStack (0)
   -     -     -        Development.Shake.Internal.Value show (80)
   -     -     -          Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.File need (0)
   -     -     -          Hadrian.Oracles.Cabal readPackageData (0)

  .2    .1    .1  Distribution.Utils.ShortText put (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.ModuleName put (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.SPDX.LicenseId put (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Types.GenericPackageDescription put (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Simple.Program.Db put (0)

 5.5    .1     -  Distribution.Fields.Parser inLexerMode (28609)
 5.5    .1    .1    Distribution.Fields.Parser setLexerMode (0)
 5.4     -     -      Distribution.Fields.Parser mkLexState' (308894)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Fields.Parser eof (0)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Fields.Parser eof.notFollowedBy (0)
   -     -     -          Distribution.Fields.Parser getLexerWarnings (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Fields.Parser colon (0)

  .2    .1    .1  Expression getContextData (16972)
  .1     -     -    Hadrian.Oracles.Cabal readContextData (0)
   -     -     -    Hadrian.Expression getContext (0)
   -     -     -    Hadrian.Expression return (0)
   -     -     -    Hadrian.Haskell.Cabal.Type cppOpts (2441)
   -     -     -    Hadrian.Haskell.Cabal.Type srcDirs (2473)
   -     -     -    Hadrian.Haskell.Cabal.Type includeDirs (2690)

  .3    .1     -  Distribution.Parsec skipMany (0)
  .3    .1    .1    Distribution.Parsec skipMany.\ (41927)
  .1     -     -      Distribution.Parsec <* (0)
  .1     -     -      Distribution.Parsec  (0)
  .1     -     -      Distribution.Parsec <|> (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Parsec liftParsec (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Parsec parsecOptCommaList (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Parsec runParsecParser (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Parsec *> (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Parsec many (0)

  .1    .1    .1  Hadrian.Package == (251136)

  .1    .1     -  Distribution.Fields.Lexer alex_action_16 (0)
  .1    .1     -    Distribution.Fields.Lexer alex_action_16.\ (80768)
  .1    .1    .1      Distribution.Fields.Lexer alex_action_16.\.\ (75980)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Fields.LexerMonad setStartCode (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Fields.Lexer checkLeadingWhitespace (71409)

  .1    .1    .1  Data.List.Extra groupSort (0)
   -     -     -    Data.List.Extra groupOn (0)
   -     -     -      Data.List.Extra groupOn.on2 (0)
   -     -     -        Data.List.Extra groupOn.on2.\ (555)
   -     -     -          Data.List.Extra groupOn.on2.\.\ (2827)
   -     -     -            Development.Shake.Internal.FilePattern == (624)
   -     -     -    Data.List.Extra groupSort.\ (10453)

  .1    .1    .1  Control.Monad.Extra whenJust (185824)
   -     -     -    Development.Shake.Internal.Resource withResource.\ (7)
   -     -     -      Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Pool actionFenceRequeueBy (7)
   -     -     -    General.Chunks usingWriteChunks.\ (1)
   -     -     -      General.Thread allocateThread (1)

  .6    .1    .1  Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Run putDatabase (18512)
  .2     -     -    Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Types putEx (0)
  .2     -     -    Rules oracleRules (0)
   -     -     -    Main main.rules (0)
   -     -     -      Rules oracleRules (0)
   -     -     -    General.Binary putEx (18508)
   -     -     -    Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.Directory defaultRuleDirectory (0)
   -     -     -    General.Binary <> (0)
   -     -     -    Hadrian.Oracles.Cabal.Rules cabalOracle (0)

  .4    .1    .1  Distribution.Utils.Generic fromUTF8LBS (0)
  .3     -     -    Distribution.Utils.String decodeStringUtf8 (0)

  .5    .1    .1  Distribution.Parsec pure (0)
  .2     -     -    Distribution.Parsec >>= (0)
  .1     -     -    Distribution.Parsec *> (0)
  .1     -     -    Distribution.Parsec liftParsec (30529)
   -     -     -    Distribution.ModuleName parsec (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Parsec fmap (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Parsec parsecLeadingOptCommaList.comma (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Parsec char (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Parsec parsecOptCommaList.comma (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Parsec char (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Parsec satisfy (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Parsec <|> (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Types.Version versionDigitParser.d (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Parsec fmap (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Parsec char (0)

  .3    .1    .1  Development.Shake.Internal.Options shakeOptions (0)
  .2     -     -    Data.ByteString.UTF8 fromString (4058)

  .1    .1    .1  Distribution.Simple.GHC guessToolFromGhcPath (309)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Simple.Program.Types simpleProgram (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Simple.GHC guessToolFromGhcPath.guesses (67)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Simple.GHC guessToolFromGhcPath.mkGuesses (82)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Simple.GHC guessToolFromGhcPath.guessVersioned (14)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Simple.GHC guessToolFromGhcPath.guessGhcVersioned (5)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Simple.GHC guessToolFromGhcPath.guessNormal (12)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Simple.GHC guessToolFromGhcPath.given_suf (84)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Simple.GHC guessToolFromGhcPath.versionSuffix (84)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Simple.Utils dropExeExtension (84)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Simple.GHC guessToolFromGhcPath.given_dir (80)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Simple.GHC guessToolFromGhcPath.real_suf (8)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Simple.GHC guessToolFromGhcPath.versionSuffix (8)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Simple.Utils dropExeExtension (8)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Simple.GHC guessToolFromGhcPath.takeVersionSuffix (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Simple.Utils info (10)

  .1    .1    .1  Hadrian.Oracles.Cabal.Type rnf (63)
   -     -     -    Language.Haskell.Extension rnf (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Compat.Prelude genericRnf (0)
   -     -     -    Way.Type rnf (35949)
   -     -     -    Distribution.System rnf (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Compat.Prelude genericRnf (0)

  .1    .1    .1  Control.Monad.Extra notM (4086)
   -     -     -    Expression stage0 (0)
   -     -     -    General.Extra doesFileExist_ (0)

55.9    .1     -  General.Pool withPool (72268)
48.6    .1     -    General.Pool worker.\ (0)
48.6     -     -      Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Run run.\.\.\ (0)
48.6     -     -        Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Run run.\.\.\.\ (0)
48.6     -     -          Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Types runAction (17565)
48.6     -     -            Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad runRAW (17543)
42.4     -     -              Control.Exception.Extra catch_ (0)
42.4     -     -                Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad goRAW (0)
 6.1     -     -              Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad goRAW (17492)
   -     -     -              Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad assertOnce (17499)
 7.2     -     -    Control.Concurrent.Extra modifyVar (3149)

 3.0    .1    .1  Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Build apply1 (7741)
 2.9     -     -    Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Build apply (60984)

  .1    .1     -  Distribution.Fields.LexerMonad adjustPos (450311)
  .1    .1    .1    Distribution.Fields.LexerMonad adjustPos.\ (505683)

  .4    .1    .1  Settings.Builders.Ghc packageGhcArgs (0)
  .3     -     -    Settings.Builders.Common packageDatabaseArgs (0)
   -     -     -    Hadrian.Haskell.Cabal pkgIdentifier (5536)
   -     -     -    Expression getContextData (0)
   -     -     -    Hadrian.Expression ? (4935)
   -     -     -    Context getPackage (0)
   -     -     -    Hadrian.Expression mappend (0)
   -     -     -    Hadrian.Expression arg (0)

  .1    .1     -  System.Time.Extra sleep (0)
  .1    .1     -    Control.Monad.Extra loopM (465)
  .1    .1    .1      System.Time.Extra sleep.\ (0)

  .1    .1     -  General.Binary putEx (39111)
   -     -     -    General.Binary putEx.\ (5885)
   -     -     -      General.Binary putEx.\.go (11842)
   -     -     -        General.Binary putEx.\.go.\ (3345)
   -     -     -      General.Binary putEx.\.\ (26616)
   -     -     -      General.Binary for2M_ (4932)
   -     -     -    General.Binary putExStorable (0)
   -     -     -    Data.ByteString.UTF8 fromString (1238)
   -     -     -    General.Binary putEx (0)
   -     -     -      Data.ByteString.UTF8 fromString (2130)
   -     -     -      General.Binary putEx (305)
   -     -     -        General.Binary putEx.ns (305)

  .1    .1     -  Distribution.Compat.CopyFile setFileMode (2753)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Compat.CopyFile setFileMode.\ (2710)

 2.8    .1     -  Distribution.Simple.Configure getPersistBuildConfig (315)
 2.8    .1    .1    Distribution.Simple.Configure getConfigStateFile (315)
 2.7     -     -      Distribution.Simple.Configure getConfigStateFile.getStoredValue (315)
 2.7     -     -        Distribution.Compat.Binary decodeOrFailIO (0)
 2.6     -     -          Distribution.Types.GenericPackageDescription get (0)
  .1     -     -          Distribution.Compat.Semigroup get (307)
  .1     -     -            Distribution.Simple.Program.Db get (0)
  .1     -     -      Distribution.Simple.Configure parseHeader (314)
  .1     -     -        Distribution.Parsec simpleParsec (1884)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Utils.Generic fromUTF8LBS (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Simple.Configure getConfigStateFile.deferErrorIfBadVersion (78)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Simple.Configure getConfigStateFile.getStoredValue (0)
   -     -     -          Distribution.Compat.Binary decodeOrFailIO (51)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Simple.Configure getConfigStateFile.(...) (39)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Simple.Configure localBuildInfoFile (64)

  .1    .1     -  Distribution.Fields.Lexer alex_action_3 (0)
  .1    .1    .1    Distribution.Fields.Lexer alex_action_3.\ (45917)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Fields.Lexer checkLeadingWhitespace (36833)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Fields.LexerMonad setStartCode (0)

  .1    .1    .1  Distribution.Fields.Lexer checkPosition (459937)

  .2    .1     -  Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Rules addBuiltinRuleInternal (0)
  .2    .1     -    Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Rules addBuiltinRuleInternal.run_ (12976)
  .2    .1     -      Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.Directory queryRule.\ (1512)
  .1    .1    .1        Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.Directory defaultRuleDirectory.\ (1518)
  .1     -     -          Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.Directory getDirectoryFilesIO (305)
   -     -     -        General.Binary runBuilder (1128)
   -     -     -      Development.Shake.Internal.Value fromKey (11085)
   -     -     -    Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Rules addBuiltinRuleInternal.binary_ (0)
   -     -     -      General.Binary putOp (0)
   -     -     -        Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.File putEx (0)
   -     -     -      Development.Shake.Internal.Value fromKey (11604)

 4.9    .1     -  Distribution.FieldGrammar.Parsec monoidalFieldAla (36)
 4.9    .1    .1    Distribution.FieldGrammar.Parsec monoidalFieldAla.parser (40349)
 4.8     -     -      Distribution.FieldGrammar.Parsec monoidalFieldAla.parseOne (14897)
 2.3     -     -        Distribution.Types.InstalledPackageInfo.FieldGrammar parsec (0)
 2.3     -     -        Distribution.Parsec.Newtypes parsec (13)
  .1     -     -        Distribution.FieldGrammar.Parsec runFieldParser (14618)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Fields.ParseResult liftA2 (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Fields.ParseResult fmap (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Fields.ParseResult pure (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Compat.Newtype unpack' (0)

  .1    .1     -  Distribution.Simple.Command commandParseArgs (157)
  .1    .1     -    Distribution.GetOpt getOpt' (2379)
  .1    .1     -      Distribution.GetOpt getOpt'.(...) (2226)
  .1    .1     -        Distribution.GetOpt getNext (2226)
  .1     -     -          Distribution.GetOpt longOpt (1959)
  .1     -     -            Distribution.GetOpt longOpt.long (1776)
  .1     -     -              Distribution.Simple.Command commandParseArgs.options (0)
  .1     -     -                Distribution.Simple.Command commandGetOpts (0)
  .1     -     -                  Distribution.Simple.Command viewAsGetOpt (0)
  .1     -     -                    Distribution.Simple.Command viewAsGetOpt.optDescrToGetOpt (0)
  .1     -     -                      Distribution.Simple.Command viewAsGetOpt.optDescrToGetOpt.set' (0)
  .1     -     -                        Distribution.ReadE readEOrFail (0)
   -     -     -                          Distribution.Simple.Setup configureOptions (0)
   -     -     -                            Distribution.Types.Dependency parsec (0)
   -     -     -                            Distribution.ReadE parsecToReadE (0)
   -     -     -                            Distribution.Types.GenericPackageDescription parsecFlagAssignment (0)
   -     -     -                            Distribution.Simple.Command option (0)
   -     -     -                            Distribution.Simple.Setup configureOptions.liftInstallDirs (0)
   -     -     -                              Distribution.Simple.Command liftOption (0)
   -     -     -                                Distribution.Simple.Command liftOptDescr (0)
   -     -     -                                  Distribution.ReadE fmap (0)
   -     -     -                          Distribution.Simple.Setup configureCommand (0)
   -     -     -            Distribution.GetOpt longOpt.exact (1855)
   -     -     -              Distribution.GetOpt longOpt.getWith (1863)
   -     -     -            Distribution.GetOpt longOpt.(...) (1345)
   -     -     -          Distribution.GetOpt shortOpt (206)
   -     -     -            Distribution.GetOpt shortOpt.short (198)
   -     -     -              Distribution.Simple.Command commandParseArgs.options (0)
   -     -     -                Distribution.Simple.Command commandGetOpts (0)
   -     -     -                  Distribution.Simple.Command viewAsGetOpt (0)
   -     -     -                    Distribution.Simple.Command viewAsGetOpt.optDescrToGetOpt (0)
   -     -     -                      Distribution.Simple.Command viewAsGetOpt.optDescrToGetOpt.set' (198)
   -     -     -                        Distribution.ReadE readEOrFail (198)
   -     -     -                          Distribution.Simple.Setup configureOptions (0)
   -     -     -                            Distribution.Simple.Setup optionVerbosity (0)
   -     -     -                          Distribution.Simple.Setup copyOptions (0)
   -     -     -                            Distribution.Simple.Setup optionVerbosity (0)
   -     -     -                          Distribution.Simple.Setup registerCommand (0)
   -     -     -                            Distribution.Simple.Setup registerCommand.\ (0)
   -     -     -                              Distribution.Simple.Setup optionVerbosity (0)
   -     -     -            Distribution.GetOpt shortOpt.options (88)
   -     -     -      Distribution.GetOpt getOpt'.xs (1322)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Simple.Command commandParseArgs.options (52)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Simple.Command commandGetOpts (52)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Simple.Command viewAsGetOpt (6346)
   -     -     -          Distribution.Simple.Command viewAsGetOpt.optDescrToGetOpt (5594)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Simple.Command addCommonFlags (40)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Simple.Command commandParseArgs.accum (0)

  .1    .1     -  Distribution.Parsec string (0)
  .1    .1    .1    Distribution.Compat.CharParsing string (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Parsec.FieldLineStream uncons (42078)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Parsec >>=.\.\ (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Parsec <|> (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Parsec liftParsec (0)

  .1    .1    .1  Context getStage (0)
   -     -     -    Hadrian.Expression getContext (0)

 2.5    .1     -  Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.File need (101)
 2.5    .1    .1    Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.File apply_ (101)
 2.3     -     -      Development.Shake.Internal.FileName fileNameFromString (0)
  .2     -     -      Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Build apply (16131)

  .1    .1    .1  Stage stageString (45031)

 5.8    .1     -  Distribution.Fields.Parser elementInLayoutContext (39357)
 5.8     -     -    Distribution.Fields.Parser fieldLayoutOrBraces (39035)
 5.8     -     -      Distribution.Fields.Parser fieldLayoutOrBraces.braces (39018)
 5.8     -     -        Distribution.Fields.Parser openBrace (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Fields.Parser fieldLayoutOrBraces.fieldLayout (28609)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Fields.Parser inLexerMode (28609)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Fields.Parser colon (0)

  .1    .1    .1  Control.Monad.Extra ifM (335)
   -     -     -    Expression notStage0 (0)
   -     -     -    Expression builder (0)
   -     -     -    Control.Monad.Extra partitionM (35)
   -     -     -    General.EscCodes escWindowTitle (322)
   -     -     -    System.IO.Extra sameSize (0)

 2.0    .1    .1  Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.Oracle addOracleCache (0)
 1.9     -     -    Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.Oracle addOracleFlavor (0)
   -     -     -    Hadrian.Oracles.Cabal.Type rnf (63)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Types.GenericPackageDescription rnf (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Compat.Prelude genericRnf (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Types.PackageDescription rnf (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Compat.Prelude genericRnf (0)

  .1    .1    .1  Oracles.Flag flag (0)
   -     -     -    Hadrian.Oracles.TextFile lookupValueOrError (0)

  .1    .1     -  Hadrian.BuildPath parseWayPrefix (0)
  .1    .1     -    Hadrian.BuildPath parseWayUnit (0)
   -     -     -      Rules.Compile parseSuffixType (0)
   -     -     -      Rules.Compile parseSourceLang (0)

  .1    .1     -  Distribution.Fields.ParseResult <*> (3057)
  .1    .1     -    Distribution.Fields.ParseResult <*>.\ (55866)
  .1    .1     -      Distribution.Fields.ParseResult <*>.\.\ (61255)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Fields.ParseResult <*>.\.\.\ (37474)
   -     -     -          Distribution.Types.InstalledPackageInfo.FieldGrammar ipiFieldGrammar.mkInstalledPackageInfo (886)
   -     -     -          Distribution.Fields.ParseResult runParseResult.success (187)
   -     -     -        Distribution.FieldGrammar.Parsec monoidalFieldAla (0)
   -     -     -        Distribution.FieldGrammar.Parsec prefixedFields (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.PackageDescription.FieldGrammar optionsFieldGrammar (0)

  .2    .1    .1  Distribution.Simple.Program.Db put (125)
  .1     -     -    Distribution.Utils.NubList put (0)
  .1     -     -      Distribution.Types.GenericPackageDescription put (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Utils.ShortText put (0)

  .1    .1     -  General.Binary for2M_ (112657)
   -     -     -    General.Binary putExStorableList.\.\ (198789)
   -     -     -      Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.File pokeByteOff (4879)
   -     -     -    General.Binary putEx.\.\ (4935)
   -     -     -      General.Binary putEx.\.\.\ (4935)

  .5    .1    .1  Hadrian.Utilities userSetting (290)
  .4     -     -    Hadrian.Utilities lookupExtra (159027)

  .1    .1    .1  Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Build setIdKeyStatus (34596)
   -     -     -    Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Database setMem (31601)
   -     -     -    Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Run outputFunctions (0)
   -     -     -    Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Run withInit.\ (0)
   -     -     -      Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Run outputFunctions (0)

 5.8    .1     -  Hadrian.Expression interpret (9965)
 5.7     -     -    Settings getArgs (0)
 5.7     -     -      Flavour args (6705)
  .1     -     -    Flavour args (0)
   -     -     -    Hadrian.Expression verboseCommand (3055)
   -     -     -      Hadrian.Utilities userSetting (290)
   -     -     -    Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad goRAW.go.\ (0)
   -     -     -      Flavour args (0)
   -     -     -    Rules buildRules (0)
   -     -     -    Rules.Generate generatedDependencies (0)
   -     -     -      Hadrian.Expression ? (116)
   -     -     -      Hadrian.Expression mappend (0)
   -     -     -    Rules.Generate generateGhcAutoconfH (0)
   -     -     -    Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad goRAW.go (0)
   -     -     -      Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad goRAW.go.\ (0)
   -     -     -        Flavour args (0)
   -     -     -    Rules.Generate generateGhcBootPlatformH (0)
   -     -     -    Rules.Generate generateSettings (0)
   -     -     -      Rules.Generate generateSettings.\ (94)
   -     -     -        Rules.Generate generateSettings.showTuple (94)

  .1    .1    .1  Context getPackage (0)
   -     -     -    Hadrian.Expression getContext (0)

  .1    .1    .1  Expression package (0)
  .1     -     -    Context getPackage (0)

  .1    .1    .1  General.Intern compare (0)

  .1    .1     -  Distribution.Fields.Lexer alex_action_1 (0)
  .1    .1    .1    Distribution.Fields.Lexer alex_action_1.\ (10111)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Fields.Lexer alex_action_3 (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Fields.Lexer alex_action_16 (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Fields.LexerMonad adjustPos (4902)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Fields.Lexer checkWhitespace (1379)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Fields.LexerMonad getPos (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Fields.Lexer lexToken.len_bytes (867)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Fields.LexerMonad getInput (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Fields.LexerMonad setInput (3362)

  .1    .1    .1  Rules.Compile parseBasename (0)
  .1     -     -    Rules.Compile parseExtension (0)
  .1     -     -      Hadrian.BuildPath parseWayPrefix (0)

  .1    .1     -  Distribution.Simple.Utils findHookedPackageDesc (216)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Simple.Utils findHookedPackageDesc.(...) (4746)

 4.2    .1     -  Builder runBuilderWith (2978)
 3.7     -     -    Development.Shake.Command cmd (3276)
  .2     -     -    Development.Shake.Internal.Derived readFile' (17)
  .1     -     -    Development.Shake.Internal.Derived writeFileChanged (35)
  .1     -     -    Development.Shake.Internal.Derived withResources (2752)
   -     -     -      Development.Shake.Internal.Derived withResources.f (5504)
   -     -     -        Development.Shake.Internal.Resource withResource (2752)
   -     -     -          Control.Monad.Extra whenJust (2801)
   -     -     -          Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Action blockApply (0)
   -     -     -            Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Action applyBlockedBy (292)
   -     -     -              Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Action actionBracket (292)
   -     -     -          Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad finallyRAW (2731)
   -     -     -          Development.Shake.Internal.Resource acquireResource (2731)
   -     -     -          Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Run outputFunctions (0)
   -     -     -          Development.Shake.Internal.Resource releaseResource (2730)
   -     -     -      Data.List.Extra groupSort (0)
   -     -     -    Hadrian.Builder.Ar runAr (48)
   -     -     -      Development.Shake.Internal.Derived withTempFile (48)
   -     -     -        Hadrian.Builder.Ar runAr.\ (48)
   -     -     -          Development.Shake.Command cmd (48)
   -     -     -          Development.Shake.Internal.Derived writeFile' (48)
   -     -     -            General.Extra removeFile_ (35)
   -     -     -        Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Action actionFinally (0)
   -     -     -          Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Action actionBoom (0)
   -     -     -            System.IO.Extra newTempFile (0)
   -     -     -    Builder builderPath (2978)
   -     -     -    Builder runBuilderWith.captureStdout (3)
   -     -     -      Development.Shake.Command cmd (3)
   -     -     -    Builder runBuilderWith.echo (2733)

  .1    .1     -  Hadrian.Utilities intersectOrd (770)
  .1    .1     -    Hadrian.Utilities intersectOrd.loop (27277)
  .1    .1    .1      Oracles.ModuleFiles moduleFilesOracle.\.\.\.cmp (18960)

 2.3    .1     -  Distribution.ModuleName parsec (0)
 1.0     -     -    Distribution.ModuleName parsec.component (0)
  .8     -     -      Distribution.Parsec satisfy (0)
  .1     -     -      Distribution.Parsec >>= (62195)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Parsec many (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Parsec pure (0)
  .7     -     -    Distribution.Parsec char (0)
  .3     -     -    Distribution.Parsec *> (0)
  .2     -     -    Distribution.Parsec many (0)
  .1     -     -    Distribution.Parsec fmap (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Parsec <*> (0)

  .2    .1     -  Distribution.Simple.Program.Run runProgramInvocation (206)
  .1     -     -    Distribution.Simple.Program.Run getEffectiveEnvironment (206)
  .1    .1     -    Distribution.Simple.Utils rawSystemIOWithEnv (158)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Simple.Utils createProcessWithEnv (153)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Simple.Utils rawSystemStdInOut (47)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Simple.Program.Run runProgramInvocation.input (47)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Simple.Program.Run encodeToIOData (47)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Utils.Generic toUTF8LBS (0)

 6.7    .1     -  Rules oracleRules (0)
 4.5    .1     -    Hadrian.Oracles.ArgsHash argsHashOracle (0)
 4.3    .1     -      Hadrian.Oracles.ArgsHash argsHashOracle.\ (3339)
 2.8     -     -        Hadrian.Expression interpret (3337)
 1.4     -     -        Data.Hashable.Class hash (3328)
   -     -     -        Hadrian.Oracles.ArgsHash argsHashOracle.\.trackedArgList (3274)
   -     -     -          Target trackArgument (225778)
  .2     -     -      Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.Oracle addOracle (0)
 1.5     -     -    Hadrian.Oracles.Cabal.Rules cabalOracle (0)
  .5     -     -    Hadrian.Oracles.TextFile textFileOracle (0)
  .2     -     -    Oracles.ModuleFiles moduleFilesOracle (0)
   -     -     -    Hadrian.Oracles.Path pathOracle (0)
   -     -     -      Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.Oracle addOracleCache (0)
   -     -     -    Hadrian.Oracles.DirectoryContents directoryContentsOracle (0)
   -     -     -      Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.Oracle addOracle (0)

  .1    .1     -  Distribution.Fields.LexerMonad setStartCode (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Fields.LexerMonad setStartCode.\ (205969)

   -     -     -  Data.Heap compare (157093)
   -     -     -    General.Pool compare (81254)

   -     -     -  Distribution.Fields.LexerMonad getStartCode (0)

  .4     -     -  Development.Shake.Internal.Value rnf (284243)
  .2     -     -    Hadrian.Oracles.TextFile lookupValue (0)
  .1     -     -    Hadrian.Oracles.Cabal.Rules cabalOracle (0)
  .1     -     -    Hadrian.Oracles.Cabal readContextData (0)
   -     -     -    Utilities buildWithResources (0)
   -     -     -    Hadrian.Oracles.Cabal readPackageData (0)
   -     -     -    Rules.Compile compilePackage (0)
   -     -     -    Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.File rnf (6519)
   -     -     -    Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.File need (0)
   -     -     -    Hadrian.Oracles.TextFile lookupValues (0)
   -     -     -    Hadrian.Builder needBuilder (0)
   -     -     -    Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.Files rnf (0)
   -     -     -    Oracles.ModuleFiles moduleFilesOracle (0)
   -     -     -    Rules.Compile needDependencies (0)
   -     -     -    Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.Directory getDirectoryFiles (0)
   -     -     -    Hadrian.Oracles.Path lookupInPath (0)
   -     -     -    Oracles.ModuleFiles findGenerator (0)
   -     -     -    Rules.Register registerPackageRules.\ (0)
   -     -     -      Rules.Register copyConf (0)
   -     -     -        Utilities buildWithResources (0)

  .1     -     -  Context objectPath (3937)
   -     -     -    Context objectPath.obj (3869)
   -     -     -      Way osuf (0)
   -     -     -    Context.Path buildPath (3888)
   -     -     -    Context objectPath.result (3869)
   -     -     -      Hadrian.Utilities -/- (3869)
   -     -     -      Development.Shake.Internal.FilePattern ?== (0)
   -     -     -    Context objectPath.extension (3918)
   -     -     -    Hadrian.Utilities isGeneratedSource (0)

  .1     -     -  Builder == (167427)
   -     -     -    Stage == (2731)

  .2     -     -  Settings.Packages rtsPackageArgs (0)
  .1     -     -    Settings.Packages rtsPackageArgs.cArgs (440)
   -     -     -      Hadrian.Expression inputs (0)
   -     -     -      Hadrian.Expression input (0)
   -     -     -      Hadrian.Expression ? (0)
   -     -     -      Way.Type wayUnit (1560)
   -     -     -      Way.Type show (590)
   -     -     -      Hadrian.Expression arg (0)
   -     -     -      Hadrian.Expression mappend (0)
   -     -     -    Expression builder (0)
   -     -     -    Context.Path getBuildPath (0)
   -     -     -    Oracles.Setting getSetting (0)
   -     -     -    Oracles.Flag flag (0)
   -     -     -    Expression package (0)
   -     -     -    Hadrian.Expression toPredicate (0)
   -     -     -    Settings getRtsWays (0)
   -     -     -    Hadrian.Expression mempty (0)

  .1     -     -  General.Binary putExStorable (8020)
   -     -     -    General.Binary putExStorable.\ (92063)
   -     -     -      Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.File pokeByteOff (0)

  .3     -     -  General.Binary runBuilder (30188)
  .3     -     -    General.Binary runBuilder.\ (28974)
  .2     -     -      General.Binary <> (0)
   -     -     -      Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.File putEx (0)
   -     -     -      Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.Files putEx (0)

   -     -     -  Data.HashMap.Base sparseIndex (714810)

   -     -     -  Distribution.Fields.LexerMonad getInput (0)

  .1     -     -  Context getStagedSettingList (1116)
  .1     -     -    Oracles.Setting getSettingList (0)
  .1     -     -      Oracles.Setting settingList (12345)
   -     -     -        Hadrian.Oracles.TextFile lookupValueOrError (11503)
   -     -     -        Stage stageString (10902)
   -     -     -    Context getStage (0)

   -     -     -  Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.File == (0)
   -     -     -    Development.Shake.Internal.FileName == (0)

  .1     -     -  General.Thread allocateThread (2)
  .1     -     -    General.Cleanup allocate (2)
  .1     -     -      General.Thread allocateThread.\ (2)
   -     -     -        Control.Monad.Extra whileM (18654)
   -     -     -        System.Time.Extra sleep (0)

  .4     -     -  Distribution.FieldGrammar.Parsec <*> (155)
  .4     -     -    Distribution.FieldGrammar.Parsec <*>.\ (81539)
  .2     -     -      Distribution.Types.InstalledPackageInfo.FieldGrammar basicFieldGrammar (0)
  .2     -     -        Distribution.FieldGrammar.Parsec optionalFieldDefAla (0)
   -     -     -        Distribution.FieldGrammar.Class optionalFieldDef (0)
   -     -     -        Distribution.FieldGrammar.Class optionalField (0)
   -     -     -        Distribution.FieldGrammar.Parsec fmap (0)
  .1     -     -      Distribution.PackageDescription.FieldGrammar buildInfoFieldGrammar (0)
  .1     -     -      Distribution.Fields.ParseResult <*> (3057)
   -     -     -      Distribution.PackageDescription.FieldGrammar hsSourceDirsGrammar (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.PackageDescription.FieldGrammar profOptionsFieldGrammar (0)
   -     -     -        Distribution.FieldGrammar.Parsec fmap (0)
   -     -     -        Distribution.FieldGrammar.Parsec monoidalFieldAla (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.FieldGrammar.Parsec fmap (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.PackageDescription.FieldGrammar sharedOptionsFieldGrammar (0)
   -     -     -        Distribution.FieldGrammar.Parsec fmap (0)

   -     -     -  Distribution.Fields.LexerMonad setInput (443286)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Fields.LexerMonad setInput.\ (345032)

   -     -     -  Data.HashMap.Array new_ (131549)

  .1     -     -  Hadrian.BuildPath parseStage (0)
   -     -     -    Rules.Library parseLibAFilename (0)
   -     -     -      Hadrian.BuildPath parsePkgId (0)
   -     -     -    Rules.Library parseLibGhciFilename (0)
   -     -     -      Hadrian.BuildPath parsePkgId (0)

   -     -     -  Distribution.ModuleName validModuleChar (865016)

   -     -     -  Distribution.Fields.Lexer checkWhitespace (103108)

  .1     -     -  Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Storage saveWitness (1)
  .1     -     -    Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Storage saveWitness.\ (18510)
  .1     -     -      Data.HashMap.Base lookup (18510)
   -     -     -    Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Storage saveWitness.(...) (2)
   -     -     -      Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Storage saveWitness.(...).\ (23)
   -     -     -        Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Storage saveWitness.(...).\.\ (18510)
   -     -     -          General.Binary putEx (0)
   -     -     -        Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Storage saveWitness.(...).\.tag (18)
   -     -     -          General.Binary putEx (0)
   -     -     -          Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Storage toWitness (18)
   -     -     -            General.Extra show (19)
   -     -     -              General.Extra show.f (31)
   -     -     -                General.Extra show.g (32)
   -     -     -      Data.HashMap.Strict fromList (1)

  .1     -     -  Distribution.Parsec <*> (0)
  .1     -     -    Distribution.Parsec <*>.\ (1435)
  .1     -     -      Distribution.Parsec many (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Parsec fmap (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.System classifyOS (31)

   -     -     -  Distribution.Fields.LexerMonad getPos (0)

  .7     -     -  Rules.Compile needDependencies (294)
  .7     -     -    Rules.Compile (291)
  .5     -     -      Utilities build (289)
  .2     -     -      Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.File need (0)
   -     -     -      Rules.Compile (290)
   -     -     -        Rules.Compile\ (16362)
   -     -     -      Rules.Compile needDependencies.parseFile (0)

  .1     -     -  Hadrian.Utilities putBuild (3286)
  .1     -     -    Hadrian.Utilities putColoured (3290)
   -     -     -      Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Action putNormal (0)
   -     -     -    Hadrian.Utilities userSetting (0)

   -     -     -  Distribution.Backpack.UnifyM liftST (72485)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Backpack.UnifyM liftST.\ (70784)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Utils.UnionFind find (35618)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Utils.UnionFind find.\ (20261)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Utils.UnionFind readPoint (13924)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Utils.UnionFind fresh (21119)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Utils.UnionFind union (2480)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Utils.UnionFind readPoint (4816)

  .1     -     -  General.Binary putExStorableList (107814)
  .1     -     -    General.Binary putExStorableList.\ (110147)
  .1     -     -      General.Binary for2M_ (107725)
   -     -     -    General.Binary putExStorableList.n (107812)
   -     -     -      General.Intern sizeOf (0)

   -     -     -  Data.Heap link (66211)
   -     -     -    Data.Heap compare (66211)

  .2     -     -  Hadrian.Expression mappend (0)
  .1     -     -    Hadrian.Expression <> (0)

  .2     -     -  Settings.Warnings ghcWarningsArgs (0)
  .1     -     -    Hadrian.Expression ? (0)
  .1     -     -    Expression package (0)
   -     -     -    Hadrian.Expression mappend (0)
   -     -     -    Settings getIntegerPackage (0)
   -     -     -    Hadrian.Expression mempty (0)
   -     -     -    Hadrian.Expression pure (0)

  .1     -     -  Distribution.ModuleName fromComponents (24060)
  .1     -     -    Distribution.ModuleName stlFromStrings (0)
  .1     -     -      Distribution.Utils.ShortText toShortText (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.ModuleName stlFromList (55729)
   -     -     -    Distribution.ModuleName validModuleComponent (63069)
   -     -     -      Distribution.ModuleName validModuleChar (189603)

 5.9     -     -  Distribution.FieldGrammar.Parsec parseFieldGrammar (1922)
 5.7     -     -    Distribution.FieldGrammar.Parsec fieldGrammarParser (1719)
  .2     -     -    Distribution.Fields.ParseResult pure (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.FieldGrammar.Parsec parseFieldGrammar.isUnknownField (32228)
   -     -     -      Distribution.FieldGrammar.Parsec fieldGrammarKnownFields (3298)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Fields.ParseResult *> (165)

  .3     -     -  Settings.Builders.Common packageDatabaseArgs (0)
  .2     -     -    Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.File need (0)
   -     -     -    Expression builder (0)
   -     -     -    Base packageDbPath (5480)
   -     -     -    Hadrian.Utilities -/- (5261)
   -     -     -    Context getStage (0)
   -     -     -    Hadrian.Expression arg (0)
   -     -     -    Control.Monad.Extra ifM (0)
   -     -     -    Hadrian.Expression return (0)

  .1     -     -  Distribution.FieldGrammar.Parsec freeTextFieldDef (0)
  .1     -     -    Distribution.FieldGrammar.Parsec freeTextFieldDef.parser (14778)
  .1     -     -      Distribution.FieldGrammar.Parsec freeTextFieldDef.parseOne (8385)
   -     -     -        Distribution.FieldGrammar.Parsec fieldlinesToFreeText3 (2969)
   -     -     -          Distribution.FieldGrammar.Parsec mealy (554)
   -     -     -            Distribution.FieldGrammar.Parsec mealy.go (4237)
   -     -     -              Distribution.FieldGrammar.Parsec mealy.go.(...) (3682)
   -     -     -                Distribution.FieldGrammar.Parsec (3682)
   -     -     -                  Distribution.Utils.Generic fromUTF8BS (0)
   -     -     -                  Distribution.FieldGrammar.Parsec (96)
   -     -     -          Distribution.Utils.Generic fromUTF8BS (0)
   -     -     -          Distribution.FieldGrammar.Parsec fieldlinesToFreeText3.mcol2 (318)
   -     -     -            Distribution.FieldGrammar.Parsec fieldlinesToFreeText3.mcol2.\ (2214)
   -     -     -        Distribution.FieldGrammar.Parsec fieldlinesToFreeText (208)
   -     -     -        Distribution.CabalSpecVersion >= (5471)

   -     -     -  Distribution.Fields.Lexer toki (124164)

  .4     -     -  Data.List.Extra nubOrd (191953)
  .4     -     -    Data.List.Extra nubOrdBy (191967)

  .3     -     -  Distribution.Backpack.Configure configureComponentLocalBuildInfos (52)
  .3     -     -    Distribution.Utils.LogProgress >>= (3764)
  .3     -     -      Distribution.Utils.LogProgress >>=.\ (3774)
  .2     -     -        Distribution.Backpack.LinkedComponent toLinkedComponents (62)
  .2     -     -          Distribution.Utils.MapAccum mapAccumM (62)
  .1     -     -        Distribution.Utils.Progress >>= (4404)
  .1     -     -          Distribution.Utils.Progress foldProgress (4404)
  .1     -     -            Distribution.Utils.Progress foldProgress.fold (4404)
  .1     -     -              Distribution.Utils.LogProgress >>=.\.\ (3748)
   -     -     -                Distribution.Backpack.Configure configureComponentLocalBuildInfos.graph3 (51)
   -     -     -                  Distribution.Backpack.ReadyComponent toReadyComponents (51)
   -     -     -                    Distribution.Backpack.ReadyComponent toReadyComponents.ready_map (51)
   -     -     -                      Distribution.Backpack.ReadyComponent (51)
   -     -     -                        Distribution.Backpack.ReadyComponent >>= (4897)
   -     -     -                          Distribution.Backpack.ReadyComponent >>=.\ (4948)
   -     -     -                            Distribution.Backpack.ReadyComponent toReadyComponents.instantiateUnitId (2241)
   -     -     -                              Distribution.Backpack.ReadyComponent toReadyComponents.instantiateUnitId.def_uid (2241)
   -     -     -                                Distribution.Backpack mkDefUnitId (2241)
   -     -     -                                  Distribution.Types.ComponentId unComponentId (2241)
   -     -     -                                  Distribution.Types.UnitId mkUnitId (0)
   -     -     -                              Distribution.Backpack.ReadyComponent toReadyComponents.instantiateUnitId.\ (2241)
   -     -     -                                Distribution.Backpack.ReadyComponent toReadyComponents.instantiateUnitId.\.(...) (216)
   -     -     -                            Distribution.Backpack.ReadyComponent >>=.\.(...) (4722)
   -     -     -                              Distribution.Backpack.ReadyComponent\ (0)
   -     -     -                                Distribution.Backpack.ReadyComponent <*> (2418)
   -     -     -                                  Distribution.Backpack.ReadyComponent <*>.\ (2418)
   -     -     -                                    Distribution.Backpack.ReadyComponent <*>.\.(...) (2418)
   -     -     -                                      Distribution.Backpack.ReadyComponent fmap (1317)
   -     -     -                                        Distribution.Backpack.ReadyComponent fmap.\ (1317)
   -     -     -                                          Distribution.Backpack.ReadyComponent fmap.\.s' (1317)
   -     -     -                                          Distribution.Backpack.ReadyComponent fmap.\.x (1317)
   -     -     -                                    Distribution.Backpack.ReadyComponent <*>.\.(...) (2418)
   -     -     -                                      Distribution.Backpack.ReadyComponent toReadyComponents.substModule (1101)
   -     -     -                                        Distribution.Backpack.ReadyComponent toReadyComponents.substUnitId (1101)
   -     -     -                                          Distribution.Backpack.ReadyComponent toReadyComponents.substSubst (1101)
   -     -     -                                            Distribution.Backpack.ReadyComponent pure (1101)
   -     -     -                            Distribution.Backpack.ReadyComponent >>=.\.s' (4722)
   -     -     -                            Distribution.Backpack.ReadyComponent >>=.\.x (4602)
   -     -     -                Distribution.Backpack.Configure toComponentLocalBuildInfos (55)
   -     -     -                  Distribution.Backpack.Configure toComponentLocalBuildInfos.combined_graph (55)
   -     -     -                    Distribution.Compat.Graph unionRight (55)
   -     -     -                      Distribution.Compat.Graph fromMap (55)
   -     -     -                  Distribution.Backpack.Configure toComponentLocalBuildInfos.external_graph (52)
   -     -     -                    Distribution.Compat.Graph fromDistinctList (0)
   -     -     -                  Distribution.Backpack.Configure toComponentLocalBuildInfos.internal_graph (40)
   -     -     -                    Distribution.Compat.Graph fromDistinctList (0)
   -     -     -                  Distribution.Backpack.Configure toComponentLocalBuildInfos.pseudoTopPkg (0)
   -     -     -                    Distribution.Types.UnitId mkLegacyUnitId (0)
   -     -     -                      Distribution.Pretty prettyShow (0)
   -     -     -                Distribution.Backpack.LinkedComponent toLinkedComponent.build_reexports (1985)
   -     -     -                  Distribution.ModuleName compare (0)
   -     -     -                Distribution.Backpack.Configure configureComponentLocalBuildInfos.graph4 (56)
   -     -     -                  Distribution.Compat.Graph fromDistinctList (0)
   -     -     -                  Distribution.Compat.Graph revTopSort (4)
   -     -     -                Distribution.Backpack.Configure toComponentLocalBuildInfos.clbis (46)
   -     -     -                  Distribution.Backpack.Configure mkLinkedComponentsLocalBuildInfo (46)
   -     -     -                    Distribution.Backpack.Configure mkLinkedComponentsLocalBuildInfo.go (46)
   -     -     -                      Distribution.Backpack.Configure mkLinkedComponentsLocalBuildInfo.go.cpds (46)
   -     -     -                        Distribution.Backpack.ReadyComponent rc_depends (46)
   -     -     -                      Distribution.Backpack.Configure mkLinkedComponentsLocalBuildInfo.go.compat_key (40)
   -     -     -                        Distribution.Backpack.Id computeCompatPackageKey (40)
   -     -     -                          Distribution.Simple.Compiler unifiedIPIDRequired (0)
   -     -     -                            Distribution.Simple.Compiler ghcSupported (40)
   -     -     -                      Distribution.Backpack.Configure mkLinkedComponentsLocalBuildInfo.go.internal_deps (40)
   -     -     -                        Distribution.Backpack.ReadyComponent nodeNeighbors (40)
   -     -     -                      Distribution.Backpack.Configure mkLinkedComponentsLocalBuildInfo.go.this_uid (40)
   -     -     -                        Distribution.Backpack.ReadyComponent rc_uid (0)
   -     -     -                Distribution.Backpack.Configure toComponentLocalBuildInfos.packageDependsIndex (52)
   -     -     -                  Distribution.Simple.PackageIndex fromList (52)
   -     -     -                Distribution.Backpack.ConfiguredComponent toConfiguredComponent.\.\ (215)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Simple.PackageIndex dependencyInconsistencies (50)
   -     -     -          Distribution.Simple.PackageIndex dependencyInconsistencies.inverseIndex (50)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Simple.PackageIndex insert (57)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Backpack.ConfiguredComponent toConfiguredComponents (50)
   -     -     -          Distribution.Utils.MapAccum mapAccumM (50)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Backpack.Configure toComponentLocalBuildInfos.fullIndex (52)
   -     -     -          Distribution.Compat.Graph fromDistinctList (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Backpack.ComponentsGraph mkComponentsGraph (40)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Backpack.ComponentsGraph mkComponentsGraph.g (40)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Backpack.ComponentsGraph mkComponentsGraph.componentDeps (40)
   -     -     -          Distribution.Backpack.ComponentsGraph mkComponentsGraph.componentDeps.toolname (216)
   -     -     -            Distribution.Types.UnqualComponentName packageNameToUnqualComponentName (0)
   -     -     -              Distribution.Types.UnqualComponentName mkUnqualComponentName (0)
   -     -     -                Distribution.Utils.ShortText toShortText (0)

  .2     -     -  Distribution.Simple.Utils withTempFile (311)
  .2     -     -    Distribution.Simple.Utils withTempFileEx (311)
  .2     -     -      Distribution.Compat.Stack withLexicalCallStack (311)
  .2     -     -        Distribution.Compat.Stack withLexicalCallStack.\ (311)
  .1     -     -          Distribution.Simple.Configure checkForeignDeps.builds.\.\ (61)
  .1     -     -            Distribution.Simple.Program getDbProgramOutput (61)
  .1     -     -              Distribution.Simple.Program getProgramOutput (61)
   -     -     -          Distribution.Simple.GHC.Internal configureToolchain.configureLd'.\.\ (62)
   -     -     -            Distribution.Simple.Program runProgram (62)
   -     -     -          Distribution.Simple.GHC.Internal configureToolchain.configureLd'.\.\.\ (57)
   -     -     -            Distribution.Compat.Exception catchExit (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Simple.Utils withTempFileEx.\ (218)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Simple.Utils handleDoesNotExist (218)

  .2     -     -  Context.Path getBuildPath (0)
  .1     -     -    Context.Path buildPath (23200)
   -     -     -    Hadrian.Expression getContext (0)

   -     -     -  Hadrian.Target builder (98931)

  .1     -     -  Distribution.Utils.ShortText toShortText (0)
  .1     -     -    Distribution.Utils.String encodeStringUtf8 (502476)

   -     -     -  Hadrian.Utilities copyFile (40)
   -     -     -    Development.Shake.Internal.Derived copyFileChanged (41)
   -     -     -      Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.File need (41)
   -     -     -      General.Extra createDirectoryRecursive (36)
   -     -     -      Control.Monad.Extra &&^ (0)
   -     -     -      General.Extra removeFile_ (40)
   -     -     -      System.IO.Extra fileEq (0)
   -     -     -        System.IO.Extra fileEq.withH (0)
   -     -     -          System.IO.Extra fileEq.\ (0)
   -     -     -            System.IO.Extra fileEq.\.\ (2)
   -     -     -              System.IO.Extra sameContent (2)
   -     -     -                Control.Monad.Extra &&^ (2)
   -     -     -    Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.File need (0)
   -     -     -    Hadrian.Utilities renderAction (39)

  .1     -     -  Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Database setMem (56403)
   -     -     -    General.Ids insert (37541)

  .1     -     -  Distribution.ModuleName compare (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.ModuleName compare (457675)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Utils.ShortText compare (0)

   -     -     -  Data.List.Extra replace (210802)

   -     -     -  Way.Type show (43262)
   -     -     -    Way.Type show.tag (43262)
   -     -     -      Way.Type wayToUnits (40247)

   -     -     -  Distribution.Utils.ShortText compare (0)

   -     -     -  Distribution.Backpack.UnifyM <*> (74646)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Backpack.UnifyM <*>.\ (76707)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Backpack.UnifyM fmap (588)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Backpack.UnifyM convertModuleProvidesU (0)

   -     -     -  Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad addStep (177251)

  .8     -     -  Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.File |%> (0)
  .7     -     -    Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.File |%>.ps (0)
  .7     -     -      Development.Shake.Internal.FilePattern ?== (0)
   -     -     -    Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.File root (0)
   -     -     -    Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.File |%>.\ (64243)

  .1     -     -  Data.Heap ins (128201)
   -     -     -    Data.Heap link (34703)

  .8     -     -  Distribution.Parsec runParsecParser (0)
  .8     -     -    Distribution.Parsec runParsecParser' (3025)
  .8     -     -      Distribution.Parsec lexemeParsec (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Compat.Parsing eof (0)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Parsec.FieldLineStream uncons (20795)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Parsec lexemeParsec (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Parsec <* (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Parsec fmap (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Parsec >>= (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Types.GenericPackageDescription parsecFlagAssignment (0)

 8.7     -     -  Hadrian.Builder buildWith (295)
 4.3     -     -    Hadrian.Builder doWith (3351)
 4.2     -     -    Builder runBuilderWith (2975)
  .2     -     -    Hadrian.Builder runInfo (3228)
  .2     -     -      Hadrian.Utilities renderAction (3268)
   -     -     -      Builder showsPrec (2787)
   -     -     -      Hadrian.Builder runInfo.digest (5040)
   -     -     -      Hadrian.Target builder (2460)

 2.9     -     -  Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.Oracle askOracle (3062)
 2.9     -     -    Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Build apply1 (3084)

  .8     -     -  Distribution.FieldGrammar.Parsec runFieldParser (29681)
  .8     -     -    Distribution.FieldGrammar.Parsec runFieldParser' (29677)
   -     -     -    Distribution.FieldGrammar.Parsec fieldLinesToStream (32728)

  .1     -     -  Distribution.Types.GenericPackageDescription put (0)
  .1     -     -    Distribution.Compat.Graph put (0)

  .1     -     -  Distribution.Simple.Build.Macros generateMacros (1090)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Simple.Build.Macros ifndefDefine (1090)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Simple.Build.Macros ifndef (1090)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Simple.Build.Macros define (777)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Simple.Build.Macros ifndefDefineStr (909)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Pretty prettyShow (693)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Simple.Build.Macros generateMacros.(...) (417)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Types.Version versionNumbers (43)

 1.7     -     -  Distribution.Parsec.Newtypes parseSep (7)
 1.6     -     -    Distribution.Parsec parsecLeadingOptCommaList (0)
  .9     -     -      Distribution.Parsec >>= (0)
  .6     -     -      Distribution.Parsec parsecLeadingOptCommaList.sepEndBy1Start (0)
  .5     -     -        Distribution.Parsec <|> (0)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Parsec pure (0)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Parsec fmap (9477)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Parsec many (0)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Parsec >>= (7077)
  .1     -     -      Distribution.Parsec parsecLeadingOptCommaList.comma (0)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Parsec char (0)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Parsec  (0)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Parsec *> (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Parsec parsecLeadingOptCommaList.lp (0)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Parsec <* (0)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Parsec  (0)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Parsec skipMany (0)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Parsec satisfy (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Parsec <|> (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Parsec pure (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Parsec fmap (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Parsec parsecOptCommaList (7)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Parsec >>= (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Parsec parsecCommaList (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Parsec char (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Parsec <*> (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.CabalSpecVersion >= (8644)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Parsec satisfy (0)

 2.2     -     -  Distribution.Types.ExposedModule parsec (0)
 1.3     -     -    Distribution.ModuleName parsec (0)
  .6     -     -    Distribution.Parsec parsecMaybeQuoted (0)
  .2     -     -    Distribution.Parsec pure (0)
  .1     -     -    Distribution.Parsec >>= (45469)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Parsec  (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Parsec string (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Parsec satisfy (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Parsec skipMany (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Parsec <|> (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Parsec fmap (0)

 3.2     -     -  Distribution.Simple.Utils installOrdinaryFile (2477)
 3.2     -     -    Distribution.Compat.CopyFile copyOrdinaryFile (2477)
 3.2     -     -      Distribution.Compat.CopyFile copyFile (2477)
 3.1     -     -        Distribution.Compat.Exception catchIO (0)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Compat.CopyFile copyFile.openTmp (2299)
  .1     -     -      Distribution.Compat.CopyFile setFileOrdinary (2343)
  .1     -     -        Distribution.Compat.CopyFile setFileMode (2343)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Simple.Utils info (2249)

  .2     -     -  Context.Path buildPath (41305)
  .1     -     -    Context.Path buildDir (22442)
  .1     -     -      Hadrian.Utilities -/- (21218)
   -     -     -      Context.Path contextDir (20390)
   -     -     -    Hadrian.Utilities -/- (17278)
   -     -     -    Hadrian.Utilities <&> (12309)

   -     -     -  Hadrian.Oracles.Path lookupInPath (2529)
   -     -     -    Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.Oracle askOracle (0)

 2.2     -     -  Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.Oracle hashWithSalt (2460)
 1.1     -     -    Hadrian.Oracles.TextFile hashWithSalt (0)
 1.1     -     -      Data.Hashable.Class hashWithSalt (0)
  .8     -     -    Hadrian.Oracles.Cabal.Type hashWithSalt (0)
  .7     -     -      Data.Hashable.Class hashWithSalt (172706)
  .3     -     -    Hadrian.Oracles.ArgsHash hashWithSalt (0)
   -     -     -    Oracles.ModuleFiles hashWithSalt (0)
   -     -     -      Data.Hashable.Class hashWithSalt (0)
   -     -     -      Data.Hashable.Class liftHashWithSalt (0)
   -     -     -    Hadrian.Oracles.Path hashWithSalt (0)
   -     -     -      Data.Hashable.Class hashWithSalt (0)
   -     -     -    Rules.Libffi hashWithSalt (0)
   -     -     -      Data.Hashable.Class hashWithSalt (30)

  .2     -     -  Hadrian.Utilities renderAction (3307)
  .1     -     -    Hadrian.Utilities renderAction.o (3252)
  .1     -     -      Hadrian.Utilities unifyPath (0)
  .1     -     -    Hadrian.Utilities renderAction.i (3324)
  .1     -     -      Hadrian.Utilities unifyPath (0)
   -     -     -    Hadrian.Utilities userSetting (0)

  .1     -     -  General.Ids insert (53464)
   -     -     -    Control.Monad.Primitive primitive (63981)

   -     -     -  Development.Shake.Internal.Progress fmap (29626)
   -     -     -    Development.Shake.Internal.Progress fmap.\ (29719)
   -     -     -      Development.Shake.Internal.Progress message.ruleTime.weightedAverage (640)
   -     -     -      Development.Shake.Internal.Progress oldMealy (0)

   -     -     -  Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.File rnf (11369)
   -     -     -    Development.Shake.Internal.FileName rnf (0)
   -     -     -    Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.File rnf (6467)

  .2     -     -  Hadrian.Expression input (3)
  .2     -     -    Development.Shake.Internal.FilePattern ?== (4)
   -     -     -    Hadrian.Expression getInputs (0)

  .1     -     -  General.Wait >>=.\ (6618)
  .1     -     -    General.Wait >>=.\.\ (13512)
   -     -     -      Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Build applyKeyValue.\ (0)
   -     -     -        Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Build applyKeyValue.\.\ (0)
   -     -     -          General.Pool addPool (0)

78.9     -     -  Rules buildRules (0)
75.6     -     -    Rules packageRules (0)
63.1     -     -      Development.Shake.Internal.Derived newResource (0)
63.1     -     -        Development.Shake.Internal.Resource newResourceIO (0)
63.1     -     -          Development.Shake.Internal.Resource newResourceIO.release (0)
63.1     -     -            Control.Concurrent.Extra modifyVar (80650)
   -     -     -          Development.Shake.Internal.Resource newResourceIO.acquire (2859)
   -     -     -            Control.Concurrent.Extra modifyVar (0)
 6.9     -     -      Rules.Generate generatePackageCode (0)
 2.0     -     -      Rules.Dependencies buildPackageDependencies (0)
 2.0     -     -      Rules.Compile compilePackage (0)
  .5     -     -      Utilities buildWithResources (19)
  .3     -     -      Rules.Compile compilePackage.\.\ (2411)
  .3     -     -        Rules.Compile compileHsObjectAndHi (0)
  .3     -     -          Hadrian.BuildPath parsePath (2430)
   -     -     -          Rules.Compile parseBuildObject (2408)
  .2     -     -      Rules.Program buildProgramRules (1)
  .2     -     -      Rules.Register configurePackageRules (0)
  .2     -     -        Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.File %> (0)
   -     -     -        Rules.Register configurePackageRules.\ (126)
   -     -     -          Rules.Register parseToBuildSubdirectory (63)
   -     -     -            Hadrian.BuildPath parseStage (0)
   -     -     -          Rules.Register parseSetupConfig (63)
   -     -     -            Hadrian.BuildPath parseStage (0)
  .2     -     -      Rules.Register registerPackageRules (0)
   -     -     -      Rules.Register registerPackageRules.\ (60)
   -     -     -        Rules.Register copyConf (0)
   -     -     -          Utilities buildWithResources (0)
   -     -     -          Utilities askWithResources (0)
   -     -     -            Hadrian.Builder askWithResources (0)
   -     -     -              Hadrian.Builder askWith (0)
   -     -     -                Builder askBuilderWith (1)
   -     -     -                  Development.Shake.Command cmd (1)
   -     -     -                  Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.File need (0)
   -     -     -                Hadrian.Builder doWith (0)
   -     -     -        Rules.Register getPackageNameFromConfFile (59)
   -     -     -          Rules.Register parseCabalName (0)
   -     -     -            Distribution.Parsec eitherParsec (0)
   -     -     -              Distribution.Types.PackageId parsec (0)
   -     -     -        Rules.Register buildConf (0)
   -     -     -          Packages ensureConfigured (41)
   -     -     -            Packages autogenPath (47)
   -     -     -          Rules.Register libraryTargets (49)
   -     -     -          Hadrian.Haskell.Cabal.Parse copyPackage (47)
   -     -     -            Hadrian.Haskell.Cabal pkgGenericDescription (0)
   -     -     -              Hadrian.Oracles.Cabal readPackageData (0)
   -     -     -          Rules.Register buildConf.\ (216)
   -     -     -          Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.File need (0)
   -     -     -        Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.File need (0)
   -     -     -      Rules.Compile compileNonHsObject (0)
   -     -     -        Hadrian.BuildPath parsePath (289)
   -     -     -        Rules.Compile needDependencies (0)
   -     -     -      Rules.Documentation buildPackageDocumentation (0)
   -     -     -        Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.File %> (0)
   -     -     -      Rules.Compile compileHsObjectAndHi.ctx (2427)
   -     -     -        Rules.Compile objectContext (2402)
   -     -     -      Rules.Generate generatePackageCode.\ (84)
   -     -     -        Utilities build (85)
   -     -     -        Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.Directory doesFileExist (0)
   -     -     -        Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.File need (0)
   -     -     -        Oracles.ModuleFiles findGenerator (84)
   -     -     -      Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.File need (0)
   -     -     -      Rules.Generate genPrimopCode (0)
   -     -     -      Rules.Compile obj2src (294)
   -     -     -      Context.Path contextPath (2420)
   -     -     -      Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.Directory getDirectoryFilesIO (47)
   -     -     -      Rules.Compile needDependencies (2)
   -     -     -      Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.File trackAllow (2433)
   -     -     -      Hadrian.Oracles.TextFile lookupDependencies (19)
   -     -     -      Rules.Compile compileNonHsObject.ctx (291)
   -     -     -        Rules.Compile objectContext (291)
   -     -     -      Rules.Generate generatePackageCode.go (0)
   -     -     -        Rules.Generate generate (0)
   -     -     -      Rules.SimpleTargets simplePackageTargets (0)
  .7     -     -    Rules.Rts rtsRules (0)
  .7     -     -    Rules.Libffi libffiRules (0)
  .7     -     -    Rules.Generate copyRules (0)
  .7     -     -      Rules.Generate copyRules.\ (0)
  .7     -     -        Rules.Generate copyRules.\.<~ (0)
  .7     -     -          Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.File %> (0)
   -     -     -          Rules.Generate copyRules.\.<~.\ (38)
   -     -     -            Hadrian.Utilities copyFile (38)
  .5     -     -    Rules.Library libraryRules (0)
  .3     -     -    Rules.Gmp gmpRules (0)
  .1     -     -      Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.File %> (0)
  .1     -     -      Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.Files &%> (0)
   -     -     -      Rules.Gmp gmpRules.\ (0)
   -     -     -        Hadrian.Utilities copyFile (0)
   -     -     -      Hadrian.Utilities copyFile (0)
  .2     -     -    Rules.BinaryDist bindistRules (0)
  .1     -     -      Rules.BinaryDist bindistRules.\ (0)
  .1     -     -        Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.File %> (0)
  .1     -     -      Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.File %> (0)
   -     -     -      Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.File phony (0)
   -     -     -        Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.File addPhony (0)
  .2     -     -    Rules.Generate generateRules (0)

 2.8     -     -  Distribution.Parsec.Newtypes parsec (13)
 1.7     -     -    Distribution.Parsec.Newtypes parseSep (7)
  .6     -     -    Distribution.Parsec.Newtypes parsec (0)
  .3     -     -      Distribution.ModuleName parsec (0)
  .1     -     -      Distribution.Parsec parsecToken (0)
  .1     -     -        Distribution.Parsec <|> (0)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Parsec checkNotDoubleDash (7847)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Parsec >>= (0)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Parsec some (0)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Parsec  (0)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Parsec satisfy (0)
  .1     -     -      Distribution.Parsec parsecMaybeQuoted (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Parsec.Newtypes parsecTestedWith (0)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Types.VersionRange.Internal parsec (0)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Parsec lexemeParsec (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Parsec parsecToken' (0)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Parsec <|> (0)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Parsec >>= (0)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Parsec checkNotDoubleDash (7)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Parsec fmap (0)
  .3     -     -    Distribution.Parsec parsecToken (0)
  .2     -     -      Distribution.Parsec <|> (0)
  .1     -     -      Distribution.Parsec satisfy (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Parsec checkNotDoubleDash (1053)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Parsec  (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Parsec >>= (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Parsec some (0)
  .1     -     -    Distribution.Types.Version parsec (0)
  .1     -     -    Distribution.Parsec parsecMaybeQuoted (0)
  .1     -     -    Distribution.Parsec parsec (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Types.MungedPackageName parsec (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Parsec fmap (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Parsec.Newtypes parsec.range (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Types.VersionRange.Internal parsec (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Parsec >>= (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.License parsec (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Parsec satisfy (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Parsec.Newtypes parsec.parsecSpecVersion (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Types.Version parsec (0)
   -     -     -    Language.Haskell.Extension parsec (0)

   -     -     -  Distribution.Compat.Prelude grnf (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Compat.Prelude grnf (94300)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Types.LibraryName rnf (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Types.Version rnf (219)

  .1     -     -  Distribution.Parsec checkNotDoubleDash (8907)
  .1     -     -    Distribution.Parsec pure (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Parsec *> (0)

   -     -     -  Distribution.Utils.Generic ordNub (455)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Utils.Generic ordNubBy (455)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Utils.Generic ordNubBy.go (4267)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Utils.Generic ordNubBy.go.s' (2520)
   -     -     -          Distribution.ModuleName compare (0)
   -     -     -        Distribution.ModuleName compare (0)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Types.UnitId compare (0)

   -     -     -  Distribution.Backpack.UnifyM fmap (21008)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Backpack.UnifyM convertInclude (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Backpack.UnifyM getUnifEnv (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Backpack.UnifyM unify_uniq (2408)

  .3     -     -  Development.Shake.Internal.Derived newCache (0)
  .3     -     -    Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Action newCacheIO (0)
  .3     -     -      Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Action newCacheIO.\ (2499)
  .3     -     -        Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Action newCacheIO.\.\ (2629)
  .1     -     -          Hadrian.Oracles.TextFile textFileOracle.\ (60)
  .1     -     -            Development.Shake.Internal.Derived readFileLines (60)
   -     -     -            Development.Shake.Config readConfigFile (0)
   -     -     -              Development.Shake.Config readConfigFileWithEnv (0)
   -     -     -                Development.Ninja.Parse parse (1)
   -     -     -                  Development.Ninja.Parse parseFile (1)
   -     -     -                    Development.Ninja.Lexer lexerFile (1)
   -     -     -                      Development.Ninja.Lexer lexer (1)
   -     -     -                        Development.Ninja.Lexer lexerLoop (316)
   -     -     -                          Development.Ninja.Lexer lexDefine (0)
   -     -     -                            Development.Ninja.Lexer lexxBind (116)
   -     -     -                              Development.Ninja.Lexer lexxExpr (116)
   -     -     -                                Development.Ninja.Lexer lexxExpr.f (116)
   -     -     -                                  Development.Ninja.Lexer char (1218)
   -     -     -                    Development.Ninja.Parse applyStmt (116)
   -     -     -                      Development.Ninja.Type addBind (116)
   -     -     -                        Development.Ninja.Env addEnv (116)
   -     -     -                          Data.HashMap.Strict insert (116)
   -     -     -                Data.ByteString.UTF8 toString (232)
   -     -     -            Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.File need (0)
  .1     -     -          Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Pool actionFenceRequeue (0)
  .1     -     -            Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Pool actionFenceRequeueBy (2452)
   -     -     -          Data.HashMap.Base lookup (2505)
   -     -     -          Oracles.ModuleFiles moduleFilesOracle.\ (0)
   -     -     -            Oracles.ModuleFiles generatedFile (83)
   -     -     -          Data.HashMap.Strict insert (15)
   -     -     -          General.Fence signalFence (53)

   -     -     -  Development.Shake.FilePath toStandard (0)

  .1     -     -  Distribution.Utils.Generic toUTF8LBS (0)
  .1     -     -    Distribution.Utils.String encodeStringUtf8 (646583)

   -     -     -  Hadrian.Expression arg (0)
   -     -     -    Hadrian.Expression pure (0)

   -     -     -  Hadrian.Utilities replaceEq (7361)
   -     -     -    Hadrian.Utilities replaceEq.\ (64668)

  .2     -     -  Distribution.Fields.ParseResult pure (1047)
  .2     -     -    Distribution.Fields.ParseResult pure.\ (132744)
  .2     -     -      Distribution.Fields.ParseResult *> (189)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Fields.ParseResult liftA2 (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.FieldGrammar.Parsec fmap (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Fields.ParseResult parseWarnings (0)

  .1     -     -  Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.File putEx (8015)
   -     -     -    General.Binary <> (0)
   -     -     -    Development.Shake.Internal.FileName putEx (0)
   -     -     -      General.Binary putEx (10680)
   -     -     -    General.Binary putExStorableList (0)
   -     -     -    General.Binary putExStorable (8020)
   -     -     -    Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.File putEx (0)
   -     -     -      General.Binary putExStorable (0)
   -     -     -    General.Binary putEx (0)

  .1     -     -  Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.File hashWithSalt (0)
  .1     -     -    Development.Shake.Internal.FileName hashWithSalt (0)
   -     -     -      Data.Hashable.Class hashWithSalt (103035)
   -     -     -        Data.Hashable.Class hashWithSalt.\ (13810)
   -     -     -          Data.Hashable.Class hashPtrWithSalt (13810)

   -     -     -  Hadrian.Package pkgPath (45710)

   -     -     -  Way.Type == (54093)

  .8     -     -  Distribution.FieldGrammar.Parsec optionalFieldDefAla (0)
  .8     -     -    Distribution.FieldGrammar.Parsec optionalFieldDefAla.parseOne (11859)
  .4     -     -      Distribution.FieldGrammar.Parsec runFieldParser (11709)
  .2     -     -      Distribution.Parsec.Newtypes parsec (0)
  .1     -     -      Distribution.Types.InstalledPackageInfo.FieldGrammar parsec (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Fields.ParseResult fmap (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Parsec parsec (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.FieldGrammar.Parsec optionalFieldDefAla.parser (6814)

   -     -     -  Settings unsafeFindPackageByPath (2845)
   -     -     -    Settings unsafeFindPackageByPath.\ (43338)
   -     -     -      Hadrian.Package pkgPath (40872)

   -     -     -  Distribution.Types.BuildInfo mappend (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Types.BuildInfo <> (246)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Types.BuildInfo <>.combineNub (4905)
   -     -     -        Distribution.ModuleName == (0)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Types.BuildInfo <>.combine (1326)
   -     -     -        Language.Haskell.Extension == (2941)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Types.BuildInfo <>.combine (1940)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Compiler mappend (128)
   -     -     -          Distribution.Compiler <> (128)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Types.BuildInfo cxxOptions (10)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Types.BuildInfo <>.combineMby (5)

  .1     -     -  Distribution.Fields.ParseResult fmap (141)
  .1     -     -    Distribution.Fields.ParseResult fmap.\ (19339)
  .1     -     -      Distribution.Fields.ParseResult fmap.\.\ (25192)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Types.InstalledPackageInfo.FieldGrammar <+> (0)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Fields.ParseResult <*> (0)
   -     -     -        Distribution.FieldGrammar.Parsec parseFieldGrammar (0)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Types.InstalledPackageInfo.FieldGrammar basicFieldGrammar.mkBasic (466)
   -     -     -      Distribution.FieldGrammar.Parsec parseFieldGrammar (12)

  .1     -     -  Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Pool actionFenceRequeueBy (2459)
  .1     -     -    Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Pool actionFenceRequeueBy.\ (2261)
  .1     -     -      Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Pool actionFenceRequeueBy.\.\ (2258)
   -     -     -        General.Pool addPool (2258)
   -     -     -        Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad goRAW.\ (0)
   -     -     -          Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad goRAW.go (0)
   -     -     -            System.Time.Extra offsetTime (0)
   -     -     -            Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad goRAW.go.\ (2257)
   -     -     -        Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Run run.\.\.\ (0)
   -     -     -          Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Run run.\.\.\.\ (0)
   -     -     -            Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Types runAction (1)
   -     -     -              Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad runRAW (1)
   -     -     -                Control.Exception.Extra catch_ (0)
   -     -     -                  Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad goRAW (0)
   -     -     -                Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad goRAW (0)
   -     -     -        General.Pool step.\ (0)
   -     -     -          General.Thread newThreadFinally (0)
   -     -     -            General.Thread newThreadFinally.\ (0)
   -     -     -              General.Pool worker (0)
   -     -     -                General.Pool worker.\ (0)
   -     -     -                  Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Run run.\.\.\ (0)
   -     -     -                    Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Run run.\.\.\.\ (0)
   -     -     -                      Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Types runAction (0)
   -     -     -                        Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad runRAW (0)
   -     -     -                          Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad goRAW (0)
   -     -     -        Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Pool actionFenceRequeueBy.\.\.v2 (2256)
   -     -     -      General.Fence waitFence (2258)
   -     -     -        General.Fence waitFence.\ (0)
   -     -     -          General.Fence waitFence.\.\ (0)
   -     -     -    General.Fence testFence (56)

   -     -     -  Distribution.Utils.ShortText fromShortText (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Utils.String decodeStringUtf8 (0)

   -     -     -  Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Run outputFunctions (0)
   -     -     -    Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Run outputFunctions.output (3242)
   -     -     -      Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Run outputFunctions.outputLocked (3235)
   -     -     -        Control.Concurrent.Extra withLock (0)
   -     -     -      Development.Shake.Internal.Options shakeAbbreviationsApply (0)
   -     -     -    Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Run outputFunctions.diagnostic (0)

   -     -     -  Distribution.Simple.Build.Macros ifndef (1745)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Simple.Build.Macros line (1708)

   -     -     -  Distribution.Simple.Glob parseFileGlob (1220)

   -     -     -  Hadrian.Expression return (0)

  .1     -     -  Builder builderPath (6154)
  .1     -     -    Packages programPath (3684)
   -     -     -    Builder systemBuilderPath (2167)
   -     -     -      Builder systemBuilderPath.fromKey (2168)
   -     -     -        Hadrian.Oracles.Path lookupInPath (2529)
   -     -     -        Hadrian.Oracles.TextFile lookupValue (2100)
   -     -     -        Builder systemBuilderPath.fromKey.unpack (0)
   -     -     -    Builder builderProvenance (0)
   -     -     -      Builder builderProvenance.\ (1507)

  .1     -     -  Builder runtimeDependencies (0)
  .1     -     -    Builder runtimeDependencies.\ (1805)
   -     -     -      Base ghcDeps (1514)
   -     -     -        Base ghcDeps.\ (9066)
   -     -     -          Hadrian.Utilities -/- (10409)
   -     -     -          Base stageLibPath (1512)
   -     -     -            Hadrian.Utilities -/- (12149)
   -     -     -            Stage stageString (1479)
   -     -     -          Hadrian.Utilities <&> (9064)
   -     -     -      Packages generatedGhcDependencies (1803)
   -     -     -        Context.Path buildPath (1518)
   -     -     -        Context.Path contextPath (1797)
   -     -     -        Packages generatedGhcDependencies.context (1479)
   -     -     -      Builder builderPath (0)
   -     -     -      Packages programPath (0)

  .2     -     -  Distribution.Fields.ParseResult *> (361)
  .2     -     -    Distribution.Fields.ParseResult *>.\ (33233)
  .1     -     -      Distribution.Fields.ParseResult *>.\.\ (34998)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Fields.ParseResult parseWarnings (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.FieldGrammar.Parsec fieldGrammarParser (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.PackageDescription.Parsec parseHookedBuildInfo'.stanzas (0)
   -     -     -        Distribution.PackageDescription.Parsec parseHookedBuildInfo'.toFields (0)
   -     -     -          Distribution.Fields.ParseResult pure (0)

   -     -     -  Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.File pokeByteOff (4879)

   -     -     -  Development.Shake.Internal.Value fromKey (22689)
   -     -     -    Development.Shake.Internal.Value fromKey.resType (11439)

  .1     -     -  Packages programPath (3684)
   -     -     -    Packages programName (3665)
   -     -     -    Hadrian.Utilities -/- (5353)
   -     -     -    Base stageBinPath (3325)
   -     -     -      Stage stageString (2999)
   -     -     -      Hadrian.Utilities -/- (1831)
   -     -     -      Hadrian.Utilities <&> (287)
   -     -     -    Hadrian.Package == (9072)

   -     -     -  Distribution.Simple.Build.Macros line (3454)

  .6     -     -  Distribution.Parsec stringLiteral (0)
  .3     -     -    Distribution.Parsec stringLiteral.lit (0)
  .1     -     -      Distribution.Parsec char (0)
  .1     -     -      Distribution.Parsec <* (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Parsec many (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Parsec  (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Parsec fmap (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Parsec *> (0)
  .2     -     -    Distribution.Parsec stringLiteral.stringLetter (0)
  .2     -     -      Distribution.Parsec satisfy (0)
  .1     -     -    Distribution.Parsec stringLiteral.stringChar (0)
  .1     -     -      Distribution.Parsec fmap (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Parsec  (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Parsec stringLiteral.stringEscape (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Parsec char (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Parsec *> (0)

   -     -     -  Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Action putWhen (8718)
   -     -     -    Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Run outputFunctions (0)
   -     -     -    Development.Shake.Internal.Options >= (12646)
   -     -     -    Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Run withInit.\ (0)
   -     -     -      Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Run outputFunctions (0)

   -     -     -  Hadrian.Package compare (94935)

   -     -     -  Development.Shake.Internal.FilePattern optimise (92010)

   -     -     -  Way.Type wayUnit (36091)

 2.3     -     -  Rules.Dependencies buildPackageDependencies (0)
 2.0     -     -    Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.File %> (0)
  .3     -     -    Rules.Dependencies buildPackageDependencies.\ (60)
  .2     -     -      Utilities buildWithResources (58)
   -     -     -      Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.File need (0)
   -     -     -      Oracles.ModuleFiles hsSources (0)
   -     -     -        Oracles.ModuleFiles hsSources.modFile (2329)
   -     -     -          Oracles.ModuleFiles generatedFile (88)
   -     -     -      Hadrian.Expression interpretInContext (0)
   -     -     -      Rules.Dependencies getDepMkFile (60)
   -     -     -        Rules.Dependencies parseDepMkFile (60)
   -     -     -          Hadrian.BuildPath parseStage (0)
   -     -     -      Hadrian.Utilities removeFile (0)
   -     -     -      Rules.Dependencies buildPackageDependencies.\.context (60)
   -     -     -        Settings unsafeFindPackageByPath (60)

  .2     -     -  Distribution.FieldGrammar.Parsec optionalFieldAla (0)
  .2     -     -    Distribution.FieldGrammar.Parsec optionalFieldAla.parseOne (1694)
  .2     -     -      Distribution.FieldGrammar.Parsec runFieldParser (1656)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Parsec.Newtypes parsec (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Fields.ParseResult fmap (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Parsec parsec (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.FieldGrammar.Parsec optionalFieldAla.parser (2194)

   -     -     -  Distribution.Backpack.ModuleScope traverse (35190)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Backpack.UnifyM convertModuleU (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Backpack.UnifyM convertModuleU' (18878)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Backpack.UnifyM liftST (18634)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Backpack.UnifyM convertModule' (16312)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Backpack.UnifyM convertUnitId' (16312)

  .1     -     -  Distribution.Types.Version versionDigitParser (0)
  .1     -     -    Distribution.Types.Version versionDigitParser.d (0)
  .1     -     -      Distribution.Parsec fmap (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Parsec satisfy (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Types.Version versionDigitParser.toNumber (5050)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Parsec pure (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Parsec >>= (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Parsec  (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Parsec some (0)

   -     -     -  Packages programName (3936)
   -     -     -    Oracles.Flag flag (0)
   -     -     -    Hadrian.Package == (3730)
   -     -     -    Packages programName.prefix (1781)

   -     -     -  Distribution.Simple.PackageIndex mkPackageIndex (237)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Simple.PackageIndex invariant (237)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Simple.PackageIndex invariant.pnames' (231)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Simple.PackageIndex invariant.pnames'.pinstsOk (1092)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Simple.PackageIndex invariant.pnames'.pinstOk (1189)
   -     -     -          Distribution.Package packageName (1189)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Simple.PackageIndex invariant.pnames'.pinsts' (886)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Types.InstalledPackageInfo installedUnitId (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Simple.PackageIndex invariant.pids' (6)

   -     -     -  Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Action actionBracket (3231)
   -     -     -    Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Action actionBracket.undo (3026)
   -     -     -      Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Action applyBlockedBy.\ (0)

   -     -     -  Rules.Compile parseSourceLang (0)
   -     -     -    Rules.Compile parseBasename (0)

   -     -     -  Development.Shake.Internal.Value typeKey (34715)

   -     -     -  General.Extra doesFileExist_ (327)

   -     -     -  Distribution.Types.Version pretty (1607)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Types.Version versionNumbers (301)

  .7     -     -  Development.Shake.Internal.FileName fileNameToString (0)
  .7     -     -    Data.ByteString.UTF8 toString (48113)

  .4     -     -  Data.HashSet insert (196991)
  .4     -     -    Data.HashMap.Base insert (196989)

   -     -     -  Distribution.PackageDescription.Configuration finalizePD (156)
   -     -     -    Distribution.PackageDescription.Configuration resolveWithFlags (144)
   -     -     -      Distribution.PackageDescription.Configuration resolveWithFlags.explore (323)
   -     -     -        Distribution.PackageDescription.Configuration resolveWithFlags.explore.targetSet (250)
   -     -     -          Distribution.Types.CondTree simplifyCondTree (1443)
   -     -     -            Distribution.PackageDescription.Configuration <> (896)
   -     -     -              Distribution.Types.Library <> (145)
   -     -     -                Distribution.Types.Library <>.combine (710)
   -     -     -                  Distribution.Types.BuildInfo mappend (0)
   -     -     -                  Distribution.Types.Library libBuildInfo (120)
   -     -     -              Distribution.Types.Component <> (38)
   -     -     -                Distribution.Types.Executable <> (17)
   -     -     -                  Distribution.Types.Executable <>.combine (51)
   -     -     -                    Distribution.Types.BuildInfo mappend (0)
   -     -     -                Distribution.Types.TestSuite <> (4)
   -     -     -                  Distribution.Types.TestSuite <>.combine (8)
   -     -     -                    Distribution.Types.BuildInfo mappend (0)
   -     -     -            Distribution.Types.CondTree simplifyCondTree.simplifyIf (421)
   -     -     -          Distribution.Types.DependencyMap constrainBy (16)
   -     -     -            Distribution.Types.DependencyMap constrainBy.tightenConstraint (78)
   -     -     -              Distribution.Types.DependencyMap intersectVersionRangesAndJoinComponents (11)
   -     -     -        Distribution.PackageDescription.Configuration finalizePD.check (158)
   -     -     -          Distribution.PackageDescription.Configuration finalizePD.check.missingDeps (158)
   -     -     -            Distribution.Simple.Configure dependencySatisfiable (777)
   -     -     -              Distribution.Simple.Configure dependencySatisfiable.depSatisfiable (777)
   -     -     -                Distribution.Simple.PackageIndex lookupDependency (777)
   -     -     -        Distribution.PackageDescription.Configuration resolveWithFlags.explore.deps (43)
   -     -     -          Distribution.PackageDescription.Configuration overallDependencies (43)
   -     -     -            Distribution.PackageDescription.Configuration overallDependencies.(...) (43)
   -     -     -              Distribution.PackageDescription.Configuration overallDependencies.removeDisabledSections (61)
   -     -     -                Distribution.Types.ComponentRequestedSpec componentNameRequested (45)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Types.DependencyMap fromDepMap (73)
   -     -     -      Distribution.PackageDescription.Configuration resolveWithFlags.simplifiedTrees (74)
   -     -     -        Distribution.PackageDescription.Configuration addBuildableConditionPDTagged (76)
   -     -     -          Distribution.Types.CondTree extractCondition (0)
   -     -     -            Distribution.Types.CondTree extractCondition.goList (347)
   -     -     -              Distribution.Types.CondTree extractCondition.goList.ct (78)
   -     -     -                Distribution.Types.CondTree extractCondition.go (78)
   -     -     -              Distribution.Types.Condition cAnd (84)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Types.CondTree mapTreeConds (33)
   -     -     -          Distribution.Types.CondTree mapCondTree (101)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Types.CondTree mapTreeConstrs (0)
   -     -     -          Distribution.Types.CondTree mapCondTree (86)
   -     -     -      Distribution.PackageDescription.Configuration resolveWithFlags.extraConstrs (40)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Types.DependencyMap toDepMap (40)
   -     -     -          Distribution.Types.PackageName compare (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.PackageDescription.Configuration (33)
   -     -     -    Distribution.PackageDescription.Configuration finalizePD.condTrees (26)
   -     -     -      Distribution.PackageDescription.Configuration finalizePD.condTrees.\ (11)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Types.CondTree mapTreeData (11)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Types.CondTree mapTreeData (14)
   -     -     -    Distribution.PackageDescription.Configuration finalizePD.mb_lib' (12)
   -     -     -      Distribution.PackageDescription.Configuration libFillInDefaults (6)
   -     -     -        Distribution.PackageDescription.Configuration biFillInDefaults (6)

   -     -     -  Distribution.ModuleName pretty (6964)
   -     -     -    Distribution.ModuleName stlToStrings (0)

   -     -     -  Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.Files rnf (0)
   -     -     -    Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.File rnf (4850)

   -     -     -  Distribution.Fields.ParseResult liftA2 (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Fields.ParseResult liftA2.\ (12607)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Fields.ParseResult liftA2.\.\ (12607)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Fields.ParseResult liftA2.\.\.\ (12692)
   -     -     -          Distribution.Fields.ParseResult fmap (0)

   -     -     -  Distribution.Simple.PackageIndex fromList (118)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Simple.PackageIndex fromList.pnames (106)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Utils.Generic equating (838)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Types.PackageName == (0)
   -     -     -          Distribution.Utils.ShortText == (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Simple.PackageIndex fromList.pnames.pvers (198)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Types.PackageName compare (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Simple.PackageIndex mkPackageIndex (94)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Simple.PackageIndex fromList.pids (58)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Types.InstalledPackageInfo installedUnitId (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Types.UnitId >= (0)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Utils.ShortText >= (0)

   -     -     -  Distribution.PackageDescription.Check findPackageDesc (98)
   -     -     -    Distribution.PackageDescription.Check findPackageDesc.(...) (1579)
   -     -     -    Distribution.PackageDescription.Check getDirectoryContents (87)
   -     -     -      Distribution.PackageDescription.Check checkPackageFiles.checkFilesIO (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.PackageDescription.Check doesFileExist (81)

   -     -     -  Builder showsPrec (2787)
   -     -     -    Builder showsPrec (2755)
   -     -     -    Stage showsPrec (2460)

  .1     -     -  Distribution.Types.VersionRange.Internal versionRangeParser (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Types.VersionRange.Internal versionRangeParser.verLoop (2405)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Types.VersionRange.Internal versionRangeParser.verLoop' (2306)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Parsec char (0)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Types.VersionRange.Internal versionRangeParser.verLoop'.digit (130)
   -     -     -          Distribution.Parsec >>= (130)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Types.VersionRange.Internal versionRangeParser.tags (727)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Parsec pure (0)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Parsec char (0)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Parsec >>= (0)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Parsec many (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Parsec <|> (994)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Types.Version mkVersion (342)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Types.Version mkVersion.mkWord64VerRep3 (14)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Parsec pure (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Types.VersionRange.Internal versionRangeParser.factor (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Parsec <|> (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Types.VersionRange.Internal versionRangeParser.parens (0)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Parsec  (0)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Parsec char (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Types.VersionRange.Internal versionRangeParser.prim (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Parsec *> (325)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Parsec  (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Parsec <|> (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Parsec satisfy (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Types.VersionRange.Internal versionRangeParser.term (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Parsec  (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Parsec >>= (502)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Types.VersionRange.Internal versionRangeParser.expr (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Parsec  (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Parsec >>= (25)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Parsec skipMany (0)

  .7     -     -  Hadrian.Builder needBuilder (3075)
  .5     -     -    Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.File need (0)
  .1     -     -    Builder builderPath (2982)
  .1     -     -    Builder runtimeDependencies (0)

 5.8     -     -  Distribution.Types.InstalledPackageInfo.FieldGrammar ipiFieldGrammar (0)
 4.7     -     -    Distribution.FieldGrammar.Parsec monoidalFieldAla (0)
  .4     -     -    Distribution.FieldGrammar.Parsec optionalFieldDefAla (0)
  .3     -     -    Distribution.Types.InstalledPackageInfo.FieldGrammar <+> (0)
  .2     -     -    Distribution.FieldGrammar.Parsec optionalFieldAla (0)
  .1     -     -    Distribution.FieldGrammar.Class optionalFieldDef (0)
  .1     -     -    Distribution.FieldGrammar.Parsec freeTextFieldDef (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.FieldGrammar.Parsec booleanFieldDef (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.FieldGrammar.Pretty monoidalFieldAla (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.FieldGrammar.Pretty monoidalFieldAla.pp (940)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Pretty prettyVersioned (940)
   -     -     -    Distribution.FieldGrammar ^^^ (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.FieldGrammar.Pretty freeTextFieldDef (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.FieldGrammar.Pretty freeTextFieldDef.pp (423)
   -     -     -        Distribution.FieldGrammar.Pretty freeTextFieldDef.pp.showFT (423)
   -     -     -          Distribution.Pretty showFreeTextV3 (423)
   -     -     -            Distribution.Pretty lines_ (598)
   -     -     -              Distribution.Pretty lines_.(...) (598)
   -     -     -    Distribution.FieldGrammar.Parsec fmap (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.FieldGrammar.Pretty optionalFieldDefAla (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.FieldGrammar.Pretty optionalFieldDefAla.pp (188)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Pretty prettyVersioned (141)

   -     -     -  Settings getRtsWays (0)
   -     -     -    Flavour rtsWays (3783)

   -     -     -  Hadrian.Oracles.TextFile lookupValueOrError (11503)
   -     -     -    Hadrian.Oracles.TextFile lookupValue (11503)

   -     -     -  Hadrian.Expression getInputs (0)
   -     -     -    Hadrian.Target inputs (10020)

   -     -     -  Oracles.Setting getSetting (0)
   -     -     -    Oracles.Setting setting (2)

   -     -     -  Distribution.Backpack.ModSubst modSubst (330)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Backpack.ModSubst modSubst (312)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Backpack.ModuleScope modSubst (13307)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Backpack.ModSubst modSubst (10082)
   -     -     -          Distribution.Backpack.ModSubst modSubst (10082)

   -     -     -  Distribution.ModuleName stlFromList (141436)

  .6     -     -  Distribution.Fields.ParseResult readAndParseFile (21)
  .6     -     -    Distribution.Fields.ParseResult parseString (67)
  .6     -     -      Distribution.Fields.ParseResult parseString.(...) (67)
  .6     -     -        Distribution.Fields.ParseResult runParseResult (67)

  .9     -     -  Hadrian.Oracles.Cabal readContextData (0)
  .9     -     -    Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.Oracle askOracle (0)

   -     -     -  Distribution.Compat.Prelude genericRnf (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Compat.Prelude grnf (0)

   -     -     -  Distribution.Simple.LocalBuildInfo absoluteComponentInstallDirs (323)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Simple.InstallDirs absoluteInstallDirs (323)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Simple.InstallDirs absoluteInstallDirs.env (178)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Simple.InstallDirs initialPathTemplateEnv (178)
   -     -     -          Distribution.Simple.InstallDirs abiTemplateEnv (178)
   -     -     -            Distribution.Pretty prettyShow (534)
   -     -     -          Distribution.Simple.InstallDirs packageTemplateEnv (85)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Simple.InstallDirs fmap (225)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Simple.InstallDirs substituteInstallDirTemplates (186)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Simple.InstallDirs substituteInstallDirTemplates.dirs' (140)
   -     -     -          Distribution.Simple.InstallDirs substituteInstallDirTemplates.subst (673)
   -     -     -            Distribution.Simple.InstallDirs substPathTemplate (535)
   -     -     -              Distribution.Simple.InstallDirs substPathTemplate.subst (318)
   -     -     -                Distribution.Simple.InstallDirs.Internal == (627)
   -     -     -            Distribution.Simple.InstallDirs docdir (46)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Simple.InstallDirs appendSubdirs (47)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Simple.Compiler compilerInfo (81)

   -     -     -  Rules.Compile obj2src (294)
   -     -     -    Rules.Compile obj2src.suffix (290)
   -     -     -      Hadrian.Utilities -/- (285)
   -     -     -      Context.Path buildPath (287)
   -     -     -    Rules.Compile obj2src.src (290)

   -     -     -  Expression stage0 (0)
   -     -     -    Expression stage (0)
   -     -     -      Context getStage (0)

   -     -     -  Hadrian.Utilities <&> (24391)

  .1     -     -  Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Types addStack (40150)
  .1     -     -    Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Types addStack.stack2 (7696)
  .1     -     -      Data.HashSet insert (7696)
   -     -     -    Data.HashSet member (38281)

   -     -     -  Settings getIntegerPackage (0)

   -     -     -  Distribution.Utils.Generic fromUTF8BS (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Utils.String decodeStringUtf8 (0)

   -     -     -  Distribution.Compat.Graph fromMap (240)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Compat.Graph fromMap.(...) (159)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Backpack.ReadyComponent nodeNeighbors (52)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Compat.Graph nodeNeighbors (939)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Backpack.ReadyComponent nodeNeighbors (52)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Types.InstalledPackageInfo nodeNeighbors (0)
   -     -     -          Distribution.Types.InstalledPackageInfo depends (769)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Compat.Graph fromMap.try_key_to_vertex (1249)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Compat.Graph fromMap.key_to_vertex (1249)
   -     -     -          Distribution.Types.UnitId compare (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Compat.Graph fromMap.key_to_vertex (46)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Types.UnitId compare (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Compat.Graph fromMap.ns (34)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Compat.Graph fromMap.vertices (4)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Compat.Graph nodeKey (155)

  .2     -     -  Data.HashSet member (308781)
  .2     -     -    Data.HashMap.Base lookup (308803)

   -     -     -  Distribution.Fields.Lexer checkLeadingWhitespace (108242)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Fields.Lexer checkWhitespace (101729)

   -     -     -  Hadrian.Expression getOutput (0)
   -     -     -    Hadrian.Target outputs (206)
   -     -     -    Hadrian.Utilities fromSingleton (29)

  .1     -     -  Distribution.SPDX.LicenseExpression parsec (0)
  .1     -     -    Distribution.SPDX.LicenseExpression parsec.compound (0)
  .1     -     -      Distribution.Parsec <|> (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.SPDX.LicenseExpression parsec.simple (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.SPDX.LicenseExpression parsec (0)
   -     -     -        Distribution.SPDX.LicenseExpression parsec.simple (1385)
   -     -     -          Distribution.Parsec <|> (0)
   -     -     -          Distribution.Parsec fmap (0)
   -     -     -          Distribution.SPDX.LicenseExpression isPrefixOfMaybe (1766)
   -     -     -          Distribution.Parsec char (0)
   -     -     -        Distribution.SPDX.LicenseExpression idstring (0)
   -     -     -          Distribution.Parsec satisfy (0)
   -     -     -          Distribution.Parsec some (0)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Parsec >>= (137)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Parsec >>= (1405)
   -     -     -    Distribution.SPDX.LicenseExpression parsec.compoundOr (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Parsec pure (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Parsec >>= (137)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Parsec *> (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Parsec try (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.SPDX.LicenseExpression parsec.compoundAnd (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Parsec >>= (1186)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Parsec pure (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Parsec try (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Parsec *> (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Parsec fmap (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.SPDX.LicenseExpression parsec.exception (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Parsec *> (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.SPDX.LicenseExpression parsec.braces (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Parsec char (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.SPDX.LicenseExpression parsec.spaces1 (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Parsec satisfy (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Parsec *> (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Parsec  (0)

 1.0     -     -  Distribution.Parsec simpleParsec (2739)
  .8     -     -    Distribution.Parsec runParsecParser (0)
  .1     -     -    Distribution.Parsec lexemeParsec (2676)
  .1     -     -    Distribution.Parsec.FieldLineStream fieldLineStreamFromString (0)

  .5     -     -  Data.HashMap.Strict insert (18612)
  .5     -     -    Data.HashMap.Base insert (18612)

  .2     -     -  Distribution.Fields.ParseResult >>=.\.\ (2137)
  .1     -     -    Distribution.PackageDescription.FieldGrammar libraryFieldGrammar (0)
  .1     -     -      Distribution.FieldGrammar.Parsec <*> (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.FieldGrammar.Parsec monoidalFieldAla (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.FieldGrammar ^^^ (0)
  .1     -     -    Distribution.PackageDescription.FieldGrammar packageDescriptionFieldGrammar (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.FieldGrammar.Parsec monoidalFieldAla (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.PackageDescription.FieldGrammar packageDescriptionFieldGrammar.packageIdentifierGrammar (0)
   -     -     -        Distribution.FieldGrammar.Class uniqueField (0)
   -     -     -          Distribution.FieldGrammar.Parsec uniqueFieldAla (0)
   -     -     -            Distribution.FieldGrammar.Parsec uniqueFieldAla.parseOne (66)
   -     -     -              Distribution.FieldGrammar.Parsec runFieldParser (66)
   -     -     -              Distribution.Parsec parsec (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.FieldGrammar.Parsec optionalFieldDefAla (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.FieldGrammar.Parsec freeTextFieldDef (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.FieldGrammar.Class optionalField (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.FieldGrammar.Parsec <*> (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.FieldGrammar.Parsec prefixedFields (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.PackageDescription.FieldGrammar packageDescriptionFieldGrammar.licenseFilesGrammar (0)
   -     -     -        Distribution.FieldGrammar.Parsec monoidalFieldAla (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.PackageDescription.FieldGrammar testSuiteFieldGrammar (1)
   -     -     -      Distribution.PackageDescription.FieldGrammar buildInfoFieldGrammar (1)
   -     -     -      Distribution.FieldGrammar.Class optionalField (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.PackageDescription.Parsec goSections (45)
   -     -     -      Distribution.PackageDescription.Parsec parseCondTree.parseIfs (107)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Fields.ConfVar parseConditionConfVar (84)
   -     -     -          Distribution.Fields.ConfVar parser (0)
   -     -     -            Distribution.Fields.ConfVar parser.identBS (0)
   -     -     -              Distribution.Fields.ConfVar parser.tokenPrim (0)
   -     -     -                Distribution.Fields.ConfVar parser.implCond' (0)
   -     -     -                  Distribution.Fields.ConfVar parser.fromParsec (0)
   -     -     -                    Distribution.Compiler parsec (0)
   -     -     -                      Distribution.Compiler parsec.component (0)
   -     -     -                        Distribution.Parsec satisfy (0)
   -     -     -                Distribution.Fields.ConfVar parser.flagCond (0)
   -     -     -                  Distribution.Fields.ConfVar parser.fromParsec (0)
   -     -     -                    Distribution.Types.GenericPackageDescription parsec (0)
   -     -     -                      Distribution.Types.GenericPackageDescription (0)
   -     -     -                        Distribution.Parsec satisfy (0)
   -     -     -                Distribution.Fields.ConfVar parser.osCond (0)
   -     -     -                  Distribution.Fields.ConfVar parser.fromParsec (0)
   -     -     -                    Distribution.System parsec (0)
   -     -     -                      Distribution.System parsecIdent (0)
   -     -     -            Distribution.Fields.ConfVar parser.condAnd (0)
   -     -     -              Distribution.Fields.ConfVar sepByNonEmpty (0)
   -     -     -            Distribution.Fields.ConfVar parser.flagCond (0)
   -     -     -              Distribution.Fields.ConfVar parser.fromParsec (0)
   -     -     -                Distribution.Types.GenericPackageDescription parsec (0)
   -     -     -                  Distribution.Types.GenericPackageDescription parsec.parsec' (0)
   -     -     -                    Distribution.Parsec <*> (0)
   -     -     -            Distribution.Fields.ConfVar parser.implCond (0)
   -     -     -              Distribution.Fields.ConfVar parser.string (0)
   -     -     -                Distribution.Fields.ConfVar parser.tokenPrim (0)
   -     -     -            Distribution.Fields.ConfVar parser.parens (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.PackageDescription.Parsec goSections.process (92)
   -     -     -      Distribution.PackageDescription.Parsec parseCondTree.parseElseIfs (123)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Fields.ParseResult *> (2)
   -     -     -        Distribution.PackageDescription.Parsec parseCondTree.parseIfs (34)
   -     -     -          Distribution.Fields.ConfVar parseConditionConfVar (34)
   -     -     -            Distribution.Fields.ConfVar parser (0)
   -     -     -              Distribution.Fields.ConfVar parser.identBS (0)
   -     -     -                Distribution.Fields.ConfVar parser.tokenPrim (0)
   -     -     -                  Distribution.Fields.ConfVar parser.osCond (0)
   -     -     -                    Distribution.Fields.ConfVar parser.fromParsec (0)
   -     -     -                      Distribution.System parsec (0)
   -     -     -                        Distribution.System parsecIdent (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.PackageDescription.Parsec goSections.parseCondTree' (36)
   -     -     -        Distribution.PackageDescription.Parsec parseCondTreeWithCommonStanzas (60)
   -     -     -          Distribution.PackageDescription.Parsec processImports (60)
   -     -     -    Distribution.PackageDescription.FieldGrammar benchmarkFieldGrammar (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.PackageDescription.FieldGrammar buildInfoFieldGrammar (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.FieldGrammar.Class optionalField (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.FieldGrammar.Parsec optionalFieldAla (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Fields.ParseResult pure (719)
   -     -     -    Distribution.PackageDescription.Parsec checkForUndefinedFlags (22)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Fields.ParseResult pure (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.PackageDescription.Parsec checkForUndefinedFlags.usedFlags (22)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Types.GenericPackageDescription.Lens allCondTrees (22)
   -     -     -          Distribution.PackageDescription.Parsec checkForUndefinedFlags.f (22)
   -     -     -    Distribution.FieldGrammar.Parsec parseFieldGrammar (8)

   -     -     -  Data.HashMap.Strict fromList (75)
   -     -     -    Data.HashMap.Strict fromList.\ (2547)
   -     -     -      Data.HashMap.Base unsafeInsert (2547)
   -     -     -        Data.HashMap.Base unsafeInsert.h0 (2524)
   -     -     -          Data.HashMap.Base hash (2524)
   -     -     -        Data.HashMap.Base unsafeInsert.go (5394)
   -     -     -          Data.HashMap.Array new_ (1528)
   -     -     -          Data.HashMap.Array copy (3056)

  .1     -     -  Context.Path contextDir (29551)
   -     -     -    Stage stageString (24713)
   -     -     -    Hadrian.Utilities -/- (23997)
   -     -     -    Hadrian.Package pkgPath (4838)

   -     -     -  Packages autogenPath (5440)
   -     -     -    Packages autogenPath.autogen (5435)
   -     -     -      Context.Path contextPath (5280)
   -     -     -      Hadrian.Utilities -/- (5756)

   -     -     -  Distribution.Fields.Parser colon (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Fields.Parser sectionArg (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Fields.Parser sectionLayoutOrBraces (0)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Fields.Parser openBrace (0)

   -     -     -  Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad assertOnce (36464)

   -     -     -  Distribution.CabalSpecVersion >= (14282)
   -     -     -    Distribution.CabalSpecVersion < (13240)

   -     -     -  Hadrian.BuildPath parsePkgId (0)
   -     -     -    Hadrian.BuildPath parsePkgId.parsePkgId' (38)
   -     -     -      Hadrian.BuildPath parsePkgVersion (0)
   -     -     -        Hadrian.BuildPath parsePkgVersion.parsePkgVersion' (260)
   -     -     -          Hadrian.BuildPath parseNatural (0)

  .1     -     -  Distribution.Compat.Graph put (50)
  .1     -     -    Distribution.Utils.ShortText put (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.ModuleName put (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Compat.Graph toList (40)

   -     -     -  Distribution.Types.VersionRange.Internal cataVersionRange (210)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Types.VersionRange.Internal cataVersionRange.c (207)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Types.VersionRange foldVersionRange.alg (1446)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Types.VersionInterval toVersionIntervals.\ (928)
   -     -     -          Distribution.Types.VersionInterval toVersionIntervals.chkIvl (888)
   -     -     -            Distribution.Types.VersionInterval checkInvariant (888)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Types.VersionInterval unionVersionIntervals (653)
   -     -     -          Distribution.Types.VersionInterval checkInvariant (640)
   -     -     -          Distribution.Types.VersionInterval unionVersionIntervals.union (26)
   -     -     -            Distribution.Types.VersionInterval unionInterval (13)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Types.VersionRange.Internal projectVersionRange (144)
   -     -     -      Distribution.PackageDescription.Check checkCabalVersion.simpleSpecVersionRangeSyntax.alg (4)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Types.VersionRange.Internal fmap (32)

 5.8     -     -  Flavour args (6786)
 5.8     -     -    Settings.Flavours.Quickest quickestFlavour (0)
 5.8     -     -      Hadrian.Expression <> (532342)
   -     -     -      Hadrian.Expression pure (0)

   -     -     -  Distribution.Simple.PackageIndex topologicalOrder (55)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Simple.PackageIndex topologicalOrder.(...) (28)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Simple.PackageIndex dependencyGraph (28)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Simple.PackageIndex dependencyGraph.graph (11)
   -     -     -          Distribution.Simple.PackageIndex dependencyGraph.id_to_vertex (730)
   -     -     -            Distribution.Types.UnitId compare (0)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Simple.PackageIndex dependencyGraph.pkgs (24)
   -     -     -          Distribution.Types.InstalledPackageInfo packageId (0)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Simple.PackageIndex dependencyGraph.vertices (6)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Simple.PackageIndex topologicalOrder.toPkgId (4)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Simple.PackageIndex topologicalOrder.(...) (0)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Simple.PackageIndex dependencyGraph (0)

   -     -     -  Distribution.Compat.Graph fromDistinctList (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Compat.Graph fromMap (185)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Compat.Graph fromDistinctList.\ (1009)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Backpack.ReadyComponent nodeKey (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Compat.Graph nodeKey (771)

   -     -     -  Settings.Builders.Cabal configureArgs (0)
   -     -     -    Settings.Builders.Cabal configureArgs.cFlags (11)
   -     -     -      Context getStagedSettingList (5)
   -     -     -    Settings.Builders.Cabal configureArgs.conf (40)
   -     -     -    Hadrian.Expression pure (0)
   -     -     -    Settings.Builders.Cabal configureArgs.ldFlags (0)
   -     -     -      Context getStagedSettingList (0)

   -     -     -  Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Types fmap (13732)

  .1     -     -  Distribution.Fields.ParseResult *>.\.\ (34998)
  .1     -     -    Distribution.FieldGrammar.Parsec fieldGrammarParser (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Fields.ParseResult >>= (43)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Fields.ParseResult >>=.\.\ (145)

   -     -     -  Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.Files putEx (2438)
   -     -     -    Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.File putEx (0)
   -     -     -    General.Binary <> (0)
   -     -     -    Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.Files putEx (0)
   -     -     -      Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.File putEx (0)
   -     -     -    General.Binary putExStorable (0)

   -     -     -  Distribution.Parsec try (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Parsec try.\ (1599)

  .9     -     -  Rules.Library libraryRules (0)
  .4     -     -    Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.File %> (0)
  .3     -     -    Rules.Library buildStaticLib (48)
  .1     -     -      Rules.Library libraryObjects (48)
  .1     -     -      Utilities build (48)
   -     -     -      Hadrian.Utilities removeFile (0)
   -     -     -      Hadrian.Utilities renderLibrary (48)
   -     -     -        Hadrian.Utilities endWithADot (46)
   -     -     -        Hadrian.Utilities renderBox (35)
   -     -     -          Hadrian.Utilities renderBox.renderLine (104)
   -     -     -            Hadrian.Utilities renderBox.renderLine.padToLengthWith (104)
   -     -     -      Rules.Library parseBuildLibA (0)
   -     -     -        Hadrian.BuildPath parseBuildPath (48)
  .2     -     -    Rules.Library buildGhciLibO (44)
  .1     -     -      Utilities build (43)
   -     -     -      Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.File need (0)
   -     -     -      Rules.Library allObjects (44)
   -     -     -        Context objectPath (1346)
   -     -     -        Oracles.ModuleFiles moduleSource (1310)
   -     -     -        Rules.Library nonHsObjects (44)
   -     -     -      Hadrian.BuildPath parsePath (44)
   -     -     -    Rules.Library registerStaticLib (46)
   -     -     -      Rules.Library parseGhcPkgLibA (0)
   -     -     -        Hadrian.BuildPath parseGhcPkgPath (46)
   -     -     -          Hadrian.BuildPath parseStage (0)
   -     -     -    Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.File need (0)

 1.9     -     -  Distribution.Compat.Graph get (315)
 1.1     -     -    Distribution.Utils.ShortText get (0)
  .6     -     -    Distribution.ModuleName get (0)
  .2     -     -    Distribution.SPDX.LicenseId get (0)

 3.1     -     -  Rules.Compile compilePackage (0)
 2.7     -     -    Rules.Compile compilePackage.\ (0)
 2.5     -     -      Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.Files &%> (0)
  .2     -     -      General.Extra zipWithExact.g (7563)
  .2     -     -        Development.Shake.Internal.FilePattern ?== (5107)
  .4     -     -    Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.File |%> (0)

  .9     -     -  Distribution.Parsec lexemeParsec (2676)
  .7     -     -    Language.Haskell.Extension parsec (0)
  .1     -     -    Distribution.Types.Version parsec (1)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Parsec satisfy (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Types.PackageId parsec (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Parsec <* (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Types.PackageName parsec (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Parsec  (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Types.PackageName mkPackageName (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Parsec skipMany (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Types.PackageId parsec.\ (74)

  .3     -     -  Distribution.Parsec parsec (0)
  .1     -     -    Distribution.Types.UnitId parsec (0)
  .1     -     -      Distribution.Parsec satisfy (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Parsec fmap (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Parsec some (0)
  .1     -     -    Distribution.Types.AbiHash parsec (0)
  .1     -     -      Distribution.Parsec satisfy (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Parsec many (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Parsec fmap (0)
  .1     -     -    Distribution.Types.Dependency parsec (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Parsec satisfy (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Parsec fmap (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Types.LibraryVisibility parsec (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Parsec satisfy (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Parsec pure (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Parsec some (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Types.Version parsec (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Types.BuildType parsec (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Parsec satisfy (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Types.BenchmarkType parsec (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Parsec parsecStandard (0)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Parsec parsecStandard.component (0)
   -     -     -          Distribution.Parsec satisfy (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Types.ExeDependency parsec (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Parsec lexemeParsec (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Types.PackageName parsec (0)

   -     -     -  General.Makefile endsSlash (0)

   -     -     -  Distribution.ModuleName == (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.ModuleName == (29238)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Utils.ShortText == (0)

   -     -     -  Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Build historyLoad (0)

   -     -     -  Distribution.PackageDescription.Check doesFileExist (102)
   -     -     -    Distribution.PackageDescription.Check checkPackageFiles.checkFilesIO (0)

   -     -     -  Distribution.Simple.Utils dropExeExtension (100)

   -     -     -  Distribution.Pretty prettyVersioned (1081)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Types.InstalledPackageInfo.FieldGrammar pretty (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Types.InstalledPackageInfo.FieldGrammar showExposedModules (47)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Types.ExposedModule pretty (2079)
   -     -     -          Distribution.ModuleName pretty (2079)
   -     -     -      Distribution.SPDX.License pretty (47)
   -     -     -        Distribution.SPDX.LicenseExpression pretty (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Parsec.Newtypes pretty (893)

  .8     -     -  Rules.Libffi libffiRules (0)
  .8     -     -    Rules.Libffi libffiRules.\ (0)
  .5     -     -      Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.Files &%> (9)
  .2     -     -      General.Extra zipWithExact.g (14699)
  .1     -     -        Development.Shake.Internal.FilePattern ?== (14710)
  .1     -     -      Rules.Libffi libffiRules.\.\ (2)
   -     -     -        Rules.Libffi fixLibffiMakefile (0)
   -     -     -          Data.List.Extra replace (208690)
   -     -     -        Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.Directory getDirectoryFilesIO (1)
   -     -     -        Utilities buildWithCmdOptions (0)
   -     -     -          Hadrian.Builder buildWithCmdOptions (0)
   -     -     -            Hadrian.Builder buildWith (0)
   -     -     -        Utilities build (0)
   -     -     -        Hadrian.Utilities fixFile (0)
   -     -     -          Hadrian.Utilities fixFile.\ (1)
   -     -     -        Hadrian.Utilities moveDirectory (0)
   -     -     -          Development.Shake.Command cmd (0)
   -     -     -        Rules.Libffi libffiRules.\.\.\ (0)
   -     -     -          Hadrian.Utilities copyFile (0)
   -     -     -        Hadrian.Utilities removeDirectory (0)
   -     -     -          Control.Monad.Extra whenM (0)
   -     -     -      Hadrian.Utilities buildRootRules (0)

  .7     -     -  Rules.Rts rtsRules (0)
  .5     -     -    Rules.Rts rtsRules.\ (0)
  .2     -     -      Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.File %> (0)
  .2     -     -      Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.Files &%> (0)
  .1     -     -      General.Extra zipWithExact.g (7341)
  .1     -     -        Development.Shake.Internal.FilePattern ?== (7319)
   -     -     -      Rules.Rts copyLibffiHeaders (0)
   -     -     -        Rules.Rts copyLibffiHeaders.\ (2)
   -     -     -          Hadrian.Utilities copyFile (2)
   -     -     -      Rules.Rts copyLibffiStatic (0)
   -     -     -        Rules.Rts copyLibffiStatic.\ (0)
   -     -     -          Development.Shake.Internal.Derived copyFile' (0)
  .2     -     -    Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.File |%> (0)

  .3     -     -  Rules.Program buildProgramRules (1)
  .3     -     -    Rules.Program buildProgramRules.\ (0)
  .2     -     -      Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.File |%> (0)
  .1     -     -      Rules.Program buildProgramRules.\.\ (16)
  .1     -     -        Rules.Program buildProgram (17)
   -     -     -          Utilities buildWithResources (7)
   -     -     -          Rules.Program buildBinary (0)
   -     -     -            Utilities contextDependencies (0)
   -     -     -            Context objectPath (68)
   -     -     -            Rules.Library needLibrary (0)
   -     -     -          Utilities contextDependencies (0)
   -     -     -          Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.File need (0)
   -     -     -          Base haddockDeps (0)
   -     -     -          Hadrian.Utilities copyFile (0)
   -     -     -        Rules.Program getProgramContexts (0)
   -     -     -          Hadrian.Package isProgram (554)
   -     -     -    Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.File %> (1)
   -     -     -    Rules.Program getProgramContexts.\ (0)
   -     -     -      Rules.Program getProgramContexts.\.\ (271)
   -     -     -        Packages programName (271)

  .3     -     -  Hadrian.BuildPath parsePath (2763)
  .3     -     -    Rules.Compile parseBuildObject (0)
   -     -     -    Rules.Library parseBuildLibGhci (0)
   -     -     -      Hadrian.BuildPath parseBuildPath (44)

  .2     -     -  Distribution.Types.Version parsec (1)
  .1     -     -    Distribution.Types.Version versionDigitParser (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Parsec char (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Parsec *> (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Types.Version parsec.tags (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Parsec pure (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Parsec *> (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Parsec many (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Parsec >>= (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Parsec char (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Parsec <* (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Parsec fmap (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Parsec many (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Parsec <*> (0)

  .2     -     -  Hadrian.Oracles.Cabal readPackageData (0)
  .2     -     -    Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.Oracle askOracle (0)
   -     -     -    Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.Oracle showsPrec (33)

   -     -     -  Development.Shake.Internal.FilePattern walk (413)
   -     -     -    Development.Shake.Internal.FilePattern walk.f (912)
   -     -     -      Data.List.Extra nubOrd (581)
   -     -     -      Development.Shake.Internal.FilePattern walk.f.nxt (829)
   -     -     -        Data.List.Extra groupSort (0)
   -     -     -      Development.Shake.Internal.FilePattern walk.f.\.\ (1802)
   -     -     -        Development.Shake.Internal.FilePattern matchOne (3920)
   -     -     -          Development.Shake.Internal.FilePattern matchStars (3919)
   -     -     -      Development.Shake.Internal.FilePattern walk.f.fin (545)
   -     -     -        Data.List.Extra nubOrd (299)
   -     -     -        Development.Shake.Internal.FilePattern final (984)
   -     -     -          Development.Shake.Internal.FilePattern isEmpty (0)
   -     -     -      Development.Shake.Internal.FilePattern walk.f.finStar (299)
   -     -     -    Development.Shake.Internal.FilePattern walk.ps2 (401)
   -     -     -      Development.Shake.Internal.FilePattern parse (0)
   -     -     -      Development.Shake.Internal.FilePattern optimise (1235)

   -     -     -  Distribution.ModuleName stlToStrings (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Utils.ShortText fromShortText (0)

   -     -     -  Distribution.Fields.Parser fieldSecName (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Fields.Parser elementInLayoutContext (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Fields.Parser tokSym (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Fields.Parser fieldLayoutOrBraces.fieldLayout (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Fields.Parser inLexerMode (0)

   -     -     -  Distribution.FieldGrammar ^^^ (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.FieldGrammar.Parsec deprecatedSince (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.FieldGrammar.Parsec availableSince (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.FieldGrammar.Parsec availableSince.parser' (379)
   -     -     -        Distribution.FieldGrammar.Parsec availableSince.parser'.unknownFields (331)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Fields.ParseResult pure (0)

   -     -     -  Context getWay (0)
   -     -     -    Hadrian.Expression getContext (0)

   -     -     -  Distribution.Types.VersionInterval checkInvariant (1528)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Types.VersionInterval invariant (1528)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Types.VersionInterval validInterval (856)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Types.VersionInterval validInterval.validLower (211)
   -     -     -          Distribution.Types.Version validVersion (169)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Types.VersionInterval validInterval.validUpper (641)
   -     -     -          Distribution.Types.Version validVersion (641)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Types.VersionInterval nonEmpty (4)

   -     -     -  Data.Heap skewLink (7085)
   -     -     -    Data.Heap compare (12733)

   -     -     -  Distribution.Simple.Compiler extensionToFlag' (414)
   -     -     -    Language.Haskell.Extension == (44630)

   -     -     -  Distribution.FieldGrammar.Parsec deprecatedSince (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.FieldGrammar.Parsec deprecatedSince.parser' (1334)
   -     -     -      Distribution.FieldGrammar.Parsec deprecatedSince.parser'.deprecatedFields (1022)
   -     -     -      Distribution.CabalSpecVersion >= (167)

   -     -     -  Control.Concurrent.Extra newBarrier (0)

   -     -     -  Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.File trackAllow (4841)
   -     -     -    Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Action lintTrackAllow (4841)

   -     -     -  Distribution.Simple.InstallDirs fromPathTemplate (706)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Simple.InstallDirs.Internal showList (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Simple.InstallDirs.Internal showList.\ (1485)

   -     -     -  Distribution.Simple.Program.Types programName (1418)

   -     -     -  Distribution.Types.Version versionNumbers (984)

   -     -     -  Distribution.Utils.ShortText == (0)

   -     -     -  Distribution.Verbosity compare (3311)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Verbosity vLevel (5170)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Verbosity.Internal compare (6)

   -     -     -  Language.Haskell.Extension == (50631)
   -     -     -    Language.Haskell.Extension == (22922)

   -     -     -  Language.Haskell.Extension compare (31102)
   -     -     -    Language.Haskell.Extension compare (25164)

   -     -     -  Stage == (16513)

   -     -     -  System.IO.Extra newTempFile (0)
   -     -     -    System.IO.Extra newTempFileWithin (48)
   -     -     -      System.IO.Extra newTempFileWithin.create (35)
   -     -     -        Control.Exception.Extra retryBool (35)
   -     -     -          Control.Exception.Extra tryBool (35)
   -     -     -      Control.Concurrent.Extra once (0)
   -     -     -        Control.Concurrent.Extra once.\ (13)
   -     -     -          Control.Concurrent.Extra once.\.\ (13)

  .3     -     -  Settings.Builders.Ghc compileC (0)
  .2     -     -    Hadrian.Expression ? (5825)
   -     -     -    Expression builder (0)
   -     -     -    Hadrian.Expression getOutput (0)

  .2     -     -  Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Rules addBuiltinRuleEx (0)
  .2     -     -    Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Rules addBuiltinRuleInternal (0)
   -     -     -    Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.Directory putEx (0)
   -     -     -      General.Binary putEx (305)
   -     -     -    Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.Files putEx (0)
   -     -     -    Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Types fmap (8030)
   -     -     -    Development.Shake.Internal.Value newValue (0)

  .4     -     -  Distribution.Simple.Utils findProgramVersion (813)
  .3     -     -    Distribution.Compat.Exception catchExit (0)
  .1     -     -    Distribution.Simple.Utils findProgramVersion.version (784)
  .1     -     -      Distribution.Parsec simpleParsec (784)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Simple.Program.Builtin alexProgram.\ (40)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Simple.Program.Builtin happyProgram.\ (40)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Simple.Program.Internal stripExtractVersion (40)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Simple.Program.Internal stripExtractVersion.filterPar (40)
   -     -     -          Distribution.Simple.Program.Internal stripExtractVersion.filterPar' (240)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Simple.Utils debug (399)

  .6     -     -  Distribution.PackageDescription.Parsec parseGenericPackageDescription (46)
  .3     -     -    Distribution.PackageDescription.Parsec parseGenericPackageDescription' (46)
  .3     -     -      Distribution.Fields.ParseResult >>= (2840)
   -     -     -      Distribution.PackageDescription.Parsec parseGenericPackageDescription'.(...) (45)
   -     -     -        Distribution.FieldGrammar takeFields (0)
   -     -     -          Distribution.FieldGrammar takeFields.finalize (45)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Parsec.Newtypes parsec (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.FieldGrammar.Parsec runFieldParser (35)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Fields.ParseResult pure (33)
  .3     -     -    Distribution.Fields.Parser readFields' (46)
   -     -     -    Distribution.PackageDescription.Parsec parseGenericPackageDescription.ver (33)
   -     -     -      Distribution.PackageDescription.Parsec scanSpecVersion (33)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Parsec simpleParsec (12)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Utils.Generic validateUTF8 (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Utils.Generic validateUTF8.go (159200)

  .1     -     -  Distribution.Parsec.FieldLineStream fieldLineStreamFromString (0)
  .1     -     -    Distribution.Utils.Generic toUTF8BS (0)

  .3     -     -  Distribution.Types.InstalledPackageInfo.FieldGrammar <+> (0)
  .3     -     -    Distribution.FieldGrammar.Parsec <*> (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.FieldGrammar.Pretty <*> (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.FieldGrammar.Pretty <*>.\ (2021)

   -     -     -  Oracles.ModuleFiles moduleSource (3730)
   -     -     -    Hadrian.Utilities replaceEq (3642)

   -     -     -  Distribution.ModuleName >= (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.ModuleName >= (13935)
   -     -     -      Distribution.ModuleName < (28524)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Utils.ShortText compare (0)

   -     -     -  Distribution.Types.CondTree mapCondTree (200)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Types.CondTree mapCondTree.g (73)
   -     -     -      Distribution.PackageDescription.Configuration simplifyWithSysParams (53)
   -     -     -        Distribution.PackageDescription.Configuration simplifyWithSysParams.(...) (53)
   -     -     -          Distribution.Types.Condition simplifyCondition (53)
   -     -     -            Distribution.Types.Condition simplifyCondition.walk (66)
   -     -     -              Distribution.PackageDescription.Configuration simplifyWithSysParams.interp (57)
   -     -     -                Distribution.PackageDescription.Configuration simplifyWithSysParams.interp.matchImpl (22)
   -     -     -                  Distribution.Types.VersionRange withinRange (22)

   -     -     -  Data.IORef.Extra writeIORef' (32224)

   -     -     -  Development.Shake.Internal.Options >= (15379)

   -     -     -  Distribution.PackageDescription.Check doesDirectoryExist (54)
   -     -     -    Distribution.PackageDescription.Check checkPackageFiles.checkFilesIO (0)

   -     -     -  Distribution.Simple.Configure findDistPrefOrDefault (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Simple.Configure findDistPref (134)

   -     -     -  Distribution.Types.InstalledPackageInfo installedUnitId (771)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Types.InstalledPackageInfo installedUnitId (378)

   -     -     -  Hadrian.Expression getBuildRoot (0)

   -     -     -  Hadrian.Package isLibrary (16147)

   -     -     -  Hadrian.Target inputs (12367)

   -     -     -  Numeric.Extra doubleToFloat (0)

  .3     -     -  Distribution.Parsec parsecOptCommaList (7)
  .1     -     -    Distribution.Parsec satisfy (0)
  .1     -     -    Distribution.Parsec parsecOptCommaList.comma (1)
  .1     -     -      Distribution.Parsec char (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Parsec *> (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Parsec skipMany (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Parsec pure (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Parsec <*> (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Parsec <|> (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Parsec fmap (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Parsec  (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Parsec <* (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Parsec skipMany (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Parsec *> (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Parsec many (0)

   -     -     -  Distribution.FieldGrammar.Parsec booleanFieldDef (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.FieldGrammar.Parsec booleanFieldDef.parser (4784)
   -     -     -      Distribution.FieldGrammar.Parsec booleanFieldDef.parseOne (1600)
   -     -     -        Distribution.FieldGrammar.Parsec runFieldParser (1597)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Parsec parsec (0)

   -     -     -  Hadrian.Oracles.TextFile lookupDependencies (2418)
   -     -     -    Hadrian.Oracles.TextFile lookupValues (2405)

   -     -     -  Distribution.Simple.Build.Macros define (1559)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Simple.Build.Macros line (1559)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Simple.Build.Macros define.f (216)

 5.9     -     -  Distribution.FieldGrammar.Parsec fieldGrammarParser (1719)
 5.8     -     -    Distribution.Types.InstalledPackageInfo.FieldGrammar ipiFieldGrammar (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.PackageDescription.FieldGrammar executableFieldGrammar (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.FieldGrammar.Parsec <*> (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.FieldGrammar.Parsec optionalFieldDefAla (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.PackageDescription.FieldGrammar buildInfoFieldGrammar (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.PackageDescription.FieldGrammar flagFieldGrammar (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.FieldGrammar.Parsec booleanFieldDef (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.PackageDescription.FieldGrammar sourceRepoFieldGrammar (0)

18.5     -     -  Hadrian.Haskell.Cabal.Parse configurePackage (63)
10.2     -     -    Distribution.Simple defaultMainWithHooksNoReadArgs (0)
 8.2     -     -    Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Action traced (61)
  .1     -     -    Hadrian.Expression interpret (126)
   -     -     -    Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.File need (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Types.PackageDescription buildType (53)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Types.PackageDescription specVersion (0)
   -     -     -    Hadrian.Package == (6478)

 2.5     -     -  Distribution.Types.InstalledPackageInfo.FieldGrammar parsec (0)
 2.2     -     -    Distribution.Types.ExposedModule parsec (0)
  .1     -     -    Distribution.SPDX.License parsec (0)
  .1     -     -      Distribution.SPDX.LicenseExpression parsec (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Parsec string (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Parsec <$ (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Parsec fmap (0)
  .1     -     -    Distribution.Parsec parsecOptCommaList (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Parsec satisfy (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Parsec fmap (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Parsec try (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Parsec <|> (0)

  .1     -     -  Settings.Builders.Cabal with (150)
   -     -     -    Hadrian.Builder needBuilder (150)
   -     -     -    Hadrian.Utilities unifyPath (0)
   -     -     -    Hadrian.Builder getBuilderPath (120)
   -     -     -    Settings.Builders.Cabal withBuilderKey (120)

   -     -     -  Utilities contextDependencies (0)
   -     -     -    Utilities contextDependencies.go (44)
   -     -     -      Utilities contextDependencies.go.newPkgs (68)
   -     -     -        Data.List.Extra nubOrd (68)
   -     -     -        Hadrian.Package compare (14104)
   -     -     -    Utilities contextDependencies.step (319)
   -     -     -      Hadrian.Haskell.Cabal pkgDependencies (0)
   -     -     -        Hadrian.Oracles.Cabal readPackageData (0)
   -     -     -    Hadrian.Utilities intersectOrd (334)

  .1     -     -  Settings.Builders.Ghc compileAndLinkHs (0)
   -     -     -    Expression builder (0)
   -     -     -    Hadrian.Expression mappend (0)
   -     -     -    Hadrian.Expression ? (0)
   -     -     -    Control.Monad.Extra ||^ (0)
   -     -     -    Hadrian.Expression getOutput (0)
   -     -     -    Hadrian.Expression arg (0)
   -     -     -    Hadrian.Expression mempty (0)

   -     -     -  Rules.Compile objectContext (2693)
   -     -     -    Settings unsafeFindPackageByPath (2669)
   -     -     -    Rules.Compile objectContext.way (2441)

   -     -     -  Distribution.Simple.PackageIndex insert (147)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Simple.PackageIndex mkPackageIndex (141)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Simple.PackageIndex insert.pnames' (46)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Simple.PackageIndex insert.insertPackageName (46)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Simple.PackageIndex insert.insertPackageName.\ (40)
   -     -     -          Distribution.Simple.PackageIndex insert.insertPackageVersion (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Simple.PackageIndex insert.pids' (27)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Types.InstalledPackageInfo installedUnitId (0)

   -     -     -  Distribution.ReadE fmap (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.ReadE fmap.\ (198)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Verbosity flagToVerbosity (0)
   -     -     -        Distribution.ReadE parsecToReadE (0)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Verbosity parsecVerbosity (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Simple.Command reqArg.\ (213)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Simple.Flag fmap (2)
   -     -     -          Distribution.Simple.InstallDirs toPathTemplate (2)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Simple.Setup configureCommand.\.\ (68)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Types.GenericPackageDescription mappend (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Simple.Command optArg.\ (47)

   -     -     -  Distribution.Backpack.ReadyComponent rc_depends (138)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Utils.Generic ordNub (126)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Backpack.ReadyComponent rc_depends.\ (231)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Backpack.ReadyComponent rc_depends.toMungedPackageId (216)

   -     -     -  Distribution.FieldGrammar.Parsec fieldlinesToFreeText (239)
   -     -     -    Distribution.FieldGrammar.Parsec fieldlinesToFreeText.go (468)
   -     -     -      Distribution.FieldGrammar.Parsec fieldlinesToFreeText.go.s (468)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Utils.Generic fromUTF8BS (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.FieldGrammar.Parsec fieldlinesToFreeText.go.trim (0)

   -     -     -  Distribution.Simple.InstallDirs toPathTemplate (660)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Simple.InstallDirs.Internal readList (2254)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Simple.InstallDirs.Internal readsPrec (1400)

   -     -     -  Distribution.Simple.PackageIndex lookupDependency (813)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Simple.PackageIndex lookupInternalDependency (813)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Types.VersionRange withinRange (145)

   -     -     -  Distribution.Types.Version validVersion (810)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Types.Version versionNumbers (640)

   -     -     -  Development.Shake.Internal.CmdOption == (613)

   -     -     -  Development.Shake.Internal.Value newValue (0)

   -     -     -  Distribution.Compat.DList runDList (86)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Compat.Lens toDListOf (92)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Types.GenericPackageDescription traverseBuildInfos (46)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Types.PackageDescription traverseBuildInfos (46)

   -     -     -  Distribution.Simple.Compiler ghcSupported (127)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Simple.Compiler ghcSupported.checkProp (127)

   -     -     -  Distribution.Simple.Program.Run programInvocation (73)

   -     -     -  Distribution.Types.InstalledPackageInfo packageId (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Types.InstalledPackageInfo sourcePackageId (1189)

   -     -     -  Distribution.Types.PackageDescription allBuildInfo (28)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Types.PackageDescription allLibraries (1)

   -     -     -  Distribution.Utils.Generic lowercase (0)

   -     -     -  Distribution.Utils.UnionFind readPoint (18740)

   -     -     -  General.Extra removeFile_ (75)
   -     -     -    General.Extra catchIO (0)

   -     -     -  Way.Type rnf (38348)

   -     -     -  Context.Path contextPath (9497)
   -     -     -    Context.Path contextDir (9161)
   -     -     -    Hadrian.Utilities -/- (4925)
   -     -     -    Hadrian.Utilities <&> (270)

   -     -     -  Distribution.Backpack.UnifyM convertUnitId' (16312)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Backpack.UnifyM liftST (16312)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Backpack.UnifyM fmap (0)

   -     -     -  Base packageDbPath (5520)
   -     -     -    Base relativePackageDbPath (5511)
   -     -     -      Hadrian.Utilities -/- (5504)
   -     -     -      Stage stageString (4938)
   -     -     -    Hadrian.Utilities -/- (2742)
   -     -     -    Hadrian.Utilities <&> (2461)

   -     -     -  Hadrian.Haskell.Cabal pkgIdentifier (5718)
   -     -     -    Hadrian.Oracles.Cabal readPackageData (0)

 3.8     -     -  Development.Shake.Command cmd (3328)
 3.8     -     -    Development.Shake.Command cmdArguments (9987)

  .2     -     -  Rules.Configure configureRules (0)
  .1     -     -    Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.Files &%> (0)
   -     -     -    General.Extra zipWithExact.g (2461)
   -     -     -      Development.Shake.Internal.FilePattern ?== (2460)

  .7     -     -  Hadrian.Haskell.Cabal.Parse resolveContextData (63)
  .6     -     -    Distribution.Simple.Configure getPersistBuildConfig (64)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Text display (104)
   -     -     -    Hadrian.Haskell.Cabal.Parse getHookedBuildInfo (177)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Simple.Utils findHookedPackageDesc (122)
   -     -     -      Distribution.PackageDescription.Parsec readHookedBuildInfo (7)
   -     -     -    Hadrian.Haskell.Cabal.Parse resolveContextData.(...) (64)
   -     -     -      Distribution.PackageDescription.Configuration finalizePD (64)
   -     -     -    Hadrian.Haskell.Cabal.Parse resolveContextData.depPkgs (63)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Simple.PackageIndex topologicalOrder (51)
   -     -     -      Hadrian.Haskell.Cabal.Parse resolveContextData.packageHacks (46)
   -     -     -        Hadrian.Haskell.Cabal.Parse resolveContextData.hackRtsPackage (46)
   -     -     -          Distribution.Simple.PackageIndex insert (44)
   -     -     -    Hadrian.Expression interpret (59)
   -     -     -    Hadrian.Haskell.Cabal.Parse resolveContextData.deps (56)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Text display (0)
   -     -     -    Hadrian.Oracles.Cabal configurePackageGHC (0)
   -     -     -      Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.Oracle askOracle (0)
   -     -     -    Hadrian.Haskell.Cabal.Parse resolveContextData.depIds (24)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Text display (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Simple.Compiler extensionsToFlags (27)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Simple.Compiler extensionToFlag (32)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Simple.Compiler extensionToFlag' (32)

  .3     -     -  Rules.Compile parseBuildObject (2408)
  .3     -     -    Hadrian.BuildPath parseBuildPath (0)

  .1     -     -  Settings.Builders.Hsc2Hs hsc2hsBuilderArgs (0)
  .1     -     -    Settings.Builders.Hsc2Hs getCFlags (0)
   -     -     -    Hadrian.Expression ? (296)
   -     -     -    Expression builder (0)
   -     -     -    Hadrian.Expression mappend (0)
   -     -     -    Oracles.Flag flag (0)

   -     -     -  Distribution.Types.VersionInterval asVersionIntervals (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Types.VersionInterval toVersionIntervals (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Types.VersionRange foldVersionRange (0)

   -     -     -  Hadrian.Expression interpretInContext (369)
   -     -     -    Hadrian.Expression interpret (48)

   -     -     -  Way wayPrefix (9837)
   -     -     -    Way.Type == (7403)

   -     -     -  Oracles.Setting setting (2)
   -     -     -    Hadrian.Oracles.TextFile lookupValueOrError (0)

   -     -     -  Distribution.Simple.BuildPaths autogenComponentModulesDir (226)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Simple.LocalBuildInfo componentBuildDir (192)

   -     -     -  Distribution.Simple.BuildPaths autogenPathsModuleName (90)
   -     -     -    Distribution.ModuleName fromString (68)
   -     -     -      Distribution.ModuleName fromComponents (68)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Pretty prettyShow (17)

   -     -     -  Distribution.Simple.Utils debug (1233)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Verbosity compare (1045)

   -     -     -  Context pkgFileName (182)
   -     -     -    Hadrian.Haskell.Cabal pkgIdentifier (182)

   -     -     -  Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Build historySave (3057)
   -     -     -    Control.Monad.Extra whenM (0)

   -     -     -  Distribution.Simple.Utils info (2693)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Verbosity compare (2266)

   -     -     -  Rules.Library nonHsObjects (92)
   -     -     -    Rules.Library cObjects (92)
   -     -     -      Expression getContextData (0)
   -     -     -      Hadrian.Expression interpretInContext (48)

   -     -     -  Way osuf (0)
   -     -     -    Way wayPrefix (2523)

   -     -     -  Hadrian.Utilities buildRootRules (0)
   -     -     -    Hadrian.Utilities userSettingRules (0)
   -     -     -      Hadrian.Utilities lookupExtra (212)

   -     -     -  Oracles.Setting matchSetting (0)
   -     -     -    Oracles.Setting setting (0)

   -     -     -  Rules.Generate generateGhcAutoconfH (0)
   -     -     -    Development.Shake.Internal.Derived readFileLines (0)

   -     -     -  Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Action producesUnchecked (952)
   -     -     -    Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Action producesUnchecked.\ (2465)

   -     -     -  Distribution.Backpack.UnifyM convertModuleProvidesU (0)

   -     -     -  Distribution.FieldGrammar.Parsec prefixedFields (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.FieldGrammar.Parsec prefixedFields.\ (0)

   -     -     -  Distribution.Simple.InstallDirs.Internal readsPrec (1400)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Simple.InstallDirs.Internal readsPrec.lex0 (1400)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Simple.InstallDirs.Internal readsPrec (840)

   -     -     -  Hadrian.Package pkgCabalFile (45)

   -     -     -  Hadrian.Package pkgName (5438)

  .1     -     -  Settings.Warnings defaultGhcWarningsArgs (0)
  .1     -     -    Hadrian.Expression ? (0)
   -     -     -    Oracles.Flag flag (0)
   -     -     -    Hadrian.Expression mappend (0)
   -     -     -    Hadrian.Expression mempty (0)

   -     -     -  Settings.Builders.GenPrimopCode genPrimopCodeBuilderArgs (0)
   -     -     -    Hadrian.Expression ? (0)
   -     -     -    Hadrian.Expression output (1)
   -     -     -      Development.Shake.Internal.FilePattern ?== (1)
   -     -     -      Hadrian.Expression getOutputs (0)
   -     -     -    Expression builder (0)

   -     -     -  Distribution.PackageDescription.Check dups (74)
   -     -     -    Distribution.ModuleName == (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.ModuleName compare (0)

  .1     -     -  Distribution.Parsec parsecQuoted (0)
  .1     -     -    Distribution.Parsec char (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Parsec *> (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Parsec <* (0)

  .1     -     -  Settings.Builders.Hsc2Hs getCFlags (0)
   -     -     -    Settings.Builders.Common cIncludeArgs (0)
   -     -     -    Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.File need (0)
   -     -     -    Packages autogenPath (74)
   -     -     -    Context getStagedSettingList (74)
   -     -     -    Expression getContextData (222)
   -     -     -    Settings.Builders.Hsc2Hs getCFlags.cabalMacros (74)
   -     -     -      Hadrian.Utilities -/- (74)

  .2     -     -  Settings.Default defaultBuilderArgs (0)
  .1     -     -    Hadrian.Expression ? (0)
   -     -     -    Expression builder (0)
   -     -     -    Hadrian.Expression mappend (0)
   -     -     -    Hadrian.Builder.Ar args (0)
   -     -     -      Hadrian.Expression mappend (0)
   -     -     -    Hadrian.Expression mempty (0)

  .3     -     -  Distribution.Fields.ParseResult >>= (2883)
  .3     -     -    Distribution.Fields.ParseResult >>=.\ (2860)
  .2     -     -      Distribution.Fields.ParseResult >>=.\.\ (1992)
   -     -     -      Distribution.FieldGrammar.Parsec parseFieldGrammar (229)
   -     -     -      Distribution.PackageDescription.Parsec parseHookedBuildInfo'.parseLib (12)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Fields.ParseResult fmap (141)
   -     -     -      Distribution.PackageDescription.Parsec parseFields (67)
   -     -     -        Distribution.FieldGrammar.Parsec parseFieldGrammar (67)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Fields.ParseResult pure (168)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Fields.ParseResult recoverWith (6)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Fields.ParseResult recoverWith.\ (6)
   -     -     -          Distribution.FieldGrammar.Parsec runFieldParser' (6)
   -     -     -      Distribution.PackageDescription.FieldGrammar sourceRepoFieldGrammar (31)

  .1     -     -  Distribution.Simple.Program runProgram (152)
  .1     -     -    Distribution.Simple.Program.Run runProgramInvocation (152)

  .1     -     -  Settings.Builders.GhcPkg ghcPkgBuilderArgs (0)
   -     -     -    Hadrian.Expression ? (1)
   -     -     -    Expression builder (0)
   -     -     -    Hadrian.Expression mappend (0)

  .7     -     -  Language.Haskell.Extension parsec (0)
  .7     -     -    Distribution.Parsec satisfy (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Parsec some (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Parsec fmap (0)

  .3     -     -  Hadrian.Oracles.ArgsHash hashWithSalt (2460)
  .3     -     -    Data.Hashable.Class hashWithSalt (50681)

  .2     -     -  Rules.SimpleTargets simplePackageTargets (0)
  .2     -     -    Rules.SimpleTargets simpleTarget (0)
  .2     -     -      Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.File ~> (0)

  .1     -     -  Distribution.PackageDescription.FieldGrammar buildInfoFieldGrammar (1)
  .1     -     -    Distribution.FieldGrammar.Parsec monoidalFieldAla (36)
   -     -     -    Distribution.FieldGrammar.Parsec <*> (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.PackageDescription.FieldGrammar optionsFieldGrammar (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.FieldGrammar.Parsec fmap (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.PackageDescription.FieldGrammar hsSourceDirsGrammar (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.FieldGrammar ^^^ (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.FieldGrammar.Parsec optionalFieldAla (0)

  .1     -     -  Development.Shake.Internal.Derived readFileLines (60)
  .1     -     -    Development.Shake.Internal.Derived readFile' (60)

  .1     -     -  Distribution.Parsec parsecUnqualComponentName (0)
  .1     -     -    Distribution.Parsec parsecUnqualComponentName.component (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Parsec satisfy (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Parsec pure (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Parsec some (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Parsec >>= (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Parsec fmap (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Parsec char (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Parsec <*> (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Parsec *> (0)

   -     -     -  Distribution.Text display (104)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Pretty prettyShow (104)

   -     -     -  Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Action putNormal (0)
   -     -     -    Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Action putWhen (5966)

   -     -     -  Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.Directory doesDirectoryExist (0)
   -     -     -    Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Build apply1 (0)
   -     -     -    Development.Shake.FilePath toStandard (0)

   -     -     -  Distribution.Simple.Build.Macros ifndefDefineStr (1003)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Simple.Build.Macros ifndef (655)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Simple.Build.Macros defineStr (782)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Simple.Build.Macros define (782)

   -     -     -  Distribution.Parsec explicitEitherParsec (114)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Parsec runParsecParser (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Parsec.FieldLineStream fieldLineStreamFromString (0)

   -     -     -  Distribution.Types.PackageDescription specVersion (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Types.PackageDescription specVersion' (1009)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Types.VersionInterval asVersionIntervals (0)

   -     -     -  Distribution.Backpack.ReadyComponent nodeNeighbors (144)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Backpack.ReadyComponent rc_depends (92)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Utils.Generic ordNub (52)

   -     -     -  Distribution.FieldGrammar.Parsec fmap (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Fields.ParseResult fmap (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.FieldGrammar ^^^ (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.PackageDescription.FieldGrammar buildInfoFieldGrammar (0)

   -     -     -  Distribution.Simple.InstallDirs fmap (272)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Simple.InstallDirs fromPathTemplate (700)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Simple.InstallDirs toPathTemplate (658)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Simple.InstallDirs absoluteInstallDirs.substPrefix (46)

   -     -     -  Oracles.ModuleFiles findGenerator (84)
   -     -     -    Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.Oracle askOracle (0)

   -     -     -  Distribution.Simple.LocalBuildInfo componentBuildDir (273)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Pretty prettyShow (510)

   -     -     -  General.Fence signalFence (53)
   -     -     -    Utilities buildWithResources (0)
   -     -     -    Rules.Register registerPackageRules.\ (0)
   -     -     -      Rules.Register copyConf (0)
   -     -     -        Utilities buildWithResources (0)

   -     -     -  Distribution.Simple.InstallDirs packageTemplateEnv (125)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Pretty prettyShow (216)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Package packageVersion (40)

   -     -     -  Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.Directory doesFileExist (0)
   -     -     -    Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Build apply1 (0)

   -     -     -  Distribution.Simple.Setup configureCommand (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Simple.Setup configureCommand.\ (52)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Simple.Setup programDbOption (46)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Simple.Setup programDbOption.programOption (1196)
   -     -     -          Distribution.Simple.Command option (1040)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Simple.Program.Types programName (156)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Simple.Setup programDbOptions (6)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Simple.Program.Types programName (156)

   -     -     -  Distribution.Types.PackageName mkPackageName (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Utils.ShortText toShortText (0)

   -     -     -  Distribution.Types.PackageName unPackageName (688)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Utils.ShortText fromShortText (0)

   -     -     -  Distribution.Parsec.Newtypes pretty (893)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Parsec.Newtypes pretty (171)
   -     -     -      Distribution.ModuleName pretty (171)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Parsec.Newtypes pretty (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Pretty showToken (128)

   -     -     -  Distribution.Simple.Command option (1040)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Simple.Command optArg (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.ReadE fmap (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Simple.Command reqArg (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Simple.Command reqArg' (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Simple.Command reqArg (0)

   -     -     -  Distribution.Types.AbiHash mkAbiHash (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Utils.ShortText toShortText (0)

   -     -     -  Distribution.Types.LocalBuildInfo neededTargetsInBuildOrder' (94)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Compat.Graph closure (94)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Compat.Graph graphKeyToVertex (94)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Simple getBuildConfig (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Compat.Graph decodeVertexForest (47)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Compat.Graph flattenForest (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Compat.Graph fromDistinctList (0)

   -     -     -  Distribution.Types.VersionRange withinRange (231)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Types.VersionRange foldVersionRange (206)

   -     -     -  Distribution.Package packageName (1229)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Types.InstalledPackageInfo packageId (0)

   -     -     -  Distribution.Types.CondTree mapTreeData (25)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Types.CondTree mapCondTree (13)

   -     -     -  Distribution.Types.PackageName pretty (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Types.PackageName unPackageName (185)

   -     -     -  Development.Shake.Internal.Progress oldMealy (0)
   -     -     -    Development.Shake.Internal.Progress scanMealy (1596)
   -     -     -      Development.Shake.Internal.Progress scanMealy.\ (1601)
   -     -     -        Development.Shake.Internal.Progress fmap (2862)

   -     -     -  Distribution.Compat.Graph nodeKey (926)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Types.InstalledPackageInfo nodeKey (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Types.InstalledPackageInfo installedUnitId (771)

   -     -     -  Distribution.Compat.Semigroup gmappend' (2650)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Compat.Semigroup gmappend' (2556)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Utils.NubList <> (470)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Utils.Generic listUnionRight (470)
   -     -     -          Distribution.Utils.Generic ordNubRight (470)
   -     -     -            Distribution.Utils.Generic ordNubRight.go (504)

   -     -     -  Distribution.SPDX.LicenseExpression pretty (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.SPDX.LicenseExpression pretty.go (47)
   -     -     -      Distribution.SPDX.LicenseExpression pretty.go.doc (47)
   -     -     -        Distribution.SPDX.LicenseExpression pretty (47)
   -     -     -          Distribution.SPDX.LicenseId pretty (0)

 1.6     -     -  Utilities build (501)
 1.6     -     -    Hadrian.Builder build (500)
 1.6     -     -      Hadrian.Builder buildWith (0)

 1.4     -     -  Hadrian.Oracles.TextFile lookupValue (13603)
 1.4     -     -    Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.Oracle askOracle (0)

  .1     -     -  Distribution.Types.Dependency parsec (0)
  .1     -     -    Distribution.Types.VersionRange.Internal parsec (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Parsec lexemeParsec (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Parsec pure (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Parsec >>= (172)

  .8     -     -  Distribution.Parsec parsecMaybeQuoted (0)
  .7     -     -    Distribution.Parsec <|> (0)
  .1     -     -    Distribution.Parsec parsecQuoted (0)

  .1     -     -  Settings.Flavours.Quickest quickestArgs (0)
  .1     -     -    Settings.Default sourceArgs (0)
  .1     -     -      Hadrian.Expression ? (0)
   -     -     -      Expression getContextData (0)
   -     -     -      Hadrian.Expression mappend (0)
   -     -     -      Expression builder (0)
   -     -     -      Control.Monad.Extra notM (0)
   -     -     -      Expression package (0)
   -     -     -      Expression packageOneOf (0)
   -     -     -        Context getPackage (0)
   -     -     -    Hadrian.Expression ? (0)
   -     -     -    Hadrian.Expression mappend (0)
   -     -     -    Hadrian.Expression mempty (0)

  .1     -     -  Rules.Library libraryObjects (48)
  .1     -     -    Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.File need (0)
  .1     -     -    Context objectPath (2523)
   -     -     -    Oracles.ModuleFiles moduleSource (2249)
   -     -     -    Rules.Library nonHsObjects (48)

99.7     -     -  Development.Shake.Database withOpen (2)
99.7     -     -    Development.Shake.Database withOpen.\ (2)
85.9     -     -      Development.Shake.Database shakeRunDatabase.\ (1)
85.9     -     -        Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Run run (1)
85.9     -     -          Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Run withInit (1)
13.8     -     -      Development.Shake.Database shakeOpenDatabase.alloc.\ (1)
13.8     -     -        Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Run open (1)
13.8     -     -          Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Run withInit (1)

87.5     -     -  Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Rules runRules (1)
79.1     -     -    Main main.rules (0)
78.9     -     -      Rules buildRules (0)
  .1     -     -      Rules oracleRules (0)
 8.4     -     -    Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.Default defaultRules (0)

 7.1     -     -  Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.File %> (20)
 4.9     -     -    Development.Shake.Internal.FilePattern ?== (17)
 2.2     -     -    Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.File root (0)
   -     -     -    Development.Shake.Internal.FilePattern simple (0)

 7.1     -     -  Utilities buildWithResources (2810)
 7.1     -     -    Hadrian.Builder buildWithResources (2810)
 7.1     -     -      Hadrian.Builder buildWith (295)

 6.5     -     -  Distribution.Fields.ParseResult runParseResult (1673)
 5.9     -     -    Distribution.FieldGrammar.Parsec parseFieldGrammar (1606)
  .6     -     -    Distribution.PackageDescription.Parsec parseGenericPackageDescription (46)
   -     -     -    Distribution.PackageDescription.Parsec parseHookedBuildInfo (21)
   -     -     -      Distribution.PackageDescription.Parsec parseHookedBuildInfo' (21)
   -     -     -        Distribution.PackageDescription.Parsec parseHookedBuildInfo'.stanzas (21)
   -     -     -          Distribution.PackageDescription.Parsec parseHookedBuildInfo'.toFields (21)
   -     -     -            Distribution.Fields.ParseResult pure (127)
   -     -     -        Distribution.Fields.ParseResult *> (5)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Fields.Parser readFields' (14)

 1.7     -     -  Distribution.Simple getBuildConfig (188)
 1.7     -     -    Distribution.Simple.Configure getPersistBuildConfig (188)

 1.6     -     -  Hadrian.Oracles.Cabal.Rules cabalOracle (0)
 1.6     -     -    Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.Oracle addOracleCache (0)

 1.3     -     -  Distribution.Simple.Configure configCompilerEx (63)
 1.3     -     -    Distribution.Simple.GHC configure (62)

  .6     -     -  Rules.Generate genPrimopCode (0)
  .6     -     -    Utilities build (31)

  .6     -     -  Distribution.PackageDescription.Parsec readGenericPackageDescription (0)
  .6     -     -    Distribution.Fields.ParseResult readAndParseFile (0)

  .5     -     -  Distribution.Simple.Program getProgramOutput (432)
  .5     -     -    Distribution.Simple.Program.Run getProgramInvocationOutput (433)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Simple.Program.Run programInvocation (20)

  .5     -     -  Distribution.Compat.Exception catchExit (0)
  .5     -     -    Distribution.Compat.Exception catchIO (0)

  .5     -     -  Settings.Builders.Ghc ghcBuilderArgs (0)
  .3     -     -    Settings.Builders.Ghc compileC (0)
  .1     -     -    Settings.Builders.Ghc findHsDependencies (0)
  .1     -     -      Hadrian.Expression ? (1054)
   -     -     -      Expression builder (0)
  .1     -     -    Settings.Builders.Ghc compileAndLinkHs (0)
   -     -     -    Hadrian.Expression mappend (0)
   -     -     -    Settings.Builders.Ghc toolArgs (0)
   -     -     -      Hadrian.Expression ? (0)
   -     -     -      Expression builder (0)

  .4     -     -  Distribution.Simple.Program.Types simpleProgram (0)
  .4     -     -    Distribution.Simple.Program.Types simpleProgram.\ (815)
  .4     -     -      Distribution.Simple.Program.Find findProgramOnSearchPath (815)

  .2     -     -  Rules.Documentation documentationRules (0)
  .1     -     -    Rules.Documentation buildHtmlDocumentation (0)
  .1     -     -      Rules.Documentation buildSphinxHtml (0)
  .1     -     -        Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.File %> (0)
   -     -     -      Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.File %> (0)
   -     -     -      Rules.Documentation buildLibraryDocumentation (0)
   -     -     -        Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.File %> (0)
  .1     -     -    Rules.Documentation buildDocumentationArchives (0)
  .1     -     -      Rules.Documentation buildArchive (0)
  .1     -     -        Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.File %> (3)
  .1     -     -    Rules.Documentation buildPdfDocumentation (0)
  .1     -     -      Rules.Documentation buildSphinxPdf (0)
  .1     -     -        Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.File %> (0)
   -     -     -    Rules.Documentation buildManPage (0)
   -     -     -      Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.File %> (0)
   -     -     -    Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.File ~> (0)

  .2     -     -  Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.Oracle addOracle (0)
  .2     -     -    Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.Oracle addOracleFlavor (0)

  .2     -     -  Rules.Generate generateRules (0)
  .1     -     -    Rules.Generate generateRules.\ (0)
  .1     -     -      Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.File %> (0)
   -     -     -      Rules.Generate generateRules.\.go (0)
   -     -     -        Rules.Generate generate (0)
  .1     -     -    Rules.Generate generateRules.<~ (0)
  .1     -     -      Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.File %> (0)
   -     -     -    Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.File %> (0)

  .2     -     -  Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.Directory defaultRuleDirectory (0)
  .2     -     -    Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.Directory queryRule (0)
  .2     -     -      Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Rules addBuiltinRuleEx (0)

  .2     -     -  Rules.Register registerPackageRules (0)
  .2     -     -    Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.File %> (0)
   -     -     -    Rules.Register registerPackageRules.\ (0)
   -     -     -      Rules.Register buildConf (0)
   -     -     -        Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.File need (0)

  .2     -     -  Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.File ~> (0)
  .2     -     -    Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.File addPhony (0)

  .2     -     -  Oracles.ModuleFiles moduleFilesOracle (0)
  .1     -     -    Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.Oracle addOracleCache (0)
   -     -     -    Development.Shake.Internal.Derived newCache (0)
   -     -     -    Oracles.ModuleFiles moduleFilesOracle.\ (0)
   -     -     -      Expression getContextData (0)
   -     -     -      Data.HashMap.Base lookup (82)

  .2     -     -  Distribution.FieldGrammar.Class optionalFieldDef (0)
  .2     -     -    Distribution.FieldGrammar.Parsec optionalFieldDefAla (0)

  .2     -     -  Distribution.Compat.Semigroup put (63)
  .2     -     -    Distribution.Compat.Semigroup put (0)
  .2     -     -      Distribution.Simple.Program.Db put (63)

  .1     -     -  Hadrian.Oracles.TextFile lookupValues (2405)
  .1     -     -    Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.Oracle askOracle (0)

  .1     -     -  Settings.Flavours.Common naturalInBaseFixArgs (0)
  .1     -     -    Hadrian.Expression input (0)
   -     -     -    Hadrian.Expression ? (0)
   -     -     -    Hadrian.Expression mappend (0)
   -     -     -    Hadrian.Expression mempty (0)

  .1     -     -  Settings.Builders.Cabal cabalBuilderArgs (0)
  .1     -     -    Hadrian.Expression ? (629)
   -     -     -    Expression builder (0)
   -     -     -    Settings.Builders.Cabal with (0)
   -     -     -    Settings.Builders.Cabal withStaged (0)

  .1     -     -  Distribution.Types.VersionRange.Internal parsec (0)
  .1     -     -    Distribution.Types.VersionRange.Internal versionRangeParser (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Types.Version versionDigitParser (0)

  .1     -     -  Hadrian.Expression inputs (0)
  .1     -     -    Control.Monad.Extra anyM (3)
  .1     -     -      Hadrian.Expression input (3)
   -     -     -      Control.Monad.Extra ifM (0)

  .1     -     -  Distribution.Types.MungedPackageName parsec (0)
  .1     -     -    Distribution.Parsec parsecUnqualComponentName (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Parsec fmap (0)

  .1     -     -  Distribution.Simple getHookedBuildInfo (101)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Simple.Utils findHookedPackageDesc (94)
   -     -     -    Distribution.PackageDescription.Parsec readHookedBuildInfo (14)

   -     -     -  Settings.Builders.Cabal withStaged (162)
   -     -     -    Settings.Builders.Cabal with (150)
   -     -     -    Context getStage (0)

   -     -     -  Control.Monad.Extra ||^ (0)
   -     -     -    Control.Monad.Extra ifM (0)
   -     -     -    Hadrian.Expression return (0)

   -     -     -  Rules.SourceDist sourceDistRules (0)
   -     -     -    Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.File %> (0)

   -     -     -  Distribution.Types.PackageId parsec (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Types.PackageId parsec.component (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Parsec satisfy (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Parsec *> (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Parsec simpleParsec (59)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Parsec >>= (192)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Parsec char (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Parsec many (0)

   -     -     -  Expression notStage0 (0)
   -     -     -    Control.Monad.Extra notM (0)

   -     -     -  Distribution.Simple.LocalBuildInfo absoluteInstallCommandDirs (156)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Simple.LocalBuildInfo absoluteInstallCommandDirs.dirs (156)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Simple.LocalBuildInfo absoluteComponentInstallDirs (156)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Simple.LocalBuildInfo absoluteInstallCommandDirs.dirs' (80)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Simple.LocalBuildInfo absoluteInstallDirs (80)

   -     -     -  Hadrian.Expression mempty (0)
   -     -     -    Hadrian.Expression pure (0)

   -     -     -  Distribution.PackageDescription.Parsec readHookedBuildInfo (21)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Fields.ParseResult readAndParseFile (21)

   -     -     -  Distribution.Types.PackageName parsec (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Parsec parsecUnqualComponentName (0)

   -     -     -  Distribution.Types.UnitId mkUnitId (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Utils.ShortText toShortText (0)

   -     -     -  Distribution.Types.VersionRange foldVersionRange (206)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Types.VersionRange foldVersionRange.fold (206)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Types.VersionRange.Internal cataVersionRange (206)

   -     -     -  Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.Directory getDirectoryFiles (415)
   -     -     -    Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Build apply1 (413)

   -     -     -  Rules.Library needLibrary (9)
   -     -     -    Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.File need (0)
   -     -     -    Rules.Register libraryTargets (156)

   -     -     -  Distribution.FieldGrammar.Class optionalField (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.FieldGrammar.Parsec optionalFieldAla (0)

   -     -     -  Distribution.ReadE parsecToReadE (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.ReadE parsecToReadE.\ (492)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Parsec runParsecParser (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Parsec.FieldLineStream fieldLineStreamFromString (0)

   -     -     -  Hadrian.Builder getBuilderPath (194)
   -     -     -    Builder builderPath (194)

   -     -     -  Control.Monad.Extra whenM (0)
   -     -     -    Control.Monad.Extra ifM (0)

   -     -     -  Distribution.Simple.LocalBuildInfo absoluteInstallDirs (120)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Simple.LocalBuildInfo absoluteComponentInstallDirs (120)

   -     -     -  Settings.Builders.DeriveConstants deriveConstantsBuilderArgs (0)
   -     -     -    Hadrian.Expression ? (0)
   -     -     -    Expression builder (0)
   -     -     -    Hadrian.Builder getBuilderPath (0)

   -     -     -  Development.Shake.Internal.Progress decay (0)
   -     -     -    Development.Shake.Internal.Progress fmap (4775)
   -     -     -    Development.Shake.Internal.Progress oldMealy (0)

   -     -     -  Settings.Packages rtsWarnings (0)
   -     -     -    Hadrian.Expression arg (0)
   -     -     -    Hadrian.Expression mappend (0)

   -     -     -  Distribution.Fields.ParseResult parseWarnings (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Fields.ParseResult parseWarnings.\ (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Fields.ParseResult *>.\.\ (0)

   -     -     -  Distribution.Types.ComponentId unComponentId (2673)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Utils.ShortText fromShortText (0)

   -     -     -  Rules.Register libraryTargets (205)
   -     -     -    Context pkgLibraryFile (205)
   -     -     -      Context pkgFile (183)
   -     -     -      Oracles.Setting libsuf (49)
   -     -     -        Way waySuffix (49)
   -     -     -          Way.Type == (49)
   -     -     -    Context pkgGhciLibraryFile (0)
   -     -     -      Context pkgFile (0)
   -     -     -    Hadrian.Expression interpretInContext (156)
   -     -     -    Rules.Register extraTargets (0)
   -     -     -      Rules.Rts needRtsLibffiTargets (0)
   -     -     -        Rules.Rts needRtsLibffiTargets.headers (21)
   -     -     -          Hadrian.Utilities -/- (42)

   -     -     -  Hadrian.Utilities removeFile (0)
   -     -     -    Control.Monad.Extra whenM (0)

   -     -     -  Distribution.Simple.Setup optionVerbosity (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.ReadE fmap (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Simple.Command option (0)

   -     -     -  Distribution.Types.UnitId compare (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Utils.ShortText compare (0)

   -     -     -  Rules.Generate generate (0)
   -     -     -    Hadrian.Expression interpretInContext (0)
   -     -     -    Development.Shake.Internal.Derived writeFileChanged (0)

   -     -     -  Distribution.PackageDescription.FieldGrammar hsSourceDirsGrammar (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.FieldGrammar.Parsec monoidalFieldAla (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.FieldGrammar.Parsec deprecatedSince (0)

   -     -     -  Distribution.PackageDescription.FieldGrammar optionsFieldGrammar (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.FieldGrammar.Parsec monoidalFieldAla (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.FieldGrammar.Parsec <*> (0)

   -     -     -  Distribution.System parsecIdent (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.System (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Parsec satisfy (0)

   -     -     -  Distribution.Verbosity parsecVerbosity (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Verbosity parsecVerbosity.parseIntVerbosity (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Parsec fmap (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Parsec satisfy (0)

   -     -     -  Context pkgFile (183)
   -     -     -    Context pkgFileName (27)
   -     -     -    Context.Path buildPath (156)
   -     -     -    Hadrian.Utilities -/- (156)

   -     -     -  Development.Shake.Internal.Progress iff (0)
   -     -     -    Development.Shake.Internal.Progress fmap (3819)

   -     -     -  Distribution.Types.UnitId getHSLibraryName (94)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Pretty prettyShow (94)

   -     -     -  Distribution.Types.UnitId unUnitId (522)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Utils.ShortText fromShortText (0)

   -     -     -  Oracles.ModuleFiles generatedFile (171)
   -     -     -    Context.Path buildPath (171)
   -     -     -    Oracles.ModuleFiles moduleSource (171)

   -     -     -  Packages libffiLibraryName (0)
   -     -     -    Oracles.Flag flag (0)

   -     -     -  Control.Monad.Extra &&^ (2)
   -     -     -    Control.Monad.Extra ifM (2)

   -     -     -  Distribution.System classifyOS (38)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Utils.Generic lowercase (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.System classifyOS.osMap (31)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Pretty prettyShow (31)

   -     -     -  Distribution.Types.GenericPackageDescription parsecFlagAssignment (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Types.GenericPackageDescription parsecFlagAssignment.offFlag (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Parsec >>= (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Parsec char (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Parsec <|> (0)

   -     -     -  Distribution.Types.PackageName compare (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Utils.ShortText compare (0)

   -     -     -  Settings.Default stage1Packages (0)
   -     -     -    Hadrian.Package isLibrary (7788)
   -     -     -    Oracles.Flag flag (0)

   -     -     -  Development.Shake.Internal.FilePattern simple (0)
   -     -     -    Development.Shake.Internal.FilePattern specials (0)
   -     -     -      Development.Shake.Internal.FilePattern parse (0)

   -     -     -  Distribution.PackageDescription.FieldGrammar sourceRepoFieldGrammar (31)
   -     -     -    Distribution.FieldGrammar.Parsec <*> (155)
   -     -     -    Distribution.FieldGrammar.Parsec freeTextField (0)
   -     -     -      Distribution.FieldGrammar.Parsec freeTextField.parser (31)
   -     -     -        Distribution.FieldGrammar.Parsec freeTextField.parseOne (31)
   -     -     -          Distribution.FieldGrammar.Parsec fieldlinesToFreeText (31)

   -     -     -  Distribution.Simple.Command reqArg (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.ReadE fmap (0)

   -     -     -  Distribution.Types.MungedPackageName pretty (0)
   -     -     -    Distribution.Types.MungedPackageName encodeCompatPackageName' (251)
   -     -     -      Distribution.Types.PackageName unPackageName (251)

   -     -     -  Settings.Builders.Common cWarnings (0)
   -     -     -    Hadrian.Expression ? (0)
   -     -     -    Oracles.Flag flag (0)